
Carmelita Camacho

Carmelita Camacho

Pretty girl that loved the wrong man.

Carmelita Camacho
Real name:
Carmela Camacho
Birth date:


Daughter of the Camachos, owners of Camacho's Bodega.


Written by Gerry Duggan and Brian Posehn and drawn by Scott Koblish.

Major Story Arcs

After her father dies at the hands of the White Man's men, Carmelita's mother hires the Heroes for Hire to right the wrongs when the cops refuse. Carmelita is captured, however, and held hostage with Deadpool. She wants to spend her last moments on Earth making love and strips down to get some action with Deadpool.

They make love, but Deadpool keeps his mask and suit on, only undoing his pants. The two are saved by Luke Cage, who's disgusted -calling Deadpool a creep. Deadpool says that he couldn't have come at a worse time. Luke pulls Deadpool away saying he doesn't have time to get freaky and tells Carmelita to stay put. Carmelita calls to Deadpool, asking him to wait. As he goes back to her, she wishes him and gives him a kiss in case something bad happen to her, prompting Luke to say that Deadpool is something bad that happened to her.

She gets dressed while Deadpool rushes off to fight the White Man's men. She goes to the fight scene, saying she heard punching and wondered if Deadpool was ok. The White Man orders one of his goons to attack Carmelita. Iron Fist yells for her to watch out, before gearing up to attack the man. However, Deadpool comes to her rescue, slicing the man in half -with blood spilling onto Carmelita in the process. After the fight is won, Deadpool removes his mask and Carmelita is horrified by the sight. Deadpool tells her to give him a kiss, but she says she can't. Choking back bile, she runs away in disgust, which Deadpool says hurt his feelings. He puts his mask on, noting that it's easier to hide feelings behind a real mask, as tears run down his cheeks.

Luke and Danny try to cheer him up and tell him there's plenty of fish in the sea. Deadpool plays it off that things will change for him soon, but Luke tells him that he can hear him crying behind his mask.


September 2013

December 2013

January 2014

July 2014

November 2014



Died in issues


