
Daredevil 2099 (Nelson)

Daredevil 2099 (Nelson)

Eric Nelson battled corporate injustice in the world of 2099, operating under the identity of Daredevil.

Daredevil 2099 (Nelson)
Real name:
Eric Nelson
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Energy Based Constructs
  • Escape Artist
  • Intellect
  • Marksmanship
  • Stamina
  • Stealth
  • Super Hearing
  • Super Smell
  • Tracking
  • Unarmed Combat


The Daredevil of 2099 opted to take the law into his own hands, expressing disappointment in the corrupted legal system of his time.


Eric (Daredevil 2099) Nelson was created by Warren Ellis and Dale Eaglesham. His first appearance was in 2099 A.D. Genesis #1 (January 1996).

2099 A.D. Genesis

Having broken ties with everything from his former life, the mysterious Daredevil 2099 debuted following the fall of President Victor von Doom. His initial encounters with street-level drug dealers revealed an Alchemax scheme to control downtown Manhattan. Using a missile attack to break into the office of project head Frank Wilson, Daredevil visited his own brand of justice upon the man. Forcing Wilson to take the illegal drugs confiscated during his patrols, the vigilante declares that Manhattan is now under his protection.

Series Proposal

Due to the cancellation of the 2099, the future Daredevil only made a single issue appearance. However, a series proposal had been drafted by Mark Waid which outlined the history of the character and the direction his title would have taken.

Embarrassed by his gambling father, Eric Nelson was raised by his mother to eliminate risks from his life. As such, Nelson played it safe and joined the ranks of the corporations as a lawyer. Engaged and wealthy, life was perfect - until an encounter with a brilliant scientist on the run from the corporations.

Having developed technology that would enhance human senses, the scientist feared how Alchemax would misuse his breakthrough and had sought out Nelson for assistance. Refusing to go against the system, Nelson attempts to have the man settle with the MegaCorp and move on with his life.

The next day, the scientist is found dead of a so-called suicide, and a mysterious package arrives for Eric. Pricking his finger on the empty box, Nelson begins having dizzy spells; he later discovers that he has been infected with nanotechnology that has affected his senses. Knowing that Alchemax would tear him apart to get at the tech, Nelson finds his carefully crafted existence falling out of control.

Introduced to the underground that he had turned a blind eye to for most of his life, Nelson adopts the moniker of Daredevil and decides to stand up to the injustices of the world.

Marvel Knights Revival

The 2099 line was revived in 2004, and featured a brand new version of the Daredevil 2099 concept. This character, Samuel Fisk, has no relation to the Eric Nelson version.


January 1996



