


He is the quick and cunning Olympian messenger god. He is the patron of travelers and thieves as well as the god of wealth, transitions, boundaries and good fortune.

Real name:
  • Mercury
Birth date:
  • Adaptive
  • Agility
  • Divine Powers
  • Flight
  • Healing
  • Immortal
  • Intellect
  • Invulnerability
  • Levitation
  • Stamina
  • Stealth
  • Super Hearing
  • Super Sight
  • Super Speed

Hermes is a deity in ancient Greek religion and mythology. Hermes is considered the herald of the gods, as well as the protector of human heralds, travelers, thieves, merchants, and orators. He is able to move quickly and freely between the worlds of the mortal and the divine, aided by his winged sandals. Hermes plays the role of the psychopomp or "soul guide" — a conductor of souls into the afterlife.

In myth, Hermes functioned as the emissary and messenger of the gods, and was often presented as the son of Zeus and Maia, the Pleiad. Just as well, he is regarded as "the divine trickster," for which Homer offers the most popular account in his Hymn to Hermes.

His attributes and symbols include the herma, the rooster, the tortoise, satchel or pouch, talaria (winged sandals), and winged helmet or simple petasos, as well as the palm tree, goat, the number four, several kinds of fish, and incense. However, his main symbol is the caduceus, a winged staff intertwined with two snakes copulating and carvings of the other gods. His attributes had previously influenced the earlier Etruscan god Turms, a name borrowed from the Greek "herma".

In Roman mythology, Hermes was known as Mercury, a name derived from the Latin merx, meaning "merchandise," and the origin of the words "merchant" and "commerce."


In the pre-Crisis universe of Earth-1, the god usually went by the name of Mercury. As Hermes he once stole Wonder Woman's Bracelets of Submission for the war god Mars. He later appeared to Wonder Woman to ask for her help against the forces of the Anti-Monitor, which was attacking Mount Olympus. He appeared to her when she was in her Diana Prince persona, revealing who she really was to Steve Trevor, Etta Candy and Keith Griggs.

In the post-Crisis universe, he is for the creation of Amazons, to lead mankind in the glory of the Gods. Later still he sided with the goddesses in bringing to life Princess Diana, daughter of Hippolyte from clay. He added his own blessing and gift to the young Princess and bestowed on her speed and the ability to fly.

After Diana won the contest and became Wonder Woman, the warrior chosen to defeat the mad war god Ares, Hermes transported her to Ares long forgotten realm and arranged the meeting with the war gods daughter Harmonia. He then took Diana to man's world and left her with her soon to be mentor Julia Kapatelis. He never lost his confidence in her and brought the blessings to the other gods when Diana defeated Ares.

While Wonder Woman was on her Challenge of the Gods, Hermes learned that his son, the goat god Pan, had long been dead and replaced by the alien Manhunters. He sent Diana, to avenge his son and kill the Manhunter that now impersonated Pan. Although they were different, Hermes did mourn the loss of his son. Hermes was then wounded and captured as Darkseid began his assault on Mount Olympus, in an attempt to destroy the gods. Little did the villain know that the gods were off the Mount at a godly meeting leaving only Hermes alone to battle the invading hordes. He summoned Wonder Woman, who with Superman, arrived and drove back Darkseid. When the Gods returned, Hermes was left frustrated and angry when Zeus announced that the gods would depart the Earthly plane and start Cosmic Migration. It didn't help that Hermes believed his brother Gods were ignoring their warrior, Wonder Woman. Even as Diana was attacked by Circe. Although defeated, Hermes decided to intervene and save Diana from the sorceress. He transported Circe to Limbo in an attempt to nullify her powers and the threat she posed. The gods subsequently informed the Amazons of their intention and at this Hermes abandoned all pretense of impartiality and angrily expressed his believe that it was an act of desertion on the Gods part. While the Gods left, Hermes stayed behind.

He transported himself to Boston, where Wonder Woman was staying with her mentor. He insisted on being called Lord Hermes and started soliciting new worshipers. Offering gold and wealth to any and all that would worship him. Julia Kapatelis objected to the immoral way Hermes went about this, and Hermes angry that a mortal should speak to him so, insisted that Wonder Woman leave her and act as his emissary. The god Phobos and the Gorgon Euryale took advantage of Hermes arrogance and duped him into directing his power into the ancient evil murderer Ixion. Ixion went on a rampage of Boston, only stopped by Wonder Woman, who destroyed the creature. But the damage had been done and the citizens of Boston turned from Hermes. And even Diana, turned on him and lectured him on his behavior. The humbled god used up a lot of his energies in restoring the destroyed city.

Seeking to re-power, Hermes went to his temple, that he had erected when he first came to earth, and tried to absorb its power back into himself. There the god was contacted by the earth goddess Gaea, who wanted the second Girdle of Gaea recovered from the Amazons of Bana-Mighdall in Egypt. Its power awakened by its proximity to its twin, know reshaped into Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth. With Diana, Hermes was able to defeat the Amazons and get the lost artifact. Destroying the Amazon city in the process.

It was after this episode that Hermes found that his power was so diminished that he was now truely mortal and could be wounded and bleed. When Diana wanted him to transport the delegates to Themyscira for the peace talks, he couldn't. Instead giving Diana his caduceus so she could do it herself. Noting Hermes weakened state, Diana returned his staff and its power to him.

The god was then defeated again in battle when his Roman avatar Mercury appeared, stole his identity. Humiliated by this Hermes avoided Diana, leaving an opening for the villain, Dr Psycho to exploit. Turning Dian and Hermes against one another. This was one of the first strikes from the War of the Gods which struck when the Roman Gods attacked the newly returned Olympians. The War was orchestrated by the witch Circe to destroy creation and rebuild it in her own image.

Hermes would not admit it but he had fallen in love with Diana and in an attempt to help her and make up for his past transgressions, he pitted himself against Circe. Transporting her once again into Limbo as he had before. Hoping that it would nullify her threat again. But the witch's power was greater than his and he was killed in battle with her.

Hermes was consigned to Hades after this and spent years there until his half sister Athena rose to power and took over Olympus from their father Zeus. Sending Wonder Woman into Hades to retrieve the god and return him to Olympus.

In New 52, Hermes presented in Zola's home warning her she must go out with her child (Zeke) because some assassins, monsters created by Hera, have come for she and her child. He was shot by Centaurs using arrows. He was punished for helping Zola and his leg was numb and heavy.


In Persona 3 Hermes is the persona of Junpei Iori.


April 1942

October 1953

April 1959

August 1960

September 1960

June 1966

September 1975

September 1976

December 1976

January 1977

July 1977

September 1977

September 1979

October 1979

November 1979

January 1980

November 1980

October 1981

January 1982

August 1982

August 1983

September 1983

June 1985

July 1985

December 1985

March 1986

April 1986

February 1987

March 1987


























Died in issues


