
Eric Koenig

Eric Koenig

German member of the Howling Commandos and founding member of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Eric Koenig
Real name:
Birth date:
  • Marksmanship
  • Unarmed Combat


Eric was a young pilot whom lived in Germany during the rise of Hitler. He was however, unlike most of his country-man, a very Anti-Nazi German, as the Nazis killed his sister. He became a spy for the allies during World War II, helping the team of Howlers with an attempt to capture Hitler.


Eric Koenig was created by Stan Lee and Dick Ayers and first appeared (unnamed) in Sgt. Fury issue 9 (1964) before appearing named in Sgt. Fury issue 27 (1966).

Major Story Arcs

Joining the Commandos

Eric had become a spy for the allies, helping the Howling Commandos with a mission deep in Germany. It was their mission to capture Hitler and bring him over to the allied side. The mission however was no success as it turned out that the Howlers had caught a stand-in for Hitler, and not the real deal. Eric was seemingly killed trying to give the Howling Commandos a safe getaway. Some months later, Eric again joined the Howlers. It was then that Nick Fury asked him join his band of commandos. Eric accepted and became one of his most trusted friends, as well as a founding member of SHIELD.

With S.H.I.E.L.D.

Eric continued to work for S.H.I.E.L.D for 28 years, serving many missions with them, until it was decommissioned into H.A.M.M.E.R. after Norman Osborn took over the organization.

Secret Warriors and Death

Eric's final moments
Eric's final moments

After S.H.I.E.L.D. was decommissioned, Koenig remained with Norman Osborn’s newly created H.A.M.M.E.R. agency, despite the fact many of his former allies, including Dum Dum Dugan and Gabriel Jones resigned and created the Howling Commandos PMC. It was later revealed that Koenig was secretly working with the Howling Commandos and assisted them with raiding multiple H.A.M.M.E.R. Hellicarriers.

Reunited with his Howling Commandos team mates, Eric took part in raiding a secret Hydra base in . As the team was leaving, several Hydra Dreadnaughts appeared and, in the ensuing battle, both of the Howling Commandos’ Hellicarriers were shot down. Eric and many of his team mates managed to parachute safely to the ground and engaged their enemies on foot. During the battle, Eric is shot in the head and presumed Killed In Action.

Other Version

Earth-1610: Ultimate Universe

In this world Eric Koenig is one of the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (number 10) sometimes helping the scientists of shield.

Secret Invasion

He is one of the agents who died in action.

Earth - 9997

He was killed by Nick Fury.

Other Media


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Patton Oswald as Agent Eric Koenig
Patton Oswald as Agent Eric Koenig

Koenig will make his MCU debut in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. portrayed by Patton Oswald. In this version he is a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

After the Battle of New York, Koenig is stationed in one of Nick Fury's secret bases in Canada, named "Providence". When Phil Coulson and his team arrive Koenig pulls him aside to tell him Fury is still alive. Afterwards he vets each of the other agents giving them all got a badges, by which he is able to track them, when they pass. When Coulson leaves with Tripplette, Fitz, and Simmons to recapture Blackout, Eric gives Skye the go ahead to hack NSA satellites in order to determine what prisoners has escaped from the Fridge. Fearing that his cover might be blown Ward killed Eric and hid the body. However, Skye soon found it using the tracking device in his badge, causing her to conclude that Ward is HYDRA. He is revealed to have a brother named Billy, also played by Patton Oswald, in charge of another secret S.H.I.E.L.D. facility called "Playground."

Video games

Marvel Ultimate Alliance (2006)

An agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (2009)

He invent weapon against carnage. But it got off.


August 1964

October 1965

February 1966

September 1966

October 1966

November 1966

December 1966

January 1967

February 1967

March 1967

April 1967

May 1967

June 1967

July 1967

August 1967

September 1967

October 1967

November 1967

December 1967

January 1968

February 1968

March 1968

April 1968

May 1968

June 1968

July 1968

August 1968





















Died in issues




Enemy teams