


Demeityr is an eternal of Titan who fell in love with Pamela Douglas (Sundragon).

Real name:
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Blast Power
  • Energy Manipulation
  • Flight
  • Healing
  • Invulnerability
  • Longevity
  • Psionic
  • Stamina
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Unarmed Combat


Demeityr is a member of the ancient race known as the Eternals. He is one of the denizens of the moon Titan which orbits the planet Saturn in the Milky Way Galaxy. He has lived well pass 700 hundred years and seen the evolution of the human raced on Earth.


Demeityr was created by Peter B.Gillis, James Brock and Roy Richardson. He made his first and last appearance in the Marvel Comics publication Solo Avengers #18-When You Wish Upon A Star; Will you, Wont you, May 1989.

Major Story Arcs

The Moondragon Trilogy

To love a mortal
To love a mortal

Demeityr was friends with Pamela Douglas while she was living on Titan, waiting the rebirth of her cousin Moondragon in a new cloned body. Pamela was attracted to him, but Moondragon found him lacking in intelligence. When Moondragon was finally reborn, she and Pamela chose to depart Titan. Demeityr tried to convince Pamela to stay, offering to find a surrogate to help care for Moondragon in her infant form, but Pamela was determined to leave.

Demeityr journeyed with the others to visit Moondragon's friend Cloud, but the reunion ended badly when Moondragon flew into a fit of rage over her still-young body. Demeityr left to join Pamela in her quarters, but they were interrupted by a psychic attack from Moondragon. Moondragon created an illusionary form of her old body, and attempted to seduce Demeityr, but he was too frightened by her to love her. Pamela and Demeityr tried to fight Moondragon, but she overcame both of them, and cast them into space. They were rescued by Cloud, just as Pamela's powers fully surfaced, transforming her into Sundragon. They forgave Moondragon for her actions and then set off into space.

Later, Pamela encountered members of the the Dance race, and accessed her own innate superhuman powers. She somehow caused Demeityr to be teleported to her, and he joined in her adventures.

Personal Data


Weight: 221lbs

Height: 6'1"

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue


Citizenship: Eternals of Titan

Place of Birth: Saturn's moon Titan, Milky Way Galaxy

Marital Status: Single


Occupation:' Adventurer

Identity: Public

Known relatives: None known

Powers and Abilities

Psychic resistance
Psychic resistance

Demeityr is one of the genetically advanced members of the Eternals, being so he has various superhuman attributes. He is long lived and basically immortal, with a very long lifespan. As an Eternal he has superhuman durability, strength capable of lifting up to 25 tons, bursts of supersonic speed, superhuman reaction time, senses, healing time, and immunity to diseases.

He also has the natural abilities of all Eternals which derives from the connection to cosmic energy. He can manipulate these energies allowing him to channel them allowing him to do various other feats. He can levitate and than fly to amazing altitudes and at subsonic speeds. He can also manipulate cosmic energy stored in his cells as energy beams from his hands or eyes, either concussive force, extreme heat, or possibly other forms of electromagnetic energy. It is possible that he can continue using his energy abilities as constant output for various hours. After, fatigue and depleting his stored reserves he may be at risk of injuring his health. He can also teleport himself and others to vast distances, but like most Eternals he finds this physically draining, dangerous, and very unpleasant.

Demeityr also has a fair amount of psionic capabilities. He demonstrated a great deal of resistance to Moondragons psionic attacks.


May 1989

July 1989

April 2006

August 2008






