


December is a mutant superhero with the power to generate sub-zero wind blasts

Real name:
Winter Frost
  • Winter Frost
Birth date:
  • Blast Power
  • Ice Control
  • Psionic
  • Wind Bursts


In the year 2099, a young girl named Winter Frost, like many teenagers, got a job at a local amusement park. But Million Palms Amusement Park wasn't like others, it actually had a king and a queen who presided over it. One day Queen Perigrine disappeared, and they found her body at the bottom of the Tunnel of love. After that day, King Avian began to be suspicious of everyone and required genetic scans of all incoming tourist before they could enter. Anyone with genetic anomalies was imprisoned in an underground labyrinth and subjected to many tests and acts of torture.

Winter was discovered to be a mutant and was imprisoned like many others. Among the inmates was a tormented girl named Willow who seemed as if she was about to die. The two girls became friends, but then Willow was taken away again by Avian. Winter tried to escape to save her friend, but didn't get far before she was discovered. For her actions she was sentenced to public execution. When she was taken to be executed, she saw that the king and queen were presiding over it. However, the queen looked different, having the same marks on her face that Willow had. In fact it was Willow—a mutant shapeshifter —and the young girl orchestrated their escape from the facility.

They arrived at Halo City, the home of X-Nation and joined the group. After a battle for survival their home had been blown up, which they discovered after arriving back, by the Atlantean army and was being flooded. Exodus had awoken from another century-long slumber and tried to make X-Nation his Acolytes. They refused and were subsequently beaten. Their minds were made up when Exodus refused to save the human population of Halo City and they refused to be in service to him. Those who survived were teleported away by Mademoiselle Strange and began to face their future.

They traveled to the Savage Land and began to form a society there. December travels to Mars with Twilight, Metalsmith, Father Jennifer and several others to see if the red planet had any resources that could be used by the colonists. They got attacked by aliens and crash landed, but made it to Project: Ares. While there, the resident doctor told them that lately their children had begun to be abducted at night by aliens they called the Takers. Later that night, Twilight went missing, so December and Metalsmith went looking for her. However, they were ambushed. Twilight returned on her own later and explained the origin of the Takers and also that the Phalanx were about to invade Earth. Not knowing what to do, Twilight decided to stay with the Takers, and Metalsmith stayed with her. But neither of them decided to tell this to December, who was left behind on Mars when the couple blasted off with the Takers.


December is a cryokinetic, capable of generating intense cold by psionically lowering the air temperature around a target. It is also assumed, as with most elementals, that December has a biological immunity to her own powers, preventing frostbite and organ and tissue damage from the sub-zero temperatures she creates.


January 1996

March 1996

April 1996

May 1996

June 1996

July 1996

August 1996

September 1996

October 1996

November 1996

January 1997

February 1997

March 1997






