


X-Factor villain and demon in the business of harvesting human souls.

Real name:
  • BB
Birth date:
  • Soul Absorption
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Swordsmanship
  • Telepathy
  • Unarmed Combat
First issue:
B.B. introduces himself to X-factor
B.B. introduces himself to X-factor

Bloodbath's time on Earth:

Bloodbath has a position in the demon world similar to a freelancer, he kills and "reaps souls slated for damnation" for a commission on said souls. When he witnessed Hangman (minion empowered by Satannish) escape Hell, Bloodbath followed him to Earth and blackmailed Hangman into killing 500 people... at the expense of losing his ex-wife and their secret child.

Unbeknownst to Hangman, Bloodbath still went back on his word and killed the mother.. intentionally drawing the attention of the last people she saw in contact with: X-factor. X-factor agents (Jamie, Layla, Shatterstar, and Longshot) went to view the body and came in contact with the demon who took the opportunity to both own the group in her body & warn them to stay away from this case and his "business". Not to be deterred, the group headed to the deceased wife's old home for tangible clues, found Hangman's real name, and upon hacking the Avengers database discovered his secret identity and history of mysteriously murdered past flames. They suspected Hangman murdered his wife/kidnapped his child and that B.B. was an accomplice in all this, armed with this basis they sought Hangman for answers and justice.

A battle over souls
A battle over souls

The group soon found (or rather WERE found by) Hangman, and after a brief battle Hangman soon learned of his wife's demise and asked of X-factor to save his son. The group obliged and despite being ambushed by the demon they managed to kill his body........only for him to posses another dead body and kill their leader Multiple Man. Outraged, the group used teamwork on him only for the demon to reform his previously destoryed body back into fighting shape and continue the battle.

As the battle raged on it was revealed the reason B.B. set up this confrontation with X-factor, was due to Layla's ability to resurrect people from the dead; without their souls. As a Demon who values the energy of the soul this would cut into B.B.'s business endeavors, and he couldn't allow such a cut in inventory. As the group wrestled with this ethical/moral dilemma on whether to resurrect their fallen leader, B.B. prepared to ambush X-factor and drain their souls. Only with Hangman's help did they kill the demon again and before he could reak more havoc in the new body they banished his soul from the Earthly plane with a special exorcism. This ended B.B.'s reign of terror, and Hell's assassin is back in his homeworld until the next soul is required.

Powers & Abilities

Deriving his power from the immortal souls of humans, Bloodbath is a formidable demon with Super strength, speed, super speed, and Hax abilities. That said, Bloodbath's level of power can be accurately categorized in 2 words: Glass cannon. A list of his Earthly feats are below:

Super Strength- Bloodbath possesses (pun intended) superhuman strength, enough to

  • Throw off 6+ Multiple man clones
  • No-sell a full power swing from Shatterstar
  • Rip through Layla Miller's OP barrier. Twice. (Feats for the barrier)
Dodges Rictor's vibration assault
Dodges Rictor's vibration assault

Super speed- B.B. possesses supernatural speed & fighting ability, highly ranked enough to

  • Defeat the 《Bullet》- 《timer》 Shatterstar on 3 seperate occasions.
  • Reacts to and deflects a sound wave attack, well timed enough to hit one of attacker's allies
B.B. casually survives decapitation (regenerate feat)
B.B. casually survives decapitation (regenerate feat)

Enhanced durability- While still a glass cannon compared to his hax/weapons, Bloodbath has relatively impressive durability such as:

  • Tanks a sonic blast from from Banshee (Terry)
  • Immediately after.. tanks a small building collapsing on him (size of building). 《Only slightly annoyed》
  • Casually stabs himself through the chest, regenerates instantly with no lasting injury.
  • Regenerates his destroyed body that was previously destroyed.

Minor spatial manipulation
Minor spatial manipulation

Hax- Deriving his power from the souls of his targets, B.B. has dangerous abilities that border on Hax. Such abilities include:

  • A sword more durable than Shatterstar's blades (said blades are theorized to slice into adamantium, and can cut Juggernaut's armor/weaken space itself)
  • Soul draining his opponents 《1》 《2》 , leaving even the likes of Monet & Layla M. unable to defend.
  • Is able to cancel out psychic abilities/telepathy on 2 seperate occasions 《1》 《2》. Said psychic was was a difficult mind to read even for Psylocke. Can operate even without Neurons connected (head cut off).


November 2011

January 2012

February 2012

April 2012




