
James Warner

James Warner

Corrupt police officer in early-20th-century Chicago. Father of Geoffrey Warner, the Grey Raven.

James Warner
Real name:
James Warner
Birth date:

Major Story Arcs

James Warner is a corrupt cop in Chicago in the early nineteen hundreds, who none the less manages to be decorated for his bravery by the city. His son is straight-arrow Geoffrey Warner, who is unaware of his father's criminal ties. Geoffrey hero-worships his father, and wants to grow up to be like him.

When Geoffrey graduates from the police academy, he sees his father taking a bribe from the mob. James says that this is what you have to do to survive on a cop's pay, but Geoffrey is disgusted and leaves the force. Geoffrey eventually winds up as a private investigator, often looking into corruption in public officials. However, the police don't respect him and his investigations don't have success. When James runs into him, they continue to be frosty with each other.

Geoffrey later adopts the mantle of the Grey Raven, Chicago's first superhero, and tries to stop the Robber, its first villain. As the Robber drives away from the scene of a crime, with the Raven holding on to the runningboards, Geoffrey pulls the mask off the Robber's driver, only to reveal that the driver is his father James, now even more fully part of the criminal scene. Geoffrey beats the Robber and both he and James are put in jail. James is still unrepentant, believing that corruption is the way the world works.


November 2014


