
Emperor N'Jadaka

Emperor N'Jadaka
Real name:
  • N'Jadaka
Birth date:


N'Jadaka would serve as a loyal vassal of the steadily expanding Wakandan emperium that had grown outward and across the stars since it's early days of terrestrial stead. The man who would be Emperor was but a simple hired gun leading the Hatut Zeraze.

A warrior without peer whom earned great favor among both the Wakandan king and the throneworlds people. But when his lordships subjects favored the mercenary hero over their liege and his constabulary, he was privately coaxed by the weary advisory to plunge the knife while the opportunity was fresh.

And so, N'Jadaka was sent on a faux recon mission to one of their fringe outposts in farthest galaxy.

Only to find himself betrayed as it was teaming with heavy opposition that lay in wait for him and his men within the hidden mines. Their numbers dwindling and without many options, N'Jadaka and his surviving troops delved deeper into the forgotten caves.

It was there that he would find the tool necessary for not just he and his loyal followers survival. But their ultimate ascension to absolute power, for within those caverns of the abandoned outpost. A remnant of the Klyntr race that had been hunted to extinction during the Empires war of expansion. It was through a union with the last surviving symbiote specimens that N'Jadaka and his most faithful fought his way back to the kingdom. Striking down the duplicitous emperor and his bootlickers that forsook him, eventually taking his place as the new Leader of Wakanda.


Emperor N'Jadaka was created by Ta-Nehisi Coates and Daniel Acuña, first appearing in Black Panther Vol 9 #2 (2018).

Major Story Arcs

Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda

Though he believed his wars of expansion brought true law to the lawless universe, N'Jadaka's reign was met with heavy resistance along the way. Much of the Wakandan war machine's spread to the farthest reaches of the Wakandan Empire was apposed by a rebel faction called Nameless lead by The Maroons.

Comprising of former Wakandan denizens greatly resentful and appalled at the emperor's absolutionist monarchy, or alien insurgents whose homes were destroyed during their conquest.

Word had made it to the throneworld's ear that the rebels had found a potential savior in the form of the rightful heir to the throne.

N'Jadaka was dismissive of this misinformation, seeing himself as the only true heir and avatar of the Panther Goddess Bast. But on the surface of things this was just a front that he'd put on in front of his servants to reaffirm his authority. In truth however, N'Jadaka knew full well that this slave who would be king was in fact the deities true chosen one. A living legend whom tails of the Empire had foretold would one day come and take his; the current liege lords place as leader of the thriving space kingdom.



