
Anton Satan

Anton Satan

The Anti-Christ, an enemy of the Ghost Riders

Anton Satan
Real name:
  • The Anti-Christ
  • Antichrist
  • Kid Blackheart
  • Lord Blackheart
  • junior Blackheart
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Astral Projection
  • Divine Powers
  • Force Field
  • Healing
  • Immortal
  • Intellect
  • Invulnerability
  • Necromancy
  • Psionic

Brief History

Anton was born in a devil worshipping monastary. He was part of project Blackheart which is an experimental breeding program involing the breeding of the most evil people in the world to reproduce an anti-christ. Anton would later leave the monastrary after

Zadkiel's angels attacked the monastery and killing everyone in it.

Anton would end up being the youngest investment banker on Wall Street in NYC. He was almost killed by one of Zadkiel's angels in the city until he was saved by Jaine Cutter. The two manage to flee but Anton and Jaine end up being surrounded by Zadkiel's angels. He then almost gets killed by his half-brother Hellstorm but is stopped by Jaine. Anton then tries to escape both of them but is stopped by Daniel Ketch. Dan then bring Anton to Ghost Rider(Blaze), Sara, Hellstorm, and Cutter.

The group split up up with Anton staying close to the Caretaker, Sara. They were further separated when Hellstorm and Cutter were attacked by Madcap and Scarecrow, separating them from Anton and Sara. They took refuge in a deconsecrated church where Sara is attacked and knocked unconscious by Master Pandemonium, who is revealed to be a servant of Anton. After having her chained, Anton revealed that Sara was a living gateway to Heaven, which he intended to use to lead a horde of demons to destroy Heaven for his father. Unfortunately for him an army of Ghost Riders was present on the other side, whom preceded to decimate his forces. Anton was forced to retreat back to Earth. He is last seen in the company of Master Pandemonium and Blackout where they were seen taking a break in a strip club before making another attempt to conquer the world for his father.


October 2009

November 2009

December 2009

January 2010

February 2010

March 2010



