
The Claw

The Claw

The Claw is a golden age supervillan of Daredevil and Silver Streak. “A monster of miraculous powers who is out to dominate the universe,” The Claw was billed as “the world’s worst villain.” The character is in the Public Domain.

The Claw
Real name:
  • God of Hate
  • The Green Claw
  • Claw
Birth date:
  • Claws
  • Hypnosis
  • Illusion Casting
  • Leadership
  • Size Manipulation
  • Stamina
  • Super Strength
First issue:
Silver Streak Comics (1939) #1 On a Map the Island of Ricca is but a Dot..


Though depicted in a stereotypical and borderline racist manner as an Asian villain, the Claw has more in common with Godzilla than with Dr. Fu Manchu and his ilk.The Claw was born in a thriving little village in named “Death’s Head”. There, a veiled young woman named Zola was proprietor of a popular tavern. A cruel boss, she actually slew employees who asked for their wages. One day, a yellow-skinned brute named Mei Ting came to see her about marriage. What he really wanted was half ownership of the tavern. Furious at his proposal, the uppity Zola tried to stab him to death. During the tussle, the brute yanked off her veil, revealing the woman’s long fangs. To keep her deformity a secret, she married Mei Ting. Disappearing for many months, they shocked the community by jumping off a cliff one day.

Searching the dead couple’s great mansion high on a mountaintop, the villagers discovered a horrible infant therein. According to the 123 year old sage of Ashi Canbini who was there, the kind village folk decided to bring him up as their own child. Better they should have drowned him. Named the Claw because of his deformed hands, not to mention the fangs he got from his mother’s side, the Claw was a young terror, brutalizing other children and adults alike.

The Claw was sent to a reform school in the turn of the century . It took 15 men to cart the “juvenile Nero” off to school, five of them ending up at the hospital. When reform school proved unequal to the task of breaking the Claw’s spirit, he was removed to the “greatest prison had.” There the Claw grew stronger and larger each day until he reached “the height of roughly 100 feet.”

Breaking out and slaying the prison guards, he found he could control his height, becoming human-sized or gigantic at will. Establishing a mountain fortress, of course, he hatched fantastic plots in his efforts to take over the world. He even launched an invasion of in which his army traveled from the to the big apple in their personal underground railroad. Stalking through the streets, wrecking buildings, the Claw was met by the Death-Defying Daredevil…whom he ate. The costumed defender got the Claw to spit him out by lighting TNT in his throat. Though his attack was repulsed, the Claw and Daredevil battled each other for many years, the hero finally slaying him in Daredevil Comics #31 in 1945.

Later appearances

He returned in Project Superpowers, and was killed again.


May 1986

July 1986

January 2008

May 2008

June 2008

February 2009

June 2010

August 2010

September 2010

January 2013

April 2013

May 2013

June 2013

February 2014







Died in issues





Enemy teams