


Bludgeon is an original member of the Fangs.

Real name:
Anthony Manning
  • Anthony Manning
  • Blud
Birth date:
  • Gadgets
  • Super Strength
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Weapon Master

D-Man vs Bludgeon.
D-Man vs Bludgeon.
Anthony Manning was a client of the Power Broker and had his strength augmented to a super-human level. Manning dubbed himself Bludgeon and acted as a personal enforcer and bodyguard alongside another client called Mangler. Steve Rogers wanted to investigate the strength augmentation program after he came across the Super Patriot. Rogers dressed in civilian clothing, eventually finds the Power Broker's secret location and realized he is set up when the man speaking to him from behind a desk is a dummy. Bludgeon and Mangler come out and attack Steve Rogers. The super soldier doesn't have his shield and manages to elude the two bruisers after Bludgeon causes a wall to collapse with a powerful punch. Bludgeon and Mangler would engage Demolition Man after he enters the secret location to help his friend, Captain America. D-Man would defeat Bludgeon and Mangler in battle and saves Rogers from the clutches of Dr. Karl Malus.  


Bludgeon was created by Mark Gruenwald, Paul Neary and Vince Colletta in 1987 and first appeared in Captain America # 328.

Story Arcs

The Fangs
The Fangs
Bludgeon would later appear as a member of the Fangs alongside Heat-Ray, Slither and Razorblade. The Fangs are a group of mercenaries and killers lead by Viper. They save Viper from the Iron Monger who was hired by the Red Skull because he believed the Viper was squandering his money for the sake of chaos. The Fangs take Viper to her secret pit and reveals to them her plan to broadcast a special frequency from a transmission center that would blind all the people watching from a television set. The Viper was followed by Captain America, Battlestar and Silver Sable so she sends the Fangs to deal with them. 
Bludgeon would drop his weapon during the chaos to take on Battlestar in hand-to-hand combat. Battlestar comes up with a clever move while he sees Razorblade and Captain America engaging each other right behind him. Battlestar rolls behind Razorblade while Captain America punches him. Razorblade trips over Battlestar and ends up slashing Bludgeon with his bladed armor. The Fangs are defeated and Captain America uses Bludgeon's gun to take down the transmitter tower. 

Powers & Abilities

Bludgeon has enhanced strength due to the strength augmentation process provided by the Power Broker. Bludgeon is formidable in hand-to-hand combat and has used a jet pack and guns during his time as a member of the Fangs.


April 1987

November 1989

December 1989

September 1993




