


Wade Wilson is a former test subject of the Weapon X program, where he received his regenerative healing factor through the scientific experiments conducted upon him. A prominent enemy, ally and later, member of X-Force. He's famous for breaking the Fourth Wall.

Real name:
Wade Winston Wilson
  • Wade Wilson
  • The Merc with a Mouth
  • The Crimson Comedian
  • The Regeneratin' Degenerate
  • Wade T. Wilson
  • Chiyanosake ("Wolf of the Rice Wine")
  • Thom Cruz
  • Chatterbox
  • Wildcard
  • Peter Parker
  • Talking Man
  • Johnny Silvini
  • Mithras
  • Hobgoblin
  • Denny
  • Rhodes
  • Lo
  • King of Monsters
Birth date:
  • Adaptive
  • Agility
  • Astral Projection
  • Berserker Strength
  • Blast Power
  • Claws
  • Controlled Bone Growth
  • Cosmic Awareness
  • Dimensional Manipulation
  • Enhance Mutation
  • Escape Artist
  • Feral
  • Gadgets
  • Healing
  • Immortal
  • Invulnerability
  • Longevity
  • Marksmanship
  • Matter Absorption
  • Power Mimicry
  • Reality Manpulation
  • Stamina
  • Stealth
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Swordsmanship
  • Teleport
  • Time Manipulation
  • Tracking
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Weapon Master


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Wade Wilson was born as a normal person into a highly dysfunctional family in a small town in the state of Ohio. He ran away as a teenager and bounced around the country, all the while getting military training from various sources until he decided to become a mercenary. He kept changing his identity whenever something went wrong with the mission. He moved to Canada where he met a man by the name of Wade T. Wilson. Since he was Wade W. Wilson, the name reminded him of his old self. When he was ordered to assassinate Wade T., he accidentally killed the target's wife, Mercedes. In the end, Wade T. ran away to eventually become the voodoo mercenary T-Ray while Wade W. kept the name "Wade T. Wilson" and never changed it out of respect for his namesake's wife. When he was diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer, he volunteered for a subset of the Weapon-X program that was attempting to imbue a normal human with Wolverine’s healing factor.

Since he is Wade T. Wilson, he has Canadian citizenship, allowing him entry into the Weapon X program. The procedure was a success, but Deadpool, who took his name from the pool that the officers and scientists bet in as to who would die next in the experimentation, became severely mentally unbalanced as a result of it. He escaped the facility and has been wandering ever since. Some people might speculate that before his name was Wade Winston Wilson his name was Jack though this isn't confirmed.


Deadpool's First Appearance.
Deadpool's First Appearance.

Created by artist Rob Liefeld and writer Fabian Nicieza, Deadpool made his first appearance in The New Mutants #98 (1991). Rob Liefeld has publicly stated that he had always loved the simplicity of Spider-Man's design, and therefore designed a character with a full-head mask. Deadpool was originally a parody of DC Comics' character Deathstroke, and there are real name similarities (Deathstroke’s real name is Slade Wilson) between the two. Wade's alias "Deadpool" was taken from the fifth Dirty Harry film The Dead Pool.

Another inspiration was G.I. Joe's ninja Snake-Eyes.

Character Evolution

Recognizing he is in a comic
Recognizing he is in a comic

Deadpool’s debut marked a very different version of the character. He was a serious, grim, and professional assassin, with none of his personality trademarks intact. It would be in his solo book that his trademark character traits would finally emerge. These would include the dark randomness to his actions, his humorous bend, schizophrenic tendencies, his suicidal personal outlook, and his 4th wall breaking quips that would make him famous, along with his love for Mexican food. Recently, Deadpool has been trying to be a hero.

Deadpool has been known for carrying a number of weapons and sometimes it is as if they appear from nowhere, this is often referred to as a 'magic satchel'. Blind Al is also a significant catalyst in Deadpool's personal development, as there is a clear love hate relationship which can vary from Blind Al being a mother-like figure to an abused hostage; sometimes within the same storyline.

Extra dialog boxes
Extra dialog boxes

Starting with Daniel Way’s run, to depict Deadpool’s unstable sanity, creators started featuring POV shots of how cartoonish Deadpool saw the world and multiple narrative voices. He had at least three voices: Deadpool’s insane inner monologue, a saner narrative voice of reason, and his own out loud voice. All three would argue with each other. Eventually, the extra narrative box would be ret-conned as rival Madcap through a flashback where both were destroyed, and Wade absorbed him during his healing process.

As Deadpool’s popularity increased, so did his prominence in the publishing line. In a meta twist, his popularity was included in-universe with Wade monetizing his own heroism. After earning the trust of both Wolverine and Captain America, he was recruited to X-men and Avengers adjacent teams. He started a friendship with Spider-Man and was often featured as a guest star across multiple books. After ruining his in-universe reputation during the Secret Empire event, Deadpool’s appearances dropped drastically. Ever since, his on-goings have failed to catch on.

Major Story Arcs

Before Weapon X

Wade Wilson is a man shrouded in mystery. For instance: Wade Wilson may not be his real name and his back story may have been stolen (in-continuity) from another character. He remembers a mother who died of cancer when he was five, another mother who beat him during his teen years. He remembers a father who abandoned him in his childhood-years and yet another father who died in a bar room altercation when he was 17. That father was a good man but a military man whom was very strict with Wade, to whom Wade rebelled. He was shot by one of Wade's friends, which caused Wade to be filled with remorse. The final father is the only one who is definitely real, all the other snatches and fragments of memories may be the result of his broken psyche. It is later revealed that the various conflicting memories of his family were implanted by a man named Butler, and that Deadpool had actually been forced to kill his own family while under Butler's control.

He remembers an upbringing in Ohio, but even he recognizes that this may not be true. This mysterious young man joined and quickly excelled in military service, or at least the combat side of service. The strict hierarchy and rules didn’t jibe with the young man’s sense of self and his absolute need to rebel against authority figures, clearly military life was not for him and he was dishonorably discharged. The military did teach him two things: he was good at killing and he enjoyed it, so he quickly found work as a mercenary, though at first he only took on targets who he felt deserved to die.

Eventually he wound up in Japan as a Yakuza enforcer where he fell in love with one of the boss’ daughters. The young man’s mind was already in a state of radical instability, though, and he knew the relationship could never be, so he returned to America and ditched his previous moral code in addition to changing his entire identity, even his appearance, after each failed mission, fracturing his mind even more severely.

When an ordinary couple stumbled upon the wounded mercenary in the woods, they took him into their home. The woman even nurses him back to health but again his unstable mind strikes, and he becomes enamored with the young woman and envious of her life with her husband. So he burns their house down and kills her husband before accidentally killing her too. He takes the name Wade Wilson and believes himself to be the dead woman’s husband, but still returns to the mercenary trade. It was later found out in the Cable/Deadpool series, that this story was a lie and that Deadpool is the real Wade Wilson.

It’s at this stage in his life that he meets the shape-shifting prostitute Vanessa Carlysle. The young couple quickly fall in love, both of them tainted by pasts they’d rather forget. Wilson’s possibly idyllic life is shattered, however, when he contracts cancer and leaves Vanessa because he doesn’t want to burden her with his failing health.

The Weapon X Program

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Wilson joins Canada’s Department H, seeking a cure for his cancer, which they promised but never delivered on. Wilson built up his reputation working with the mechanized man Garrison Kane, fellow mercenary Sluggo and the suspicious Greg Teraerton. When Teraerton began to exhibit psychotic tendencies, Wilson killed him and was kicked out of Department H. He was sent to a facility called the Hospice and within that facility came under the dubious care of Dr. Ermys Killbrew’s "workshop", a place for failed experiments. After being experimented upon multiple times, Wade is repeatedly visited by a hooded woman who comforts him and, after multiple visits, he falls in love with her. However the woman, it turns out, is the physical embodiment of Death, who Wade sees and can communicate with because he’s so close to dying.

Wanting to join Death he began taunting and defying his guards, hoping they would have him killed, but all the lead guard Ajax did was gladly sent him in for more of Killbrew's excruciating tests. The guards began to bet on when patients would die next and threw their money into a “dead pool”, the winner of which would win the pot. To Ajax and Wade’s dismay, he continued to survive and Ajax wasn’t authorized to kill a patient unless that patient had killed another. When Wade finally attacks Ajax, the guard responds with incredible brutality, but accidentally triggers Wilson’s healing factor, allowing the mercenary to escape with a few of his fellow inmates. He mockingly dubbed himself “Deadpool” and went back to his mercenary lifestyle. Sometime later, it is revealed Deadpool has become a father.

Secret Wars

Deadpool during the Secret Wars
Deadpool during the Secret Wars

Around this time, Deadpool is teleported to Battleworld alongside numerous other heroes and villains as part of the Beyonder's Secret Wars. There, he falls in love with Zsaji, who unfortunately has eyes for Colossus. Zsaji is able to use her healing factor to restore Wade's physical appearance, but the effect begins to fade after Zsaji is killed while reviving the fallen heroes. Wade also becomes the Venom symbiote's first human host, but quickly discards the suit. He also has a brief fling with the Wasp, but the relationship ends after she sees his disfigured face for the first time.

During the final battle, Deadpool plays a key role in defeating Doctor Doom and Klaw. However, as an unintended result of a wish from the Wasp, the other heroes and villains present all forget about Wade's role in the ending the crisis. Despite this, Wade is able to resurrect Zsaji before he and the others return home, which brings him comfort.

In Tolliver's Employ

Hired by Tolliver.
Hired by Tolliver.

It soon becomes clear that Wade’s healing factor is flawed, as it allows him to heal faster than his cancer can kill him, hideously disfiguring him. Since his cells are in constant flux, his brain is unstable, contributing to his madness. As a costumed mercenary, Deadpool frequents the horrific Hell House, where he receives assignments. Eventually Tolliver, the man who runs the hangout, sends Deadpool to kill Cable. The mercenary fails when his attack is thwarted by Domino (who is actually his old girlfriend Copycat [Vanessa Carlyle] posing as Domino with a counter mission to blow up Cable's whole X-Force team; a mission sanctioned by Tolliver himself). Cable and X-Force, including the fake Domino, mail Deadpool back to Tolliver.

Deadpool becomes Tolliver's lap dog. Deadpool runs various operations on behalf of his employer, like overseeing the shipping of dangerous goods. Garrison Kane, on behalf of the Canadian government, breaks up this operation but lets Deadpool teleport away when he gets distracted by the appearance of G.W. Bridge. He next is sent to the World Trade Center to abduct Black Tom Cassidy who had just been thoroughly shot by Cable. Deadpool also gets Black Tom's partner the Juggernaut to accompany them to Tolliver's. There, Black Tom is operated on and infused with plant life. Black Tom would later leave Tolliver's house.

Deadpool's next mission from Tolliver is more personal - he's to track down Vanessa, impersonating Domino within the ranks of X-Force, and find out why she hasn't completed her mission. He infiltrates the X-Force base in the Adirondack Mountains and engages her in a royal tussle. He defeats her and convinces her to finish her job for Tolliver and then to rejoin the team. Vanessa is found by Cable and she continues to lie by stating that she is Domino but was hired by Tolliver to kill him. Cable then takes the fight to Tolliver. Deadpool protects his boss by stabbing Vanessa and then going one-on-one with Cable. Deadpool loses and passes out. Once Cable leaves to kill Tolliver (after finding and freeing the real Domino) in a helicopter explosion, Deadpool awakens to find that Vanessa has slinked off. He begins to hunt for her.

Tolliver's Will

Deadpool heads to Sarajevo to rendezvous with his pal Weasel. Outside his safe-house awaits a bunch of mercenaries. Deadpool gets the drop on them and takes them out easily. Inside, Weasel informs Deadpool that he is a wanted man. Since Tolliver's death, a rumor has circulated about a will that leaves all of Tolliver's assets to the last man standing from his former empire. Being such a prominent member of Tolliver's operations, Deadpool is a marked man. Deadpool is less interested in the will and mainly wants to find Copycat. Before he gets any answers, however, Garrison Kane shows up and starts a fight. He is also looking for Copycat and won't back down until he finds her. It's a few minutes into a very intense fight before Weasel pipes in and reminds the both of them that neither of them actually knows where Copycat is at that time. As a piece of goodwill, Kane informs Deadpool that an old friend is back and looking to kill Deadpool: Slayback.

Wade's one-sided love affair with one-time flame, Siryn.
Wade's one-sided love affair with one-time flame, Siryn.

With a growing interest in Tolliver's will, Deadpool looks up a man named Mr. Gezdbadah, an informant with a very special briefcase. He finds Gezdbadah fleeing from some mercenaries that Deadpool takes out easily. Gezdbadah is more than happy to pass along the briefcase, which contains a disc with information about the Tolliver will. The case is immediately taken by the Juggernaut and Black Tom Cassidy before Deadpool can inspect the disc. Deadpool and Weasel track the two men to a commercial plane and Deadpool boards it and confronts the men. Black Tom blasts Deadpool. Deadpool responds by blowing up the plane's hatch, sucking Black Tom out of the plane. Deadpool catches him with a rope and blackmails Juggernaut in giving up the briefcase. Juggernaut does so easily and Deadpool lets Black Tom go. The Juggernaut jumps out of the plane after him. Deadpool then announces that the plane has been officially hijacked.

His life was forever changed when he teamed with erstwhile X-member Siryn to hunt down Black Tom Cassidy. In Siryn, he found a woman strong enough to endure the constant pitfalls of his dangerous life, but with a heart kind enough to see past his madness. Though Siryn didn’t feel romantically drawn to ‘Pool, he treasured their friendship enormously.

Merc with the Mouth

Taking out his frustrations on his family
Taking out his frustrations on his family

For a long while, Wade lived with his hostage/roommate Blind Al. He briefly moved in with Constrictor and Titania, though this didn't work out. During this time, he would work out of Hellhouse, getting assignments from Patch, working with his go-to gadget guy, Weasel, and bumping heads with voodoo mercenary, T-Ray.

He would become involved in a number of crossovers including with the Avengers and Black Panther after being hired by Achebe to steal a leopard from Erik Killmonger.

An already troubled Deadpool is stunned when he begins continuously hallucinating the long-dead Mercedes Wilson appearing before him. Even more shocking would be Mercedes’ return from the dead. Wade views this as a chance for redemption. The mystical mercenary T-Ray confronts Deadpool, claiming that he can’t find it with her since Deadpool isn’t her husband, T-Ray is. Deadpool launches into a pitched battle against the sorcerer, who manages to get the better of ‘Pool by forcing him to confront all the people he’s killed. Mercedes declares that she’ll never forgive Deadpool, but that she refuses to return to her husband as he used her to hurt ‘Pool.

The Mithras

Wade had been previously approached by Zoe Culloden from the interdimensional law firm, Landau, Luckman, and Lake because she believed Deadpool to be The Mithras, a chosen one that would start a new golden age for Earth. Deadpool originally turned her down, but after his devastating loss to T-Ray and pushing away his friends, he starts to reconsider her offer.

He started becoming gun shy as pointed out by Bullseye, who was partnering with him on a particular contract, and he was not happy that Zoe’s offer revolved around him killing an alien named Tiamat to save a messiah figure. However, when it became clear that the so-called golden age would be a state of mindless bliss, Deadpool spared Tiamat so that he could kill the messiah afterall.

Agent of Weapon X

Deadpool holds a dead Vanessa
Deadpool holds a dead Vanessa

When Weapon X made a comeback, a newly upgraded Sabretooth was sent to bring Deadpool in as a new agent. Deadpool still had a grudge for all the torture, but the new administration pledged to him they were here to help. To prove it, they injected him with a serum that temporarily fixed his skin deformities. They required Wade to prove himself first. They made him accompany Garrison Kane to Iowa to track a powerful new mutant. Kane killed the child for being too risky, angering Wade.

This got The Director to trust Wade, though. His next mission was to bring in his old girlfriend, Copycat. Wade was reluctant, but he knew if anyone else was sent, they would just kill her. He agreed to bring her in even though he planned on rescuing her. Unfortunately, Kane followed him and attacked as soon as he found Vanessa. The two of them got into a big fight after Wade got Vanessa to safety. Once Kane was defeated, Wade returned to Vanessa, only to find her dead with the words “Sabretooth was here” written in her blood on the wall.

Vengeful, Wade geared up to take the fight to Weapon X. He killed a number of the security goons, but when Weapon X fixed his scars, they also changed his healing factor. It began to destabilize causing him to liquify, leaving behind only a hand. With Deadpool dead, Weapon X mailed the hand to Wolverine with yet another invitation to join them.

Funeral for a Freak

Wade busts out of his grave
Wade busts out of his grave

Wolverine held a funeral for Wade that had many mourners. When they all left, the grave was visited by T-Ray, who used his own urine to cast a voodoo curse and resurrect Wade. Unfortunately, Wade had amnesia and made home in a homeless camp. Meanwhile, four variant Deadpools are causing a lot of chaos trying to save the day in their own unique ways.

He is randomly found by Weasel on the streets. To jog his memory, he brings him home and puts him in his old suit. Here, they see the other Deadpools on the news, so Wade gears up to take them out. They all end up being lured toward each other, but instead of fighting, they decide to team up. That is when T-Ray shows up to kill Deadpool again.

T-Ray attaches the Gemini Star to Deadpool causing more versions to jump out of him including his inner child and his feminine side. T-Ray was trying to exorcize all of Wade’s interesting personality quirks, rendering him a boring shell of a man. The Gemini Star backfired when a homeless ally of Wade’s vomited on it. It caused all the personalities to be absorbed into T-Ray. T-Ray was rendered brain dead, while Wade was exactly the same as always.

Wade took this as proof that he was always the real Wade Wilson.

Agency X

Black Swan's three-way mind meld
Black Swan's three-way mind meld

Deadpool was hired to take out four gangsters known as The Four Winds. A competing assassin named The Black Swan took them out mere seconds before Wade had a chance. Wade took the credit though and was able to parlay that reputation into a bigger operation, called DP, Inc, which now included an assistant named Sandi.

Black Swan didn’t appreciate Wade stealing credit, so he took his revenge. The two were seemingly killed in an explosion, however, the mix of Wade’s healing factor and Black Swan’s telepathy caused Black Swan’s henchman, Nijo, to be resurrected from the blast with both of their powers and amnesia. He instinctively crawled back to DP, Inc, where he was taken care of by Sandi thinking he was Wade.

Nijo would rebrand himself as Agent X and continue running Wade’s business as Agency X. Eventually, Black Swan would walk back into his life with Wade’s memory-wiped body. Swan suggested a three way mind meld to fix all of their memory problems, but Swan accidentally revealed he was planning to kill them both. So, Wade killed him before he had a chance and then had his body stuffed by a taxidermist so his healing factor couldn’t bring him back.

Cable & Deadpool

Cable & Deadpool
Cable & Deadpool

Deadpool and Cable's paths cross once again when the cult known as the "One World Church" hires Deadpool to protect them. Cable and Deadpool fight but due to a teleportation error, the two are linked and one cannot teleport without teleporting the other thus it's like the expression "You scratch my back and I scratch yours". Although they start out as enemies and find it amazingly difficult to be in each others presence, the two manage to become somewhat of uneasy allies after some time. Deadpool is there when Cable constructs his own island nation. Deadpool, after some time, accepts Cable's offer to join him on his island and the two become real friends, although neither of them would ever admit it. Deadpool even tells Cable about his origin, how he was the son of a military dad, and how Wade got in with the wrong kind of friends.

One of them, eventually killed his dad when he tried to take Wade out of a bar. Deadpool gets inspired by Cable's way of life and tries to become a better person, stopping his former violent ways. This works out to some extend, but Cable and Deadpool clashed numerous times after that. One of their largest fights was when Wade sided with the pro-registration act group of superheroes during the Superhuman Civil War. Cable eventually took reign over the small European country known as Rumekistan. Deadpool was hired by the government of that country to stop this from happening and even shot Cable in the back.

Deadpool's X-Men colors
Deadpool's X-Men colors

Cable however managed to stop the bullet and defeated Deadpool and his teammates of other mercenaries. He then joined with Cable once again, this time vowing to stop his unnecessary violent ways. During one mission, Deadpool took an agent of Hydra named Bob hostage. The two made it out alive and soon Bob became somewhat of a sidekick and friend to Deadpool whenever he appears in the comics. Not soon after this, Cable vanished during an attack by the newly reformed Marauders right before the events of the Messiah Complex. Cable's city was destroyed and Deadpool feared the worst for his good friend.

Cable however later resurfaced when he tried to safe-keep the first baby mutant that was born since M-Day. Deadpool found out about Cable's mission and aided him in keeping the baby safe. They where attacked by various advisories such as the Marauders, the Purifiers and even some creatures named Predator X. After this, Cable made Deadpool promise to stop following him, and he told him that they would see each-other again. This however turned out not to be true. Cable was killed during the events of Second Coming. Deadpool was devastated. His former greatest enemy and now best friend was no more. He went back to Rumekistan (at least the thought it was Rumekistan) and tried to honor Cable by making the country a better nation.

The Deep End

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Deadpool was hired by Bucky Barnes to kill Wolverine. He tracked him to Chinatown in San Francisco. The two of them got into a wild fight that would bring them through multiple Looney Tunes inspired traps and random weapons caches set up by Wade. Wade ultimately gets the best of Wolverine and ties him up above a pool. Wade’s plan was to drown him, one of the sure fire ways to kill someone with a healing factor.

He was interrupted by Daken, Wolverine’s angry estranged son. He didn’t want anyone killing Wolverine but him. They fought over the chance to finally kill Wovie. This was all Wolverine’s plan. He had Bucky hire Deadpool to get Daken out in the open. Bucky had been waiting for him to show up to shoot him with carbonadium bullets Wolvie had given him. Because carbonadium slows mutant healing factors, Daken is taken out long enough for Wolverine to secure him.

Wade was still healing on the floor after his bout with Daken. Wolverine warned him not to come after him.

Secret Invasion

Deadpool takes on the Skrulls
Deadpool takes on the Skrulls

While the skrulls were invading a baseball stadium, Deadpool (disguised as a mascot) came and destroyed a Skrull gunship to get their attention. Then Deadpool then asks to join them which ends with him getting kidnapped and used for experiments.

The skrulls then use his DNA to make super skrulls with Deadpool's healing factor. Deadpool then asks to train the super skrulls and they agree. Deadpool then trained them to be just like him, insane. The Skrulls then see the error of using Deadpool's DNA because since none of the super skrulls have a cancer killing blood cells, they're bodies just kept creating and multiplying cells which caused them to explode. When the lead Skrull scientist discovered this he was shocked and then later killed by Deadpool.

Deadpool then reveals his real mission, which is to find the Skrull Queen's weakness but the data Deadpool found was taken by Norman Osborn.

Dark Reign

Deadpool vs Bullseye
Deadpool vs Bullseye

Since Deadpool failed his mission he didn't get paid which means he's now broke. While Deadpool is traveling on a cargo ship until it gets attacked by Tiger Shark. Deadpool gets washed up on shore and taken care of at a hospital where Tiger Shark returns to kill Wade. Deadpool is then saved (kinda) by Bob who ends up getting attacked by Tiger Shark himself.

Deadpool then defeats Tiger shark and learns that Norman Osborn hired Tiger shark to kill him. So Deadpool, with the help of Taskmaster, breaks into Stark Tower to get his revenge on Osborn, only to wind up fighting the Thunderbolts. Deadpool eventually defeats them and Osborn sends Bullseye (dressed as Hawkeye) to kill him. They both hunt each other down until Deadpool defeats Bullseye twice. Bullseye then pays Deadpool to leave Osborn alone which Wade agrees.

Deadpool and the X-Men


Since Deadpool is now super rich he has no need for being a mercenary. He briefly tries to be pirate, bringing his sidekick Bob along, who he dresses as a parrot. He eventually gives up on that. After a lot of sailing, he decides to help the X-Men on Utopia. Cyclops disagrees instantly, but Deadpool is later put on the team...kind of. He is put under the watchful eye of Domino.

Deadpool then decides to help the X-Men by settling a dispute between Mercury and her father (paid by Norman Osborn to make the X-Men look bad). Deadpool hunts the man down and threatens to kill him only for the man to also be hunted down by H.A.M.M.E.R.

So Deadpool pretends to be the bad guy and be purposely defeated by the X-Men making them look like heroes again. Deadpool then leaves while Cyclops admits that Wade "has some skill".

The Heroic Age

Fighting Steve Rogers
Fighting Steve Rogers

Deadpool decides to continue his efforts to try to be a hero and goes to Las Vegas where he meets up with his old friend Weasel, who's a computer nerd, and steals his job as The House, a robotic hero Weasel had created. He would expose the casino he works for as crooks and leave much much richer.

Later, he finds himself in a standoff between armed hit-men (all with healing factors) and an Arab arms dealer. Deadpool quickly kills them all with he help of what appear to be the Secret Avengers who ask him to be on the team. What Deadpool doesn't know is these are actually clones of the team created by Dr. Bong The real Steve Rogers and his Secret Avengers show up, and Deadpool teams up with them to take Dr. Bong's operation down with a last display of fireworks.

Uncanny X-Force

Uncanny X-Force
Uncanny X-Force

Deadpool was hired by Archangel to be on X-Force in the search for Apocalypse. Deadpool was scouting a base to find out the plans for Apocalypse's resurrection only to be captured and held captive. Later he was rescued by the rest of the team and informs them of the plan. They then head to the moon base where the Resurrected kid apocalypse (Genesis) is located. Unfortunately a new horsemen of Apocalypse took down Fantomex's E.V.A. where the team was injured and Deadpool was left with Archangel where he helped keep Archangel well by feeding him Deadpool's own flesh. Later when they finally reached the boy, the team comes to an agreement that the boy can be saved only for Fantomex to shoot Kid Apocalypse in the head. After this event, Deadpool does a recon mission only to realize that the Reavers and Lady Deathstrike are planning a attack on Utopia.

The team then goes against the Reavers until Wolverine got stuck fighting Lady Deathstrike, and Deadpool and Fantomex were blown away by the Reavers leaving Warren and Psylocke to fight the Reavers. After that Deadpool had a meeting with everyone except Fantomex to talk about the apocalypse event.

Deadpool then leaves the conversation saying "I don't kill kids". After that they learn that Deadpool never cashed any of Warren's checks having them realize that Deadpool is not on the team for money. Soon after the team is attacked by Deathlock versions of the Avengers and a Deathlock approaches the team with an offer to stop their creation. He joins the team on their mission to the alternate Earth where all of Earth's heroes have been made into Deathlocks. The team is attacked by Deathlock versions of themselves who are more deadly than the originals. Fantomex uses his misdirection to allow them to escape. Deadpool is the one who kills the source of this reality's problems, world father by decapitating him.

Deadpool also accompanies the team into the Age of Apocalypse. While X-Force seeks out Dark Beast, Deadpool frequently comments on how he cant be trusted. When they are abandoned in the AoA universe he is mistaken for Dead Man Wade, his counterpart in that reality. X-Force fights their way through the Black Legion in order to free a mutant who can make portals in order to get home.

Through a number of adventures, the Kid-Apocalypse (now better known as Genesis) stayed with the team and formed a special bond with Deadpool. They where both misunderstood beings. Deadpool, a mercenary for hire whom was actually a better person then he led on, and Genesis, a kind boy with running towards a legacy of evil. Deadpool wanted to make sure that Genesis would never fulfill the horrible legacy he was bread for.

Evil Deadpool

After Deadpool's old friends took revenge on him for being a lousy friend, Deadpool decided he wanted to die, to achieve that goal he got the Hulk to kill him, this however failed but the action which Deadpool committed landed Deadpool in The institution for the criminally insane. Deadpool broke out, however a nurse who had a crush on Deadpool found pieces of Deadpool and stitched them together creating Evil Deadpool.

Evil Deadpool stole a jet from a first class suitor and went straight to New York. Deadpool who was traveling back to New York in a cargo ship, Deadpool was hungry so he open up a crate to find Dog food and ate it, Deadpool came across a bunch of foreign women who were also illegally traveling to New York, he asked if any spoke English with one replying that she new some. He broke them out and killed the people who owned the ship. Deadpool then drove the ship to America and found a hotel for the women to stay in. Deadpool came across a man who as about to jump off the bridge Deadpool, who wants to die asks the man how in which way it would kill him, the man then asks Deadpool if he could kill him for he is scared to jump. the plane which Evil Deadpool was traveling in then crashes into the bridge. The man and Deadpool both survive Deadpool then prepares to kill the man but is stopped for the man no longer wants to die, this insults Deadpool, Deadpool then goes to his favorite chimichanga store only to find it in flames and Evil Deadpool, who is standing right in front of it. Deadpool then proceeds to run over Evil Deadpool who immediately teleports out of the way he then kicks Deadpool out of the truck and begins to beat up Deadpool, they then agree to fight at eleven O'clock at canarise park.

At 7:17 PM in Crowell and Hylan BLVD Deadpool and Evil Deadpool begin to fight, Evil Deadpool then teleports away, Deadpool then is attacked by Captain America who thinks that Deadpool has been the one behind all of this for Deadpool and Evil Deadpool look the same. Captain America then beats up Deadpool, Deadpool gets Captain America's shield and throws it at Captain America and then runs off while he is down. Evil Deadpool then makes a deal with Mr. Negative. Evil Deadpool's deal with Mr. Negative was to kidnaps a police officers children to lure Deadpool into a trap.

Deadpool also kidnaps a child to get the upper hand, Evil Deadpool then whacks Captain America out, duct apes him and leaves, Captain America then breaks out of the duct tape.


After teleporting away, Deadpool ends up in a landfill angry for Evil Deadpool dying and not him. Deadpool then stages events to get his wish of getting the serum that killed evil Deadpool, and finally put an end to his life. So he first goes to his team X-Force and tells him about the serum and told them it's a threat to mutant kind convincing them to help. Deadpool then has the team go after the Kingpin. Also Deadpool gets his "friend" Bob to go convince the Kingpin to go after the Serum as well. Then the final person he gets to look for the serum is Wolverine's son Daken who wants it for his own personal gain. While all this is going on, it turns out Tombstone is behind the serum and the attempted assassination on Deadpool. X-Force was able to track down the sniper who had a serum but was found already interrogated and tortured by Daken. It then ended with the Kingpin's bodyguard Typhoid Mary and The Hand ninjas found X-Force by accident.

The team fights Typhoid Mary and The Hand while Deadpool is outside observing the battle with Bob. Deadpool then sees Spider-man swinging to help but Deadpool doesn't want X-Force's identity to go public, so Deadpool stages a gang war so any hero in New York would pay attention to that having X-Force escape.

Deadpool eventually gets injected with the serum by Bob, which also has the side-effect of reversing Deadpool's scarring. Bob did so to teach Deadpool a lesson only to realize that Deadpool wanted to die the whole time and wanted X-Force to kill him after he gets the serum. Bob then gets angry at Wade and tells him that if he gets killed by X-Force, Tombstone will kill Bob for not allowing Tombstone to kill Deadpool himself. So Deadpool decides to save Bob from Tombstone before he kicks the bucket.

In this process, Deadpool finally gets what he wanted and is injected with the serum that can finally make him kill-able. But to his surprise, not only did his healing factor disappear, but his scarred skin also vanished. He is now back to his formal, more handsome, self. Now more confident because of this transformation, he thought he would attack the base of the smartest super villain team on earth, the Intelligencia. But when he's outsmarted and defeated by the Trapster (who shoots glue at people) Deadpool thinks he lost his old mercenary mojo. So in order to get his revenge and his fundamentals back in check, he goes to the aid of Taskmaster.

Dead Presidents (Marvel NOW)

Deadpool vs. the undead Presidents
Deadpool vs. the undead Presidents

A madman, believing the United States is tearing itself apart, has resurrected the dead presidents of the country in hopes of them restoring the country to its former glory. The plan goes awry when the zombified forefathers become evil and start attacking people. Deadpool is seen cutting his way out of a large reptilian-like creature, disemboweling it in the process, which sets him and Thor free. When Thor flies away, Deadpool is told that the evil Franklin Delano Roosevelt is attacking the city. Deadpool heads to the location and begins a battle with the necrotic, evil president. The battle makes its way to a subway, where Deadpool manages to beat FDR via electrocution. SHIELD tasks Deadpool with stopping the assaulting presidents which he accepts, charging off to their meeting place to stop them. When he arrives, he is shot in the head by Lincoln, dropping him.

The ghost of Ben Franklin resuscitates Deadpool and he eventually goes after the zombified Theodore Roosevelt, who is killing animals at the zoo. Deadpool defeats him with the help of an elephant, after finding out that the dead presidents have a weakness to electricity by having said elephant ram Roosevelt into a generator. Deadpool visits Doctor Strange to get his help in the matter of the dead presidents, and they learn where Gerald Ford, George Washington and Abe Lincoln are. Strange and Wade teleport there and attack the presidents. Deadpool is incapacitated by getting stuck in a car and punted away, and Washington stabs him with a sword. Strange takes the old saber from Deadpool and enchants it to defeat the presidents. Deadpool dubs the sword the Veto before stabbing Nixon, defeating him while the others escape.

Deadpool does battle with all the other presidents, slaying the significant zombie powerhouses like Lincoln, and Regan. Deadpool ends up in a heated battle with George Washington after Washington killed Agent Preston, whom Wade dubbed as his friend. After slaying the final president, things settled down with the necromancer reviving Preston, but putting her inside Wade's mind.

Soul Hunter

Deadpool kills Michael
Deadpool kills Michael

Deadpool is recruited by a demon named Vetis after Deadpool tricked him in a previous deal. He is on a mission from Vetis to kill six individuals in order for Vetis to reclaim his power, but also on the side is trying to find a body for Preston to get her out of his head. After killing some of the individuals on the list, Deadpool learns Vetis is trying to overthrow Mephisto. In order to summon Mephisto Deadpool kills his friend, Michael the necromancer, who just happened to be on the list, in order to get him to hell to tell Mephisto about Vetis' plan. Deadpool targets a pre-cog user and teams up with the superior Spider-Man to face the Trapster, Batroc, Chance, Taskmaster, and Lady Stilt-Man. The duo end up defeating the group and Deadpool kills Gump the pre-cog, but Deadpool is subdued by Spider-Man for killing him, only for Deadpool to break out when Spider-Man leaves.

With Michael in hell now, Deadpool manages to explain the situation to Preston's family and her partner at S.H.I.E.L.D.. Deadpool hunts down the next holder of power by the name of Bobby the Blender, who happens to be a shapeshifter. He takes the form of Luke Cage and tries to have sex with Jessica, but Deadpool intervenes when he is discovered by Jessica and attacks him. Bobby turns into Black Widow and jumps out the window with Deadpool in hot pursuit. Along the way, Deadpool gets beaten up by cops and Bobby turns into a cheerleader when Deadpool beats up the cops and yells for everyone in Times Square to get down to find him. Deadpool encounters more resistance, but most notably from Daredevil. The two have a brief fight with Wade getting tied up and escaping by breaking his fingers to get his gun and shoot a nearby pedestrian. Daredevil then takes time to attend to this person while Wade finds Bobby and kills him. Vetis arrives and Deadpool tells him his plan which angers Vetis as he prepares to attack Wade.

Deadpool manages to hold out against Vetis long enough for Mephisto and the newly resurrected Michael to appear. Michael and Deadpool manage to defeat the demon and Mephisto eats his heart. They travel to Deadpool's mind where Mephisto tries to coerce Preston and Deadpool to make a deal with him. Deadpool refuses and the group travels to the closed off part of Wade's mind where they discuss how they will find a new body for Preston and help Deadpool with his memories.

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

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Deadpool has recently found out that his organs have been harvested for around seven years from a man named The Butler. He kills his harvesters, and questions Captain America and Wolverine if anything of this sort has happened to them before. Both saying no, Wade returns to his home only to find Logan there, saying he was also followed. The Merc with the Mouth and Wolverine hold their own but are overwhelmed. Wade wakes up at the Butler's HQ, and escapes with Butler to question him. However, he gets shot in the head and re-captured. A Nightcrawler-like super soldier named Kim frees Deadpool and he discovers Wolverine and Captain America unconscious in tubes.

After this, Deadpool, with Captain America, Wolverine, and the X-Pools (the Weapon Plus subjects) overthrow the camp, with some casualties. After this, Wade, Logan, and Steve go to find Butler and Carmelita Camacho, a one-time lover of Deadpool and the mother of his child. They find her dead, but the child nowhere to be found. Determined, Deadpool tracks down and kills Butler. He, upon her request, lets Butler's "sister" die peacefully in the containment unit. Deadpool, Cap, and Wolverine then leave the area, departing after quick goodbyes.

Original Sin

Deadpool's wedding
Deadpool's wedding

While on vacation, Deadpool meets and marries Shikalah. Agent Preston is also freed from Deadpool's mind and given a new LMD body, allowing her to search for Deadpool's daughter. She later tracks the girl, Ellie, to Chicago, where she is being raised by Butler's brother. Members of the ULTIMATUM organization kill the brother and try to kidnap Ellie, leading to Deadpool killing a number of them and threatening Flag Smasher into leaving the child alone.

After Preston agrees to raise Ellie, Deadpool later buys a house across the street from Preston's in order to make sure nothing can harm his daughter.

After being taken over by a new leader, the members of ULTIMATUM make one final attempt to kill Deadpool and his friends. Wade manages to defeat and kill the villains, and symbolically sheds his costume and weapons once the deed is done. He is later seen partying with Ellie and the Prestons, celebrating a chance at a new life free from the violence and bloodshed of his past. Tragically, before Wade can truly turn over a new leaf, the final Universal Incursion between the Marvel Universe and Earth-1060 begins, resulting in the creation of a new Battleworld and the start of Secret Wars. Just before Wade and Ellie perish, Wade remarks that at least he got to die surrounded by his loved ones, and that the whole world is going with him as well.

All-New, All-Different Marvel NOW!

Deadpool as an Avenger
Deadpool as an Avenger

Eight months after the end of Secret Wars and the restoration of reality, Deadpool is now a bigger celebrity than ever. He is granted membership in the Avengers Unity Squad by Steve Rogers, and uses funds from merchandise sales to help fund the team. He also bankrolls a new Heroes For Hire roster (later renamed "Mercs For Money"). As this is going on, Ellie is living with Agent Preston and her family.

Also round this time, Deadpool's marriage to Shiklah hasn't been going well. Due to all of his newfound fame, and responsibility, he's gotten too busy for her. Due to his devotion to mankind, at the expense of being her husband and consort, Shiklah becomes increasingly bitter towards the humans, whom she feels her husband cares too much about. Due to Wade's neglect, Shiklah begins taking other lovers to satisfy her where Wade no longer is. Her most valued lover being Jack Russell, the werewolf by night, who notes that Deadpool would kill him if he knew about it. But Shiklah is confident that Wade won't find out.


During his adventures with the Unity Squad, and family problems, Wade also had to deal with Madcap, who is determined at any cost to ruin his life. Years back, he was merged with Madcap due to a freak accident by Thor. Madcap being the white voice-box inside of his head. They have fought many times, but sadly, the fights never lead anywhere, since both are basically unkillable. Madcap decides if he can't do anything to Wade, he could hurt Wade by going after his loved ones. He becomes one of Wade's most formidable and dangerous enemies.

Civil War II

Due to Wade's new lifestyle, he's gotten a bit more reckless with his mercs, and Preston isn't happy about it. After many difficulties, Wade disbands from his mercs and they burn their contracts. He later drops by to visit Preston, who makes clear he's not welcome due to how out of control he's been acting as of late. He also discovers Ellie calling him by his first name, which throws him off. She reveals that her therapist told her that she shouldn't consider him a father-figure. Preston punches him, using her robot strength, and slams the door in his face. Ellie looks out of the window and tells him bye. Wade just thinks to himself that he deserves whatever he gets.

After the failure of his mercs, and being kicked out by Preston, he returns home to Shiklah -complaining about his luck. It's at this time he finally discovers Shiklah's infidelity. He finds Jack in bed with Shiklah, and blows his head off with a shotgun, despite Jack trying to explain himself. Shiklah tells him that they talked about it before, and he knows they're both allowed a certain number of "invitations". Wade tells her she's expanding her guest list. As Shiklah denies this claim, a female monster emerges from under the duvet, and runs away in fear of Deadpool. He asks her to explain the other monster, and she then confesses that there have been many visitors to her chambers. She lists off the other lovers she's had, and Wade interrupts her angrily saying that he gets the point. Shiklah tells him he knew who he was marrying.

The two end up in a fight, which leads from Shiklah's chambers all the way to the streets of Manhattan while they continue to argue about their marriage. Shiklah goes from being angry to excited, telling Wade she's missed him. He says it's good he can still make her horny, before receiving a kick to the stomach. As he lies on the ground, Shiklah tells him that the humans he loves will all die. Wade asks her what she said. He angrily delivers a kick to her face, once again asking her to repeat what she just said. Shiklah asks Wade if he thought she was threatening his loved ones. She says maybe she was. Wade asks if they can just be done with their fighting now. He offers to get a dog, and let Shiklah shoot it in his bed.

Shiklah calms down, and relents on the fighting, She puts a foot on Wade's throat, and tells him that was the most fun they'd had in a while. She invites him back to bed, but he declines going back to the bed he just shot the werewolf in. Shiklah tells him Jack will be fine. His head will regenerate, but he'll have a puppy face for a while. She once again invites him to come back down, stating it could be romantic. Wade still passes on the offer. She laughs and tells him it's fine. She takes her leave, but not before saying it's never the end for them. This confuses Deadpool, who's surprised that Shiklah doesn't want their relationship over.

He wonders around Manhattan dejected before moving some of his weapons into the old Avengers hideout, which is in ruins. It's there he meets Rogue, he tells her about his marital problems with Shiklah, before asking her for a favor. He takes her to see Ellie, and asks if she'll look out for her if she gets mutant powers one day. Rogue says she'll have Ellie's back.


Madcap makes his move on Deadpool by exposing him to a deadly virus, which Wade unknowingly passed to Preston's family, and his daughter. The virus will do nothing to Wade, given his healing factor, but Madcap planned on using Wade to spread it to his loved ones as a way of finally breaking him. Wade has to find a cure to save everyone, and none of his friends are available to help him, so he turns to Stryfe.

Stryfe gives him the cure to save everyone, but states it will cost him. He will save four lives for Wade. In exchange, Wade will have to claim four lives for him. Wade asks Stryfe who he wants dead, but Stryfe doesn't wish to reveal that info just yet. He simply tells Wade to think of it as a long-term payment plan. Wade doesn't want to owe Stryfe anything and gives him the cure back until Styfe tells him that everyone will die, Preston's husband being the first to go. Stryfe asks if Wade will let his family suffer because of him. Wade accept the cure, and Stryfe's deal to save his family.

Wade returns with the cure, and manages to have Ellie, and Preston's family. Preston sits with Wade and the kids, asking if they're ready to go home. Wade tells Ellie to fist-bump him, prompting Ellie to ask if she's gonna be poisoned again. Wade says there's only one way to find out. Preston tells Wade to kiss Cable for her, to thank him for the cure. Wade pauses, and tells her sure, before being shown moping due to now being indebted to Stryfe, unbeknownst to anyone else.

Til Death Do Us...

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After the death of a mentally challenged monster by NYC commuters, Shiklah announces plans to take over the city for the injustice, which Deadpool vehemently stands against. Unfortunately, his attempts to round up other superheroes falls on deaf ears, as no one is willing to take him seriously. It wasn’t until Shiklah raided Parker Industries R&D department that Spider-Man finally reached out. Luckily, Parker Industries employed a descendant of Van Helsing, Cami, who still had some of her family heirloom weapons. Wade and Spidey borrowed a few items, including an old stake they could use to track Dracula.

Leaving the city in the trusty hands of the Merc for Money, Wade, Spidey, and Cami take a Parker Industries private jet to look for Dracula. They track him to Latvia and the house of a little old lady, who turned out to be Dracula’s familiar. They found his secret hovel where he was defeated and weakened. By offering him a challenge, they are able to convince him to return to New York with them and face off against Shiklah.

When they return, they find all of the non-monsters comatose after Shiklah activated a sleep device she stole from Parker Industries. Wade and his allies take on the monsters and are able to turn the tide briefly when Dracula is able to free the vampires from Shiklah’s trance. Luckily, this also gave Machine Man, who was immune to the sleep device, to destroy the device and free everyone from their coma. Unfortunately, Dracula did not fight Shiklah. He proposed marriage instead. After a quickie ceremony, Shiklah and Dracula decide to abandon the conflict they were winning so they could get a jumpstart on their passionate honeymoon.

Deadpool was just relieved that he had a marriage that didn’t end with a corpse.

Secret Empire

Deadpool: Agent of Hydra
Deadpool: Agent of Hydra

Between their time on the Avengers Unity Squad and fighting the Weapon Plus program, Deadpool and Captain America had come to trust each other. So much so, that Deadpool did not notice when Captain America was replaced with a Hydra-brainwashed fascist version of himself that was secretly mounting a Hydra takeover of America.

His first Hydra mission was to take out Agent Coulson who was suspicious of Cap’s behavior. Grilling his old ally Preston for his location led Wade right to him, but it also earned suspicions from Preston. For the good of Captain America’s mission, he killed both of them regrettably. He also joined Hydra’s version of the Avengers, thinking Cap was impeachable, but after fighting the heroes in the Underground, Wade finally started having reservations. He ultimately slipped the information Maria Hill needed to free the captured heroes, but lacking trust in him, Hill buried him under a parking garage.

With Hydra fallen and a righteous Captain America returned while Deadpool was still pulling himself out of the rubble, Deadpool missed his chance for a legit public redemption. Instead, he is responsible for the deaths of two of his friends and is now hated by his daughter for it. Ridden with guilt, he put a bounty on his own head, hoping to be taken out, but no one was capable of killing him permanently. Desperate, he had his mind wiped, losing not just his tenure as Hydra-Cap’s personal assassin but much of his time as a hero.

King of the Monsters

King of the Monsters
King of the Monsters

When the Monster King took advantage of a centuries old land claim to turn Staten Island into the new Monster Island, a rich New York elite hired Deadpool to take out the Monster King. When he accomplished this, per the rules of Monster Island, Deadpool was now the rightful heir to the throne. Rather than let Staten Island revert back like his employer intended, Deadpool decided to take the crown and protect the inhabitants of Monster Island.

Deadpool wasn’t the only mercenary hired to take out the Monster King though. Elsa Bloodstone was also hired, however, she was impressed by the honor and nobility Deadpool displayed by protecting the monsters. She stuck around to help, and they even started developing feelings for each other. Among his tasks as King of the Monsters, Deadpool helped Strikeforce by giving the Vridai sanctuary after they lost their homes during the War of the Realms. He also defended his people from the new Kraven the Hunter who came looking for a new challenge.

Elsa ultimately revealed to him that she was dying due to an infection in the bloodgem that gave her her powers. The infection was caused by a run-in with a Bone Beast Queen. Together, they tracked it to Greenland, where a village was sacrificing their children to it. To take out the Bone Beasts, Deadpool stole Elsa’s bloodgem, allowing the energy to fill him up and explode. Elsa, who had gotten the sacrificed children to safety, returned to find Deadpool’s conscious head, which she took into her protection until he could fully recuperate.

Paradise Lost

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When a mutant, Rubbermaid, was locked up in the federal prison for travelling to the US from Krakoa for a concert, The Warden hired Deadpool to retrieve her for his experiments. As he made his escape from the prison, he was stopped by Juggernaut and his new team, The Unstoppables, who got the mutant back to Krakoa.

When Deadpool found out that The Warden intended to copy Rubber Maid’s powers and may have already copied his own, Deadpool allied with Juggie’s new team. Although, he wasn’t too crazy about working with Zola, a Nazi, he still went with their plan to shoot down The Warden’s flying lab. Unfortunately, The Warden granted himself all of the powers he has collected, turning himself into the Human Adaptoid.

He and Juggie made their way to Krakoa, where the entire population was put into a coma by the Human Adaptoid on his quest to rid the world of superhumans. Deadpool's plan was to try to outlast the Warden before his powers burned out. When his psychic powers went before his others, Juggernaut used the opportunity to get Xavier to wake D-Cel, so she could use her powers to stop the Warden's. Once inactive, Deadpool was able to kill him.


Wade finally gets his Krakoa invite
Wade finally gets his Krakoa invite

Ever since mutantkind made a home on Krakoa, Deadpool had been obsessed with getting an invitation. Even though he is not a mutant, he always felt at home with them. He tried a number of different ways to sneak on to the island, most of which were foiled by X-Force. Instead, he decided to prove himself by taking on a gig to retrieve Cerebro tech from a CIA agent before Danger, who was no longer an ally of the X-Men, grabbed it. Deadpool also tried to force a team up with Wolverine, but he ended up getting both of them targeted by Weasel and Maverick, who had teamed up to scam them out of the tech.

After they finally tracked down Danger, they found that she had surrounded herself with robot doubles of the X-Men, and she was using the Cerebro tech to create herself a baby. She was lonely and resentful of the X-Men for abandoning her for Krakoa. Empathetic, both Wade and Logan decide to leave her to her new family.

The duo head back to Krakoa, where Deadpool peaks his head in on an X-Force meeting and is graciously invited on to the team by Wolverine.

The Hunt for X

Wade's temporary telefloronic body
Wade's temporary telefloronic body

On his first official Krakoan mission, Wade was sent to the North Pole with Omega Red to investigate mutant trafficking in the new waterways caused by melting icecaps. Wade couldn't help but annoy Red into attacking him. While Omega Red took on the traffickers, a defenseless Wade was eaten by a polar bear, only to be found partially digested by Kraven the Hunter. While still assembling himself, Wade is interrogated by Kraven and spills the beans that he has special gate privileges despite his lack of an X-gene. This inspires Kraven to turn him into an organic key.

Once they were on the island, Kraven discards Deadpool's remain to hunt other mutants. Now that they have the resurrection protocols, Kraven sees them as the new apex predator, perfect for a challenge. Under orders from Beast, Black Tom went in search of Deadpool, who would be needed to fight off Kraven. Not willing to wait for Deadpool's body to grow back, Black Tom created a telefloronic one for Wade to use in the meantime.

Unfortunately, this new vegetable body was unable to withstand the lifelike volcanic activity in The Shadow Room, X-Force's personal Danger Room, where Kraven made his stand. Wolverine refused his chance to kill Kraven, seeing no honor in it, and retreated rescuing Wade in the process.

The Atelier

A happy family
A happy family

Deadpool was given the chance to audition for The Atelier, a pretentious and exclusive secret society of assassins and mercenaries. To prove himself, he is given 48 hours to kill Doctor Octopus. However, he is kidnapped by super scientist, The Harrower, who used Deadpool as an incubator for a symbiote clone. This clone is eventually born taking the shape of a giant dog and named Princess by Deadpool. When Princess chooses Deadpool over Harrower, Harrower tries to destroy it. Deadpool and Princess fight back but are also rescued by other Atelier hopeful, Lady Deathstrike and Deadpool’s new romantic partner, Valentine Vuong, a non-binary mutant medical professional and Wade's contact at The Atelier.

When the rest of The Atelier find out about Valentine’s relationship with Deadpool, they brand Val as “compromised.” The head of The Atelier, The Horned Emperor, assigns all members to take the two of them out. The assassins attacked in pairs, but the first few proved ineffective. Deadpool and Valentine luckily had backup from Princess and Deathstrike. This only managed to get Princess on The Horned Emperor’s radar, who now demanded that his fellow assassins kidnap the dog in addition to killing their targets. Alcaudón and Ms. Gingko were finally able to best the two lovers and their dog.

Once taken prisoner, Wade put together that Valentine had set up his audition for the group from the beginning. Val needed his help to take out the immortal Horned Emperor and free them of The Atelier organization for good. Valentine didn’t expect to also fall in love with Wade as well. They plan another prison break where Wade is able to help Valentine strike the killing blow on The Horned Emperor, turning Val into the new Horned Emperor. Val was immediately overwhelmed by the voices they inherited from her former boss, but Wade’s feelings for Val anchored them, clearing their head. With The Atelier gone, Wade, Val, and Princess become a new happy family.

Fall of X

A new Avengers Unity Squad
A new Avengers Unity Squad

After Orchis' attack on Krakoa, X-Force was left without resources so Deadpool returned to a newly formed Avengers Unity Squad. Last time the team was together, Deadpool was fooled by Hydra's false Captain America, and the real Cap felt like he owed Deadpool the opportunity to prove himself an Avenger once again. Working from Ellis Island, the team would try defending the world from false flag attacks that Orchis was using to turn opinion against mutantkind, especially a new Mutant Liberation Front, being led by a mysterious villain posing as Captain Krakoa.

This new MLF had stolen nuclear weapons, putting the whole world on edge. After tracking the MLF to Camp Lehigh, Cap guessed that the new Captain Krakoa was his Hydra-raised clone (now answering to Grant) much to Wade's chagrin. In addition to the nuke, the clone was gunning for Ben Urich who had witness testimony against Orchis from a non-mutant, Kingpin.

Deadpool followed Cap to protect Urich and Kingpin, but Grant had stashed the nuclear warhead at Empire State University. Wade and the others bested Grant and took him into custody, but the warhead was activated. Cap ordered Rogue to get rid of it in orbit, but the ISS was due to pass by New York. Instead, she flew it out to Area 51 to blow it up in the desert, while Quicksilver ran Deadpool to her as fast as he could so she could absorb his healing factor and survive.

Character Profile

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  • Height: 6'2"
  • Weight: 210 lbs
  • Eye Color: Yellow (originally Brown)
  • Hair Color: None (originally Brown)
  • Citizenship: Canadian
  • Place of Birth: Unknown
  • Marital Status: Widower (of Mercedes Wilson)/Separated (of Shiklah)
  • Occupation: Mercenary; formerly Field Agent of Krakoa's X-Force, soldier, assassin, arms dealer, Avenger, and King of Monster Island
  • Known Relatives: Thomas Wilson (father, deceased), Hailey Wilson (mother, deceased), Shiklah (wife, estranged), Mercedes Wilson (wife, deceased), Eleanor Camacho (daughter)
  • Distinguishing Features: Deadpool is covered head to toe in welts and scabs thanks to his late stage cancer and super healing factor intermingling causing him to look "like Ryan Renolds [sic] crossed with a shar-pei."

Powers and Abilities


  • Enhanced regeneration/healing factor: Deadpool's primary ability is an extremely accelerated healing factor, derived from the mutant Wolverine and given to him by Weapon X. It allows him to regenerate bodily tissue at extreme, superhuman rates, and increases his longevity, giving him near-immortality. Unlike Wolverine's, however, his is driven to a certain extent by willpower, which provides an advantage in certain situations. He has regenerated from being ripped apart by a grenade, having been decapitated by the Punisher, and can survive in extreme conditions and sustain other severe injuries with no lasting damaged. Once when his body was destroyed, he was able to regenerate from his remaining hand.
    • Foreign chemical/disease resistance: The healing factor also provides a certain degree of immunity from foreign chemicals such as toxins or sedatives, and gives him near-immunity from all diseases and ailments. Shen Kuei once used enough poison to "kill 25 elephants" to knock out Deadpool for "about an hour", highlighting his resistance. This also ensures that it is extremely difficult (but not impossible) for Wade to become intoxicated.
    • Telepathic immunity: Due to his brain neurons maintaining a state of "perpetual flux", Deadpool is completely immune to psychic assaults, and powerful telepaths such as Emma Frost or Cable have not been able to gain access to his mind - even Ghost Rider's infamous Penance Stare was not able to faze Deadpool.
  • Enhanced human strength: Deadpool's strength exceeds that of a peak athlete in his prime, due to the various alterations his body has gone through with the Weapon X treatments. While not as strong as Captain America (whose maximum bench press over 1800lbs), Wade can readily lift/press approximately 1000 lbs, and has the stamina to perform feats of strength for extended periods of time.
  • Superhuman stamina: Due to his healing factor, Wade's body produces less fatigue toxins and gets rid of existing ones much quicker than that of a normal human's, which allows him to exert himself for much longer than humanly possible.
  • Superhuman reflexes/agility/speed: Deadpool's speed, reflexes and agility are highly enhanced, and he has coordination and speed to go toe-to-toe with many skilled fighters at once and not lose, clear a room in a few jumps, and perform complicated acrobatic manouvres with ease. He's shown to easily dodge bullets at close range, disarm opponents without them even being aware of what has happened, and has deflected bullets with his katana at point blank range. His speed is such that he can dodge bullets after they've been fired (and move out of the way while it is only inches away from his face).
  • Immortality: When Thanos found out that Deadpool and Mistress Death share a romantic relationship between the two of them, he cursed Deadpool with immortality, meaning that he can't die by any means.


Deadpool running.
Deadpool running.
  • Master martial artist: Deadpool is a highly skilled martial artist, and is able to easily engage highly-trained foes such as Wolverine or multiple ninjas in combat with ease. He also shows a degree of unpredictability in his fighting style, allowing him to defeat even Taskmaster in single combat.
  • Skilled linguist: Deadpool is fluent in many languages, including Japanese, Russian, German, Spanish, and possibly more.
  • Master assassin: Wade is highly trained in the art of killing, espionage, covert ops, infiltration, escape, marksmanship, and even Wolverine once admitted that Deadpool is a better killer than him.
  • Medium awareness/fourth-wall breaking: Like She-Hulk, Deadpool is one of the few characters known for breaking the fourth wall. This trend started in the late '90s when it was made popular by Joe Kelly. Deadpool breaks the fourth wall by talking about his own comic (sometimes even having copies of it somehow), referring to artists or writers or even the reader, and discussing comics in general. He is most known for, however, talking to the yellow narration bubbles that his comic has. There have been several theories as to what the boxes really are but no one other than Deadpool can see them in continuity and therefore many people in the Marvel Universe think Deadpool is crazy. Deadpool also references popular media culture in the comics such as video games, celebrities, social networking, and what's going on with the real world at the time.
    • Minor reality manipluation: Due to his ability to realize he is in a fictional world, Deadpool can perform actions that directly defy the rules of reality and physics - for example, he uses a bottomless satchel to store an infinite amount of ammuniation, weaponry, and other such objects. In Ultimate Alliance 2, Deadpool weaponizes his own health bar to beat an opponent with it. Deadpool also posesses knowledge that only a comic book reader could know, such as mentioning Mephisto erasing Spider-Man's unmasking from existance, or remembering which comic issue a character last appeared in.

Weapons and Equipment

  • Teleporter: Deadpool used different types of teleportation devices designed by his weapon dealer, Weasel. He stopped using them because he thought they made his job to easy.
  • Deadpool's Katanas: Deadpool's weapon is his two swords made of steel. He is well trained with them.


Messiah War

A thousand years in the future, X-Force has just arrived and encounters the thousand year old Wade Wilson.

The team wants to know what happened, so Deadpool sneaks in his own story while getting to current events. He said that around 2034, he was hired to stop some very determined rebels, but when the threat of hand-held nuclear devices became apparent, he hid himself in an industrial freezer and was going to work for whichever side wasn't blown up... however destroyed buildings trapped Deadpool, blocking the freezer door with debris. He then spent the next several decades in this tomb going even more insane, until he was finally released by a band of gun-toting nomads, but he was then attacked by Stryfe. It turned out that after everyone blew themselves up, Stryfe came in and made himself the ruler of the world, so Deadpool decided to work for him. While fighting with Styfe, Deadpool is torn in half and is apparently killed (but he always finds a way to come back).

Earth-295: Age of Apocalypse

Dead Man Wade
Dead Man Wade

Deadpool is known as Dead Man Wade in the Age of Apocalypse, and was given his healing abilities by Apocalypse, not Weapon-X. Apocalypse then placed Dead Man Wade in his elite team known as the Pale Riders (along with Damask, Shadow King and Moonstar). Dead Man Wade was psychotically depressed and a serial killer. He wasn't only just constantly healing like 616 Deadpool, but he was constantly decaying too. This makes him wish for death for he is constantly in pain. His teammate Danielle liked to hurt him and see how he recovered, her actions made Damask killed her.

When Apocalypse ordered the Pale Riders to destroy the sanctuary of Avalon he is betrayed by Damask. He was apparently killed by Nightcrawler, who teleported his head away from his body. Its revealed that Shadow King used him as host to enter Avalon and infected every being in the sanctuary in order to destroy the place.

Heroes Reborn/Counter-Earth

This is not an alternate reality, but an alternate earth located in Earth-616. This version of Deadpool never got cancer or went to the Weapon-X program. He joined the Avengers calling himself the Swordsman, and would later become their leader. He was calmer, level-headed, and stern. He also carried a wide array of swords with him. He eventually uncovers the fact that their universe is actually a lie. This sends him into a spiraling depression. He gains a massive amount of weight and becomes suicidal. He eventually decides to try to destroy their "pocket universe" as it is a mockery of their existence.

Millennial Visions

Millennial Visions' Deadpool was hired by Sebastian Shaw to kill the X-Men. Shaw was so happy with Deadpool's success that he hired Deadpool to kill all the mutants. He eventually tried, the last on his list were: Wolverine, Sunfire, Northstar, and Banshee, who were all hiding from Deadpool in Japan. He did fight with Wolverine but could not kill him, Wolverine did lose an arm in the fight however and Deadpool used his claw as a weapon thereafter. Deadpool kept pictures and souvenirs from all of his targets. He is determined to finish off the rest of the world's mutants and get paid.


Ultimate Deadpool
Ultimate Deadpool

Wade "Wadey" Wilson was a sergeant who after surviving death-defying action in the Wakanda Wars in the early nineties took the name Deadpool. Deadpool's true face had no skin and portions of his skull were missing, covered by a clear plastic helmet that made his face appear human-shaped when masked. He kidnapped the X-Men and Spider-Man and threw them on an island to hunt them down for a game-show. However, Deadpool was defeated and is last seen on the island holding his mask while the X-men fly away.

Earth-2149: Zombieverse Headpool


In the Zombiverse, Deadpool as most other heroes was turned into a zombie and is seen with other zombie super-being attacking the Silver Surfer. Later, zombie Deadpool is the first to be sent into the 616 universe and infects some of the members of the Florida initiative as part of an invasion plan, but is decapitated and his still living head is brought back for study at A.R.M.O.R. headquarters. He tagged along Simon Garth until he sailed to the Savage Land where he meets his 616 counterpart. This Deadpool seems almost identical to earth 616's. He is sarcastic, states he had a healing factor before getting infected but it doesn't work anymore, and has 616 Deadpool's sadistic sense of humor. He also breaks the fourth wall just like Earth 616 Deadpool does. This version of Deadpool is now a member of the Deadpool Corps. headpool has also been in shorts made by a low youtuber who made a perfect deadpool costume.

Golden Age Deadpool

This version of Deadpool is Frederick Wilson, the nephew of President Woodrow Wilson. Freddy is enlisted by his uncle in World War 1. In order to get out of service, Freddy smokes too much and tries to pretend to have mustard gas poisoning, but his plan fails and he damages his lungs. Forced to wear a breathing apparatus, he lived the next decade losing his mind in isolation and poverty, and spent much of his time watching cartoons at the theater. During World War 2, he's convinced by Nazis to become a German super soldier and is given increased physical abilities and rapid healing as well as increased resilience to wounds due to his scabbed and callous skin - he's dubbed "Weapon Swastika." He's then sent to steal Captain America's would-be shield during the forging process, but decides that he's not a traitor and goes rogue. This Deadpool also breaks the 4th wall, but sees the world as a cartoon and has knowledge of future lingo and trends.

Major Wade Wilson

In this universe Canada, the United States, and Mexico are all one entity known as "The United States of North America". In this universe Deadpool is a agent of S.H.E.I.L.D. and is in the military and reached the rank of "Major". It appears as if this Wade Wilson did not go through the Weapon X program or it was success for he is not scarred.

Lady Deadpool

One major difference in this universe is Deadpool is a woman named Wanda. Another difference is that it appears Captain America sided with the super human registration act (or something perverse yet similar) and was never assassinated. Lady Deadpool and 616 Deadpool team up to fight this universes Cap who winds up losing an arm which Zombie Deadpool eats.

The Deadpool Kid

Deadpool is a common bandit known as " The Deadpool Kid". 616 Deadpool doesn't have time for this nonsense and quickly disposes of this universe's him and then leaves with Zombie Deadpool's head accidentally dropping Captain America's infected arm returning to the 616 universe.


Deadpool Corps
Deadpool Corps

This Deadpool is still a kid and he attends Xavier school for the gifted boys. He's pretty much the most hated student in the school because of his personality. Kidpool was sent to the Danger Room (detention) with Cyclops because Kidpool gave Cyclops a wedgie and also Xavier wanted to prevent Kidpool from ruining a social with a girl school. Kidpool convinced Cyclops to escape the danger room and went to the social. When Cyclops saw Jean Grey dancing with Wolverine, Cyclops hired Kidpool to cause a distraction while Cyclops grabbed Jean away. After a distraction and a fight with a couple kid mutants Earth 616 Deadpool came in and took Kidpool away and had him joined Deadpool corps. Kidpool is now known as Tito by the rest of the Corps.

Deadpool Noir (Earth-90214)

There is also a Marvel Noir version of this character. Wade, a Canadian, joins the OSS during WWII, becoming a patriot with a few screws loose.

Deadpool Pulp

Deadpool Pulp
Deadpool Pulp

This reality is set in the 1950's and Deadpool works as a agent for the government. In this reality Deadpool works with General Cable who hired him to track down the rogue agent Outlaw and stop her. At first it’s seen that Deadpool and Cable were war buddies from WWII, but in truth they were both brainwashed to become sleeper agents for General Stryfe and a secret organization with goal of world domination. When Stryfe ordered Deadpool to kill Senator John F. Kennedy he was able to break free of the mind control after which he saved Cable, stopped both Stryfe and Outlaw, and delayed the explosion of a nuclear device. While the city was saved the bomb blew up underwater, and while escaping, Deadpool was caught in the explosion which resulted in his scarring and cancer. In recovery Cable offered to help Deadpool and offered him to join a new program, Weapon X.


Deadpool of Earth-5021 was unhinged from time and forced to become a member of the Exiles' rival reality-hopping group known as Weapon X, which performed morally challenging tasks. He acted similar to Earth-616 Deadpool, but was less erratic and more bloodthirsty. After being apparently killed by Sabretooth, he was put in stasis at the Timebrokers' base where he was freed by Dr. Strange whom realized that Deadpool was alive. Deadpool then killed him and attempted to take over the Timebroker's headquarters with other Weapon-X members. During the conflict, Mimic absorbed his healing factor powers (and couldn't get rid of it), and then was apparently killed by She-Hulk.


Thing suspected that Deadpool took the identity of Daredevil, who is dead in the Earth X reality, and became a stuntman in a traveling show. The man denies being Deadpool though.


After the original X-Men are hunted down and killed by Agent Zero, Wolverine makes a new team of X-men. Deadpool is one of people recruited. Deadpool at first turns him down but after getting in several fights by the side of Wolverine he realizes it might be fun and he eventually changes his mind. He remarks about how Wolverine only wants him so he can be the "token human" of the team. This Deadpool makes several pop culture references just like earth 616 does. Wolverine beings to question his decision to extend an invitation but after Deadpool single-handedly takes down several assassins he knows he made the right choice. While training however Agent Zero again tracks them down and Deadpool is apparently killed when he melts into sort of goop after Agent Zero attacks him with a corrosive weapon that has an attribute that works best against those with a healing factor.

5 Ronin Universe

Ronin Deadpool
Ronin Deadpool

In this universe Deadpool is named Watari and is a homeless person, who many consider a fool. He spends most of his time getting drunk or wandering from place to place. Appearances aside, he was once a noble samurai that was left to die in a massacre. He alone survived and the experience left him deranged.

He's also the only character to appear in almost every issue of the 5 Ronin series (with the exception of the Psylocke issue).

Death Mask

Death Mask
Death Mask

Death Mask is Deadpool's counter part in the universe that he Spider-Man and the Hulk are sucked into in their annuals. Deadpool originally thought that Death Wish, whom had a costume identical to Deadpool except it is green instead of red and acted just like Deadpool. When Deadpool and Death Wish met they became fast friends and ran around causing trouble. However, Deadpool found out that his actual counterpart was Death Mask, a genius and a sorcerer that ruled the criminal underground, and found out that Death Wish was actually an insane Victor Von Doom.

Deadpool MAX

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In the Deadpool Max universe, Deadpool is a puppet for a secret government organization. They use him as an assassin to take out high profile targets. Normally, Deadpool wouldn't care to take out these targets, but his handler Officer Bob convinces him that the targets are all heads of the evil criminal organization Hydra. In this universe, nobody but Wade believes that Hydra exists, but Bob tells him they do to keep him under control. Wade was seduced by his "therapist", Dr. Inez, but he leaves her deciding that she's nuts, and not really a doctor. Cable is another agent of the organization, but has gone rogue and claims he's from the future. He tried to tell Deadpool the truth. After the director of the organization, Blind Al, is kidnapped by Domino, Bob talks Deadpool into hunting her down until they meet and he realizes that she's really Dr. Inez who changed her name, appearance, and is pregnant with his child. They go off to live together leaving behind his assassin life.

Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe

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In Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe, Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe. The Watcher watches in horror as one of the most tasteless of worlds unfolds before him. In this universe, Deadpool is victim to a freak counselling session where Psycho Man attempts to use mind-control to force Wade into being his slave assassin. The Watcher claims that Psycho Man's plan succeeds in other universes and he uses an army of brain-washed heroes and villains to take over the world. But, something even worse happens in this particular universe. Psycho Man fails to overtake DP. And, although Psycho Man is murdered by DP (along with the rest of the employees and patients of the psychiatric institute), his attempt at mind control unlocks a new inner-voice. This voice continues to insist that DP kill the entirety of the Marvel Universe, to spare them from the misery they're put through for the entertainment of readers. Deadpool succeeds, continuously, breaking the fourth wall saying that this is what the readers wanted. Some of the notable scenes of the book are when Wade kills the Fantastic Four, Hulk, the Punisher, Taskmaster, Wolverine and the Watcher himself.

At the end of the series, Man-Thing sacrifices himself as a portal to the comic book writer's dimension where he intends to follow through in killing not only his own Marvel Universe, but all of the Universes in existence. The last panel concludes with Wade standing near the bickering creators of Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe, breaking the fourth wall with a threat (or is it a promise?) to find the reader "soon enough."

Deadpool Killustrated

After Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe for a while (in Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe), he realizes that it would be a lot easier to go back and kill the inspiration for his own world. That way, instead of obliterating one comic book world after another, he could defeat the idea of each alternate character at once. He goes about willy-nilly through-out inspirational fictions until Sherlock Holmes appears with a group of classic heroes to defeat him along with his new-found partner Frankenstein. At the end of Deadpool Killustrated, Deadpool is seemingly lost in time after falling off of H. G. Well's time machine. What happens next? Deadpool Kills Deadpool.

Deadpool Kills Deadpool

In this series Deadpool and the Deadpool Corps are being hunted down by Dreadpool (Earth-12101). His mission is to kill every Deadpool in every reality believing that only he was a fictional character and that his alternate counterparts were his dreams made real. Dreadpool hunts down other Deadpools in order to ease his pain while the friends Earth-616 Deadpool seeks to save the multiverse and protect his kind.

Wade Wilson's War

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In this Reality Deadpool was in a squad with Domino, Bullseye, and Silver Sable. They are all believed to be a form of super soldier who went on suicide missions in end being near death. Deadpool is in court after being convicted of causing a massacre in a town. Deadpool says it was a mission to take down a drug lord gone wrong and it ended with Bullseye and Silver Sable killed and Domino losing an eye. The court then told Wade that him and his squad were failed experiments who went insane thinking they were super heroes. They then had Domino come out to testify against Deadpool which ended being a trick the whole time. Domino killed the guards and Deadpool went to kill the judge revealing that he was hired to kill him and kill the drug lords and was arrested as a way of killing two birds with one stone. Then Deadpool and Domino escaped which then revealed that all of this wasn't real, that Wade Wilson is the man the judge explained earlier and that the judge was actually a worker for the mental asylum Wade was in.

Earth 615.9: Venompool


"What If Venom Possessed Deadpool?" is an issue that took place in the 1980s, Deadpool was hired by Galactus to kill the Beyonder for merging Galactus's body with M.O.D.O.K. So Deadpool accepted for the price of the continuity cube. Wilson tracked the Beyonder to a nightclub but liked the Beyonder's lifestyle and joined the party. While hanging with the Beyonder in a flying limo, Spider-Man came and asked for the Beyonder to remove the symbiote from his costume, but ended up getting shot by the limo driver. The Symbiote then left Parker's body and merged onto Wilson's making him Venompool.

Pandapool (Earth-TRN312)


In this reality, Deadpool is a giant panda called Pandapool. Pandapool joined Deadpool from Earth-616 to fight against the evil Deadpool Corps when Dreadpool killed Deadpools across the Multiverse. Pandapool was one of the latest survivors in the fight but at the end he was stabbed at his stomach and died.

Deadpool Dinosaur (Earth-TRN321)

Deadpool Dinosaur
Deadpool Dinosaur

Deadpool Dinosaur was a combination of Deadpool and Devil Dinosaur. He has a partner called Moon Boy, who seemingly has the powers of Moon Boy from Earth-78411. Deadpool Dinosaur has a giant saddle of his back and Moon Boy sits on his back and shoots enemies.r

Deadpool Dinosaur fought with the evil Deadpool Corps in Deadpool Kills Deadpool and was killed by Earth-616's Deadpool.

Galactipool (Earth-TRN319)


Galactipool is a combination of Deadpool and Galactus. In Deadpool Kills Deadpool he was recruited by the evil Deadpool Corps as a last resukt and was killed by Lady Deadpool after she sacrificed herself and crashed The Bea Arthuron his head.

Deadpool The Duck (Earth-791021)

Deadpool The Duck (Earth-791021)
Deadpool The Duck (Earth-791021)

Deadpool The Duck is an alternate version of Deadpool who came from Duckworld (Earth-791021). He seemingly has the same powers as Deadpool from Earth-616.

in Deadpool Kills Deadpool, he was convinced by Dreadpool to fight with the evil Deadpool Corps and kill every Deadpool in the world. He was killed with the rest of the evil Deadpool Corps.

Deadpool The Duck (Earth-616)

In the mini-series Deadpool the Duck, Deadpool was stuck in Howard The Duck's body and Howard The Duck's ghost was replaced with the ghost of Wolverine that was

Skulldozer the Magnificent

In a post-apocalyptic world where Beast's Krakoan experiments have overrun the world, Deadpool was a warlord of Staten Island working with an elderly Quentin Quire, who was sent into the past to retrieve their old team, X-Force, the version that acted as Krakoa's intelligence agency.

Other Media


X2: X-Men United

Deadpool's name is listed in William Stryker's files on Lady Deathstrike's computer.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson
Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson

Wade Wilson was played by Ryan Reynolds in his pre-mutated form (his mutated form was doubled mutely by Reynolds and stuntman Scott Adkins). The movie was faithful to the snarkiness and sarcasm of the character, but nothing was mentioned about his cancer nor his fourth-wall breaking. It's unknown if he was a mutant in the continuity of the film, but he displayed superhuman reflexes and skills, such as his ability to deflect bullets with his swords. He was a member of Team X, the Weapon X group of mercenaries along with Wolverine, Sabretooth, Wraith, Bolt, Agent Zero and Fred Dukes. It should be noted that in the movie, Wade Wilson does not wear the classic Deadpool outfit, but does wear a red T-shirt as a nod to his comic costume. Wade has guns here but is only seen using his katanas when in combat. Humorously, he claims that he used his katanas at his ex-girlfriend's wedding sometime before the events of the film. He is present during the mission to Africa, which is where the group first discovers adamantium. The mission ends with Wolverine leaving the group in disgust after Wade and the others inflict violence against a group of local civilians. Years later, William Stryker, the former leader of Team X, informs Wolverine that both Wade and Bolt had been murdered by Sabretooth, who has gone rogue and is now hunting down his former teammates.

Scott Adkins as Weapon XI
Scott Adkins as Weapon XI

This turns out to be a lie, and in the film's final act, it is revealed that not only is Wade still alive, but that he has also been transformed into a superhuman killing machine known as Weapon XI. As Weapon XI, his mouth is stitched closed, all visible hair is gone, and stitch marks are still present, as he had been taken out of his procedure early to fight Wolverine. He is also infused with a variety of superpowers as a result of being given DNA injections from the various mutants Stryker had kidnapped. He is never exactly called Deadpool in the movie, however Stryker once refers to him as "the Dead Pool" in the movie. In the final battle he is able to shoot energy beams out of his eyes like Cyclops, is armed with retractable adamantium katanas from his arms, has a healing factor that heals otherwise mortal wounds in seconds, can teleport like Wraith, and is controlled technopathically through a computer by Stryker. His head is cut off by Wolverine but in a scene after the credits his charred hand is dragging itself towards the head in the rubble of the facility, whose eyes open in a conscious moan when the hand touches, hinting at the possibility of a spin-off or movie of his own.

Though the pre-Weapon XI scenes were well received by fans, the film's version of Deadpool (as well as the movie itself) was highly controversial with fans, and garnered a great deal of backlash. Fans took to derisively calling the character "Barakapool" due to his resemblance to the Mortal Kombat character Baraka.

Deadpool (2016)

Deadpool: The Movie
Deadpool: The Movie

A solo movie starring Ryan Reynolds had been in development for years, though due to the negative reception to X-Men Origins: Wolverine, it was not related to that movie and was closer to the comics. A script was written as far back as 2010, and test footage for the movie was leaked in 2014. On September 18, 2014, Fox announced that the movie was officially in the works for a February 2016 release date.

The movie additionally starred Ed Skrein as Ajax, Morena Baccarin as Vanessa, T.J. Miller as Weasel, Leslie Uggams as Blind Al, Stefan Kapicic as the voice of Colossus, Gina Carano as Angel Dust and Brianna Hildebrand as newcomer to the big-screen, Negasonic Teenage Warhead. The film was directed by Tim Miller from a script by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick.

The plot consisted mostly of a Deadpool origin story. After being diagnosed with very aggressive cancer, lovestruck mercenary, Wade Wilson, allows a clandestine criminal thinktank to do experiments on him with the promise of curing his cancer. Instead, they torture his X-gene into activating, which gives him a superhuman healing factor that is constantly working against the fast spreading cancer, causing his body and his mind to be unstable. Afraid of what his fiancé will say about his new appearance, Wade crafts the Deadpool identity to hunt down the people who took advantage of him.

The film opened to positive reviews and was a massive hit at the box office.

Deadpool 2 (2018)

The sequel
The sequel

Due to the massive success of the first film, a follow-up was quickly greenlit. The sequel was released two years later, this time directed by John Wick helmer David Leitch, but with Reese and Wernick returning as writers.

Taking place two years after the first film, Wade continues working as a mercenary who goes after the worst and most reprehensible targets. After discovering that the time-traveling warrior Cable plans to kill a mutant child named Russell Collins, Wade sets out to protect the child. In the process, he ends up forming a new team of heroes known as X-Force.

In addition to the returning cast from the first film, the movie featured Josh Brolin as Cable, Zazie Beetz as Domino, Julian Dennison as Russell Collins, Jack Kesy as Black Tom Cassidy, Shioli Kutsuna as Yukio, Terry Crews as Bedlam, Lewis Tan as Shatterstar, Bill Skarsgard as Zeitgeist and Rob Delaney as Peter.

Abandoned Projects

Both a Fox Deadpool 3 and an X-Force spinoff seemed inevitable until the 2019 sales of Fox Studios to Disney. All active Marvel projects were put on hold and were assumed to be rebooted as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Deadpool 3

Deadpool 3 was greenlit as an R-rated Marvel Cinematic Universe production. Shawn Levy, who collaborated with Reynolds before, was announced as the director, and Hugh Jackman, a friend of Ryan Reynolds, was convinced to play Wolverine one more time, in his classic costume.


X-Men: The Animated Series

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In the 90's X-Men animated show produced by Fox, Deadpool never appears himself. However, there are three references to him. The first time is when Professor Xavier is exploring Sabretooth's mind, and Deadpool's face appears in Sabretooth's memories, along with some other people from the Weapon X program, including Wolverine, Maverick, and Omega Red.

When Professor Xavier is possessed by Onslaught, he finds Wolverine on a subway. Wolverine is surprised to see the professor walking, until it's revealed to be Morph who transforms into several people from Wolverine's past, one of whom is Deadpool.

Hulk vs. Wolverine

Animated Deadpool
Animated Deadpool

Deadpool is one of Thornton's henchmen alongside other Marvel villains. One of their missions is to capture both Hulk and Wolverine to use them as deadly weapons in Weapon X. He often annoys Omega Red with his jokes. At the end (after the credits) Deadpool is seen emerging from the debris via Hulk destroying the lab. Deadpool then pats himself and exclaims : "Guys? Red.. that's right... I can't believe it! I'm alive! I'M ALIIIVE-" in which he is then stomped on by Hulk. The screen goes back to Deadpool as he whimpers a weak. "Ow..." He is voiced by Nolan North.

Ultimate Spider-Man

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Deadpool makes three appearance in Ultimate Spider-Man. In the episode "Freaky", Deadpool's face is seen on a magazine cover. In the episode "The Iron Octopus", Deadpool appears as a character in the game Peter Parker is playing with Harry Osbourne. In the episode "Ultimate Deadpool", Deadpool arrives on the Helicarrier after SHIELD's computers have been compromised, Spider-Man arrives to see his team seemingly fond of and happy to see Deadpool, who left the group before he joined. Spider-Man and Deadpool then join forces to recover the stolen data from Taskmaster. But Spider-Man soon learns that Deadpool is a killer and mercenary who intends to steal the secret identities of the heroes from Taskmaster for the sole purpose of selling them on the black market himself.

X-Men: Anime

Deadpool makes a small cameo in the last episode saving the world from the powers of Xavier's son, Takeo.

Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers

Deadpool in Marvel Disk Wars
Deadpool in Marvel Disk Wars

Deadpool appears in the series, voiced by Takehito Koyasu. He frequently breaks the fourth wall and jokes about how he should be the main character, as well as his desire to have an anime figure made in his likeness.

Marvel Future Avengers

Deadpool in Future Avengers
Deadpool in Future Avengers

Deadpool appears in the episode "It's Deadpool, Again" where he is hired to kidnap Hurricane and turn him over to the Masters of Evil. He was voiced by Takehito Koyasu in the Japanese original and by Jason Spisak in the English dub.

Video Games

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse

Deadpool is a boss fight villain (being mind-controlled by Mr. Sinister) in the game and is unlocked as playable after beating the game. If Deadpool is in your party while you encounter him as a boss he has a special conversation with himself. Deadpool uses his katanas and guns for many basic attacks, and uses nitrogen grenades for his special attack in addition to his teleportation power.

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (2006)

Deadpool is one of the heroes that aids in the defense of the Helicarrier after it's attack by the Masters of Evil. Deadpool is unlocked at the first save point, and can be used throughout the rest of the game. His attacks are mostly borrowed from Rise of Apocalypse, including his teleporting, but his new "X-Treme" attack is called "Merc's Revenge" where he leaps into the air and pelts foes with gunfire.

In his simulator disk, Deadpool must fight through Murderworld, playing bumper-cars and defeating Arcade's clown minions before fighting a Dark Spider-Man clone, but not before having a discussion about internet dating websites. His special costumes are his updated look from the Cable & Deadpool series (dubbed "Assassin"), his Weapon X uniform, and the costume worn by his ultimate universe counterpart.

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 (2009)

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2

Deadpool goes to Washington D.C. for the cherry blossom festival, and becomes enraged when Titanium Man and his terrorists attack the city, and attacks the players. Once he is defeated he aids the heroes in rescuing Senator Stan Lieber from the armored super villain, and takes him back to safety while the Alliance continues after Titanium Man. His attacks are still based on guns, grenades and katanas, but his fighting system has been rebuilt from the ground up. Deadpool has unique dialogue with Black Widow and Cable, and his alternate costume is an unmasked variant of his Ultimate Universe costume. Deadpool is also aware that he is in the game, frequently mentioning the need for red orbs or whining about his low health bar, all while referring to you as "Player".

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Deadpool is featured in the video game adaption of the Wolverine movie. He is the final boss fight (as Weapon XI) as he is in the film.

Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Deadpool is a playable character in Marvel vs. Capcom 3. He retains his manic mood as well as his awareness that he’s in a video game, going so far as to beat his foes with his health-bar as one of his Super Combos. When he wins a match, he will sometimes insult the player for sitting on the couch while he's out risking life and limb in battle, and if he loses he'll yell at you for "pressing the wrong buttons!" Nolan North reprises his role as the character. If the player defeats Galactus using Deadpool, it is seen that Deadpool and an accomplice known only as "The Player" are on the run from the police after Deadpool caused an explosion while trying to add more power to the DJ and the Margarita machine. Deadpool also has a a theme song in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 that reflects his personality. It is one of the only songs in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 that has lyrics.

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

Shattered Dimensions
Shattered Dimensions

Ultimate Deadpool appears as a boss in the game, but with a reimagined personality similar to his standard counterpart. He tries to kill Spider-Man on live TV with his army of ravenous fanboys in exchange for the tablet if Spider-Man wins. The tablet's power grant the ability to make three copies of himself. He will sing the Pokemon theme song if the player spends too long collecting Spider Tokens, also will make smart remarks if the player pauses too long. Nolan North reprises his role of the character.

Little Big Planet 2

In Little Big Planet 2, there was a second Marvel pack of costumes for Sackboy to wear. The second wave of Marvel costumes included many different characters, one of which being Deadpool. Deadpool's appearance on Little Big Planet 2 includes his mask, and the rest of his outfit, including two katanas strapped to his back. The outfit is priced at 1.99 and was released on January, 2013.

Marvel: Avengers Alliance

Marvel: Avengers Alliance
Marvel: Avengers Alliance

Deadpool is a playable character in the Facebook Marvel: Avengers Alliance game. His character can be bought for 135 Command Points, which is about 45 more then the average character price. Currently he has two costumes available the default being the "Classic Deadpool" costume and the alt being his grey and black "Uncanny X-Force" costume, which has a passive that is shared with Uncanny X-Force costumes for Wolverine, Psylocke, Archangel, and Fantomex. His attacks include: Sharp Pointy Things, Bang Bang Bang!, No Holds Barred, and Happy to See You. He is one of the few characters in the game with two unique Empowered-Iso8.

Deadpool (Video Game)

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Deadpool is the star of his own videogame. The game is filled with quirky, gory, dark humor, mexican food, relentless fourth-wall breaking, swearing, sarcasm, explosions, and comic references. The game is an extremely loyal adaptation of the comics and the general style of writing for the character.

Lego Marvel Super Heroes

Deadpool is a playable character, with Nolan North reprising his role.

Marvel Heroes

Deadpool is once again a playable character.

Contest of Champions

Deadpool and Venompool
Deadpool and Venompool

Deadpool is one of the playable fighters in the game.

Two new playable variants were later added to the game that included Uncanny X-Force Deadpool and Venompool.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order

Deadpool in Ultimate Alliance 3
Deadpool in Ultimate Alliance 3

Deadpool returns in the third Ultimate Alliance game, voiced again by Nolan North. He is affiliated with the X-Men in this game, and enters the plot after the Brotherhood's attack on the Xavier Institute ruins the tacos he was preparing.


Action figures

From Hasbro and Sideshow
From Hasbro and Sideshow
Hot Toys
Hot Toys
Marvel Legends
Marvel Legends
  • Toy Biz released a Deadpool figure for the X-Force line. Strangely, he was listed as part of the "Evil Mutant" division of toys, even though he is not a mutant.
  • Toy Biz later released an alternate Deadpool figure for the X-Men/X-Force line. This one included an alternate, unmasked head depicting his scarred face.
  • Years later, Toy Biz released a Deadpool figure for the Marvel Legends line. A Doop figure was also included.
  • A Deadpool figure was released by Diamond Select as part of the Marvel Select line.
  • Hasbro released a Deadpool figure showing his maligned Weapon XI design for the X-Men Origins: Wolverine line. The same line also included a classic, comic-accurate Deadpool figure.
  • Hasbro released a few Deadpool figures for the Super Hero Squad line.
  • Hasbro released a figure of Deadpool in his X-Force uniform for the Marvel Legends line.
  • Hasbro also released a figure of Deadpool in his X-Men uniform as part of a Marvel Legends two-pack with Warpath.
  • Hasbro released a smaller figure of Deadpool as part of their Greatest Battles Comic Packs line. This figure came as part of a two-pack with Taskmaster.
  • Hasbro also released a Deadpool figure for the Marvel Mashers line.
  • Sideshow Collectibles released a sixth scale Deadpool figure.
  • Hot Toys released a Deadpool figure based on his solo movie incarnation.
  • Hasbro released another Marvel Legends Deadpool figure as part of the Juggernaut Build-a-Figure wave.
  • In 2018, Deadpool received two Marvel Legends waves devoted to him, as well as his allies and supporting cast. Another was released in 2020.
  • In 2020, Hasbro released a special Marvel Legends two-pack with the movie versions of Deadpool and Negasonic Teenage Warhead.
  • Hot Toys released a second movie Deadpool figure, this time for the sequel.
  • Hasbro released a Marvel Legends Venompool Build-a-Figure wave in 2020.


The Kotobukiya X-Force variant
The Kotobukiya X-Force variant
  • Bowen Designs released a Deadpool statue.
  • Gentle Giant Studios released a Deadpool bust.
  • Kotobukiya released a Deadpool statue depicting him in his Marvel NOW! costume as part of the ARTFX line. This was followed by a variant showing Deadpool in his X-Force uniform.
  • Sideshow Collectibles released a Deadpool statue, as well as a variant showing him in his X-Force uniform.
  • Factory Entertainment produced a statue of Deadpool riding in a toy rocket.
  • Diamond Select released a number of Deadpool products, including pair of statues depicting Deadpool and Cable and a Gamestop-exclusive unmasked Deadpool PVC statue.
  • Gentle Giant released Deadpool statues and busts, including a Roman-style bust depicting Wade as Julius Caesar.


The Wolverine Chopper Showdown kit
The Wolverine Chopper Showdown kit
  • Lego released a Deadpool minifig for their "Wolverine's Chopper Showdown" kit.
  • Funko released a Deadpool bobblehead as part of the Pop! line. A variant of Deadpool in his X-Men colors was later released, followed by another of Deadpool in his X-Force uniform.
  • Funko also released a Deadpool plush for the Fabrikations line.
  • Funko later released the "Deadpool Chimichanga Truck" toy, which once again was also released as an X-Force variant.
  • Medicom released a bear-inspired Deadpool for the Bearbrick line.


February 1991

September 1991

November 1991

December 1991

May 1992

June 1992

August 1992

September 1992

October 1992

November 1992

April 1993

May 1993

June 1993

July 1993

August 1993

September 1993

October 1993

November 1993

January 1994

April 1994

May 1994

June 1994

July 1994

August 1994

















Died in issues





Friendly teams

Enemy teams