
Andy Lorimer

Andy Lorimer

Andy Lorimer followed in his father's footsteps and joined the British military. His father was killed by an IRA terrorist and his father's friend Yorkie Mitchell takes him to NYC to get his revenge against his father's murderer.

Andy Lorimer
Real name:
Andy Lorimer
Birth date:
  • Marksmanship


Andy Lorimer is a Lance Corporal in the British military and has done a tour of duty in Iraq. When his fathered died he vowed to get revenge on the killer. Yorkie Mitchell contacted him about a mission he was doing for MI6 in the states go after Finn Cooley. He told Andy that Finn's nephew Peter Cooley who killed his father was in New York City and offered to take him there to avenge his father's death which Andy accepted.


The character Andy Lorimer was created by Garth Ennis during his time writing the Punisher's MAX series.

Major Story Arcs

Kitchen Irish

Andy Lorimer accompanied Yorkie Mitchell to New York City to find Finn Cooley and murder him for the British government. The two ate at a diner in Hell's Kitchen near the site of bomb explosion that Finn Cooley set off to get noticed by the Punisher. Frank Castle found them eating their food and after a brief discussion Frank Castle agreed to help Andy and Yorkie in tracking down Finn Cooley and his nephew Peter Cooley. They found them at a bar and were about to execute them when the River Rats showed up unexpectedly the Punisher got into a fire fight with the River Rats while Andy and Yorkie got into a fire fight with Finn Cooley and his nephew Peter Cooley. Finn Cooley grabbed a hostage to get Andy and Yorkie to stop shooting at him and left his wounded nephew Peter at the scene. Andy, Yorkie, and Frank take Peter back to the Punisher's base where they question him. Yorkie reminding Andy that he couldn't kill him until they knew for sure that Finn Cooley was dead. During their questioning of Peter he swore he wouldn't tell him anything and Andy and Yorkie left the room where the Punisher tortured Peter and got him to break instantly telling them everything.

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Peter told them the Westies, his uncle, Maginty, and the River Rats were all after 10 million dollars an old Irish gangster left for them. Each one having part of the coordinates to the location of the money. After, hearing this information the three decide to set up an ambush on top of an aircraft carrier in New York City where they killed all the westies and several of Magnity's gang before they had to leave to avoid being arrested by the NYPD. Later on they tracked down these groups who made peace trying to collect the money. They followed them to an abandoned boat in the Hudson and get into a fire fight which forced Andy, Yorkie, and Castle to retreat. Just as they retreated a bomb blows up destroying the boat and everyone in it. With Finn Cooley dead Yorkie drove Andy to an abandon building to kill Peter. After, Andy murdered his father's killer him and Yorkie went home back to England.


August 2004

September 2004

October 2004

November 2004

December 2004




