
Dino Manelli

Dino Manelli

Dino Manelli was an Italian-American movie star who was drafted during World War II. He served in a variety of marvel teams, including as a member of the Howling Commandos, the Deadly Dozen and as an agent for S.H.I.E.L.D. He was loosely based on actor Dean Martin.

Dino Manelli
Real name:
  • Hollywood Hambone
Birth date:
  • Marksmanship
  • Unarmed Combat


Dino Manelli was born in Italy and moved to America with his family, becoming a successful Hollywood movie star, featuring in acting and singing roles. After the events at Pearl Harbor, Manelli changed his name and joined the U.S. armed forces (his original Italian name has never been revealed.


Dino Manelli was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and first appeared in Sgt. Fury (and his Howling Commandos) issue 1 (1963). Dino Manelli's character was loosely based on real-life crooner Dean Martin, which is often rumoured to be his original Italian name.

Major Story Arcs

Joining the Howlers

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While at Able Company base, Manelli fell in with the First Attack Squad alongside fellow Rangers; Sgt. Nick Fury, Corporal Timothy "Dum-Dum" Dugan, Jonathan "Junior" Juniper, Robert "Reb" Ralston, Isadore "Izzy" Cohen and Gabriel Jones. It was this team's success that created the first recognized Ranger "Commandos". Shortly after this, the first attack squad, along with Manelli, became known as the "Howling Commandos". Manelli actively took part in the war behind enemy lines as a member of the Howling Commandos for almost the duration of World War II (circa 1944).

Joining the Deadly Dozen

Later in the war, after Nick Fury fell victim to injury, Dino was reassigned to a new team known as "the Deadly Dozen" under the command of Dum-Dum Dugan, taking on both a Commando and front-line soldier role; taking part in historical battles including the Battle of the Bulge.

Towards the end of the war, Dino re-joined the Howling Commandos, although the circumstances are never fully explained.

Joining S.H.I.E.L.D.

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Post-war, Manelli remained an active member of the Howling Commandos, fighting across the globe and from time to time teaming up with the likes of Colonel Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. This would lead to appearances in upcoming wars, such as the Korean War and the Vietnam War. In later appearances, Manelli has been seen to be wearing a S.H.I.E.L.D uniform, but again, the circumstances have never been explained. This however did not stop Dino from further exploring his acting career in Hollywood.

Acting Career

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In his acting career, Dino was cast in many different roles including; Wyatt Earp, Dracula, and LA Dodger and as part of a comedy duo, alongside Jerry Larkin. For two of his roles, Dino received an Oscar. At around the time of the Vietnam War, he also hosted his own Hollywood TV show known as "The Dino Minelli Show".

Growing tired of his acting career, Dino moved out to Las Vegas in pursuit of a singing career. In his later years, people asked him how it was to be famous. He had told them, as well as Nick Fury, that it really did not matter to him. The thing he was most proud of was, being a Howling Commando. It had honor in is what he used to say.

Although none of the circumstances are revealed, it is presumed that Dino died some years ago, since former team-members spoke of him to 'not be around anymore'. Also, his picture was seen on a remembrance platform for all the former Howling Commandos whom had died. As is, Dino is remembered yearly on a reunion of the living remaining members of the Howling Commandos.


Although Manelli has no powers to speak of, his acting career and heritage provided him with adverse skills, that he used to his advantage in the theater of war. This included communications skills, from being able to convincingly "trick" the enemy with his acting and his voice, to being able converse fluently in English, Italian and German.

Complementing this, Manelli was competent at the art of disguise behind enemy lines, even passing himself off as a German Senior Officer. As a combatant, Manelli was typically seen using a Machine Gun or Grenades, and has retained some of that ability in his later life.

Other Versions

Earth-1610: Ultimate Universe

One of the longest running agents in S.H.I.E.L.D. (number 9).

Other Media

Dino Manelli appears as one of the S.H.I.E.L.D agents in Ultimate Spider-Man (2012).


Dino Manelli was played by an uncredited actor in the 1998 made-for-TV movie Nick Fury: Agent of Shield.


May 1963

July 1963

September 1963

November 1963

January 1964

March 1964

May 1964

July 1964

August 1964

September 1964

October 1964

November 1964

December 1964

January 1965

February 1965

March 1965

April 1965

May 1965

June 1965

July 1965

August 1965

September 1965

October 1965

November 1965

December 1965

January 1966





















Died in issues





Friendly teams

Enemy teams