


Member of the Young Gods she has illusion casting powers.

Real name:
Catherine Moranis
  • Catherine Moranis
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Divine Powers
  • Flight
  • Illusion Casting
  • Invisibility
  • Longevity
  • Possession
  • Precognition
  • Telepathy


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Daydreamer is one of the Young Gods, human beings evolved by the Celestials. Daydreamer, originally Catherine Moranis, was born in 19th century Ottawa, Canada and was chosen as a fine specimen of humanity offered by the Goddesses of the Earth to the Celestials.

She was among a dozen humans who had been selected for possessing a particular quality that exemplified humanities potential for greatness. In exchange for the Young Gods the Celestial Arishem the Judge would find Earth favorable and Daydreamer along with the Young Gods would depart Earth with the Celestials. Aboard the Celestial Mothership she would be mentored by Juniper.

Daydreamer as well as the rest of the Young Gods taught by Juniper decided to take aggressive actions against the High Evolutionary. Katos students including Daydreamer would disagree with this course of action, and following their peers to Earth the two groups of Young Gods would clash in physical confrontation. However when Daydreamer would attempt to subdue Calculus by projecting psychically into his brain, she would injure him more than she had meant to, seriously incapacitating him.

Major Story Arcs

Return to Earth

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When Sea Witch had a prophetic dream, Daydreamer and Varua determined that it was related to the encounter they had had in Israel before, and the Celestials permitted them to return to Earth and investigate. They split into three teams, visiting Sri Lanka, Ireland, and Central Bend, Wisconsin. The rogue god Nauda proved to have been the creature's master, and was seeking 3 mystical stones, two of which were found by the Young Gods in Central Bend and Ireland. Nauda captured the Sri Lanka team and forced the others to surrender themselves and the stones to him, but Daydreamer created illusionary stones instead. They were able to destroy Nauda by becoming a Uni-Mind, and Caduceus destroyed his stones.

War with the Eternals

After years of waiting on the silent and unmoving Celestials for a sign, the Young Gods go mad and descend into deviant behavior for the hopes of even the slightest acknowledgement. They then decide that the Celestials must wish for them to use their powers and act on their own. Upon deciding this, the group left the Celestials' spacecraft and returned to Earth, where they intended to use the consciousness of all humans on the planet to create a new Celestial. They decide to start with the island nation of Madripoor and extend outwards.

Upon learning of this, the Eternals, who were unaffected by the Young Gods' power to drain consciousness, encountered and attempted to stop them. Eventually, the Eternals convince Varua that the Celestials may have been testing them with their silence and coming to Earth may be the wrong choice. While Varua hesitates to ponder the possibility of being wrong, she is killed and Daydreamer and the other Young Gods who had not been killed during battle with the Eternals immediately fall to the ground, seemingly dead.


Daydreamer is a Marvel comic book character created by Mark Gruenwald, Ralph Macchio and Keith Pollard. She first appears in Thor vol. 1 #300 released in October, 1980. Many of the details of the character are first introduced in Spectacular Spider-Man #8 released in 1998. The character would also receive substantial development in the Marvel Comics Presents series.

Character Evolution

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Daydreamer is a member of the Young Gods, alongside many others such as Bright Sword, Caduceus, Calculus, Moonstalker, Genii, Harvest, Highnote, Mindsinger, Sea Witch, Splice, Varua. The twelve share many similarities. All twelve were ordinary humans chosen by the Goddesses of Earths pantheons under the direction of the Elder Goddess Gaea. All twelve were chosen as for representing a certain particular ideal of humanity. Moonstalker for example hunting. All twelve were created to serve in a story that came into fruition starting with Thor #300, which dealt with various Earth pantheons confrontations with the mysterious Jack Kirby creations the Celestials.

Characteristics and Appearance

Eyes: Red

Hair: Green

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 110 lbs

Identity: Secret Identity

Citizenship: Ottawa Ontario,Canada

Marital Status: Single

Base Of Operations: Earth-616, The Celestials' mother-ship, formerly Ottawa, Canada (19th Century)

Relatives: None Known

Powers and Abilities

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Daydreamer is a powerful psychic and has shown to possess a range of mental powers. Her powers would include a high level of telepathy which she could read the thoughts of others, project her own thoughts into the minds of others, and make a mental rapport with her teammates. She also displayed the ability to control the minds of others. However those with particular strong wills would she would be unable to control. She also had a limited degree of precognition. Lastly she also had the ability to create and project images based on the thoughts of others.

Through the genetic engineered gifts granted her Daydreamer has a mutated human physical condition. She is imbued with a high degree of strength, speed, endurance, physical resistance, agility, and reflexes possessed are considered superhuman. She can exert herself at maximum effort for far longer than most humans can endure.


October 1980

November 1980

November 1988

May 1992

June 1992

July 1992

August 1992

November 1995

January 2009

April 2010








