
Jade Ellsworth

Jade Ellsworth

Jade is a student at Morning Glory Academy.

Jade Ellsworth
Real name:
Birth date:
May 4th, 1994
  • Intellect
First issue:


Jade is a sad and introverted girl from Des Moines, Iowa. She left her home for the Morning Glory Academy, where she had a stalker like crush on a teacher named Marcus. Her abilities are still unknown, but she seems to have contact with an alternate reality when she is unconscious in the real world through being sleeping, being drugged or dying. In this realm, Jade is able to make contact with her future self.

Since arriving at the Academy, her family seems to no longer have any idea who she is. Due to her solitary nature, this rejection by her family drove the already unstable Jade into a state of depression, which almost cost her life. Although prone to depression, she is a still a competent member of the core group of recruited students to the Morning Glory Academy in the focused year. She maintains a close relationship with Casey, who has saved Jade on numerous occasions at great risk to herself. She also despises Ike, and like Casey, has used Ike's attraction towards her to get him to perform actions that he normally wouldn't in times of crisis.

Her time spent in medical isolation is one of the key points in the series, as few return from the experience, and she saw and witnessed things there which help to unlock events as they transpire.

Like all students at the Morning Glory Academy, she is mentally gifted.

Powers and Abilities

Jade has the unexplained ability to return people to life.


August 2010

September 2010

October 2010

November 2010

December 2010

January 2011

May 2011

June 2011

September 2011

October 2011

November 2011

March 2012

July 2012

October 2012

November 2012

February 2013

March 2013

May 2013

July 2013

November 2013

February 2014

April 2014

July 2014

October 2014

November 2014

April 2015

August 2015





