Real name:
Birth date:
  • Animal Control
  • Sub-Mariner
  • Telepathy

Dragonrider was created by JM DeMatteis and Bob Budiansky in 1984 and first appeared in Prince Namor, The Sub-Mariner # 1.

Story Arcs

  • Fathom Five

 Dragonrider with the Fathom Five.
 Dragonrider with the Fathom Five.
Dragonrider would join the sea-dwelling terrorist group called the Fathom Five. Fathom Five is the superhuman strike force that serve a renegade faction of Atlantean extremists called At'la'tique. Fathom Five consist of their leader Llyron, Sea Leopard, Bloodtide, Manowar and Dragonrider. They have been conducting terrorist attacks on the surface world in the name of At'ta'lique and to honor the teachings of Nagala and Shakkoth. The first term of At'la'tique came into use four centuries ago from an Atlantean poet named Numara D'Athahr and described it as the "fury of the sea" but its derivation was synonymous with respect for the power and majesty of the ocean's might. D'Athahr was a religious outcast and opposed the Atlantean monarchy. The name would be adopted by a growing band of fringe radicals who have driven a wedge into Atlantean society. Mistress Nagala appears to be the new leader of At'la'tique and employs Fathom Five to attack the airlings and Namor's Atlantean troops.

Fathom Five would attack New York City on two occasions and come into conflict with members of the Thunderbolts and other heroes. Blizzard attempts to contain Dragonrider and two of her monstrous serpents in ice but they easily break free. Fathom Five would retreat and attack New York City a few days later. Dragonrider and two of her serpents destroy the Brooklyn Bridge and engage with Atlas in his super-size form. However, Dragonrider and the rest of Fathom Five would be defeated by the Thunderbolts. Bloodtide, Dragonrider and Manowar would be taken into custody by the authorities. The current whereabouts of Dragonrider are unknown.

Powers & Abilities

Dragonrider has the ability to control monstrous serpents from the deep and use them as a form of transportation or to terrorize an enemy. Dragonrider can control her pets with her mind via telepathy. Dragonrider is an Atlantean and possesses all their attributes including the ability to live indefinitely underwater and withstand the great water pressures that occur beneath the sea due to her physiology.


September 1984

October 1984

December 1984

January 2005

February 2005

April 2005

May 2005

April 2006

February 2008







