


Death-Stroke is a highly skilled assassin and contract killer that has mastered numerous forms of unarmed combat.

Real name:
  • Death Stroke
  • Death-Stroke
Birth date:
  • Gadgets
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Weapon Master

If you were referring to the DC Anti-Hero : Deathstroke


Death-Stroke was hired by the Yakuza to eliminate a friend of Jessica Drew named David Ishima. David use to work at the Carillon Towers where the building had some special and quite illegal modifications included in its design. A secret inner core was built to serve as the headquarters for the new crime czar of San Francisco. Ishima's site boss named Tim Walsh had the responsibility of keeping the inspectors from discovering the truth. Mr. Walsh tried to warn Ishima for being too nosy and eventually had him fired because he would not listen. The Yakuza discovered that Mr. Walsh was acting as an informant for the FEDs and had him killed. Ishima was wanted by the police as a suspect and Jessica Drew wanted to help. Death-Stroke and his crew kidnapped Ishima and Jessica and took them to the Carillon Towers. Jessica managed to escape when she deliberately fell off the skyscraper and changed into Spider Woman. She saved David when they threw him off the tower. Together they took down Death-Stroke and his group of former military commandos he called Terminators.


Death-Stroke was created by Chris Claremont, Steve Leialoha and Bob Wiacek in 1981 and first appeared in Spider-Woman # 39.

Story Arcs

Death-Stroke kicks the Mangler.
Death-Stroke kicks the Mangler.

Death-Stroke would appear years later when the Red Skull is looking for a new chief operative for the Skeleton Crew. Death-Stroke had to compete with two other men named the Mangler and Cutthroat for the position. Mother Night informs the men that a no holds barred fight will take place to determine who gets the job. Death-Stroke and the Mangler are killed while Cutthroat barely survives to become the new chief operative.

Abilities & Weapons

Death-Stroke is a highly skilled assassin and contract killer that has mastered numerous forms of unarmed combat. Death-Stroke is quite agile and fast but does not possess those abilities at a superhuman level. Death-Stroke also uses shurikens and carries an energy blade strong enough to cut through a steel girder with one stroke.


August 1981

December 1991




Died in issues

