
Chief Baka

Chief Baka

Chief of an unnamed African village that is home to a large diamond mine and worships aliens.

Chief Baka
Real name:
Birth date:

Major Story Arcs

Baka hangs out in his ceremonial garb but talks refined diplomacy
Baka hangs out in his ceremonial garb but talks refined diplomacy

Baka is highly educated, first by missionaries and then in universities abroad, including Oxford. He normally wears business suits but puts on his ceremonial garb on on special occasions.

His country has some diamond deposits that England has been mining, but one of their sacred jewels was stolen and taken to England. The British agree to help find it so they are not blamed for its theft.

Inspector Fitzroy of Scotland Yard takes on the case and asks the detectives Mandy Flynn, Salem Hawkshaw, and the alien Bozz to help. They find the jewel and return it to Baka.

However, when Baka sees Bozz for the first time, he is stunned and starts to worship him: the legends of his people speak of people that look like Bozz as gods. Furthermore, Bozz recognizes the crystal as being one of his race's power sources. He realizes that they may have left some other trace in the area that might help him get back to his home planet.

Baka therefore leads them all back to his village in search of more alien evidence. There, he is a beloved leader. They find another European, Jan Kruger, also staying at the village. He is searching for a tunnel to the center of the earth but decides Bozz would be an even better attraction and decides to capture him.

They all continue on to the source of the crystal together, and have various difficulties dealing with wild rivers and veldt fires, which Baka helps them safely through.

They split up and Bozz and Mandy find a spaceship, but it is destroyed along with Kruger. Baka finds them soon after, and the detectives return home.


September 1986

November 1986


