
Arabian Knight (Hashim)

Arabian Knight (Hashim)

Navid Hashim is an Israeli-born Arab who works for Saudi Arabia and is known as the Arabian Knight.

Arabian Knight (Hashim)
Real name:
Navid Hashim
  • Navid Hashim
Birth date:
  • Blast Power
  • Invulnerability
  • Magic
  • Power Item
  • Swordsmanship

This is the second Marvel character to take the name Arabian Knight, for the first see: Arabian Knight (Qamar)


Having been given Qamar's equipment by the Saudi government, who had confiscated it upon Qamar's death, Navid Hashim turned the carpet used by the first Arabian Knight into an indestructible uniform that serves as an armor which protects him from harm and allows him to fly.

Major Story Arcs

London Falling

No Caption Provided

Navid was acting as security for national officials that were visiting London for a peace conference. He was recruited by Philip Gavin of MI5 for an anti-terrorist unit. He had received intel of a large terrorist attack planned to strike somewhere in London in four hours. Joining Navid was fellow international agents Sabra from Israel and Valentina de Fontaine from America. They would follow the orders of field leader, Union Jack. Unfortunately, this team was put together due to being considered expendable to Gavin, who sent the UK's premiere heroes on lower threat missions.

After stopping assassins at House of Parliament, Heathrow Airport, Tower Bridge, and the Thames Tunnel were the next targets. Union Jack split the team up. He would take out the superhumans attacking the tunnel before joining Sabra on the bridge, while Navid and Val were sent to Heathrow to deal with Boomerang and Firebrand. Union Jack and Sabra would eventually regroup with them at Heathrow, but Navid and his international allies would be influenced by The Corrupter to fight Union Jack.

Union Jack reluctantly had to hurt his teammates to stop them from hurting anyone. With almost every superhuman mercenary in custody, one finally slipped in interrogation and revealed a Dreadnought drone was smuggled into the city. When it was finally released on the city, the battered and bruised team heads back into the field. With the help of common citizens who appreciated Union Jack's earlier warnings, they exposed the Dreadnought's cooling system and sabotaged it.

Navid and the others thankfully survived their mission, and Union Jack leveraged his trust with the people to reveal Gavin's true intentions.

Hulk of Arabia

Navid watches via night vision goggles, The Secret Avengers , battle the Red Hulk in the Qatar. He is soon detected by War Machine's sensors, who believes Navid nothing more then a reporter trying to get a scoop. When War Machine attempts to confront Navid, Navid uses his magical sword and disables War Machines armor. Valkyrie and Black Widow come to War Machine's aide, but they are little match for Navid, and his magical sword. The fight is broken up when Captain America shows up and explains that he sent the Secret Avengers and if Navid would come with them he's explain how they could help each other.

Navid agrees and back on the Royal Frigate, the Al Mazzan. Steve explains to Red Hulk, Navid and the Secret Avengers that everyone is looking for the same man, Dagan Shah, the man who has been supplying rebels with small but deadly rockets. Rodgers asks that Navid back off while the Arab League discusses what to do about Dagan, but Navid feels he can't wait and flies to Sharzhad to deal with Dagan himself.

When Navid gets to Sharzhad he is captured and Dagan uses his powers to steal Navid's memories and Navid's form. He then encases Navid in a crystal until the Red Hulk is able to free him some time later.

Navid is weak from the memory stealing and the crystal so he remains behind while Red Hulk and Machine Man take on Dagan.

Navid recovers and arrives in time to use his magic sword to cut off Dagan's arms. Dagan is still able to fight and reattach his arms. During the battle Navid disappears and Red Hulk is forced to deal with Dagan on his own.


June 2006

November 2006

December 2006

January 2007

February 2007

May 2007

October 2007

February 2008

November 2010

December 2011

January 2012

February 2012

February 2019











Friendly teams

Enemy teams