


Tariq Geiger was meant to die from cancer but a nuclear explosion turned him into the "Glowing Man," the only man who can walk outside in Nevada without wearing a hazmat suit. One of The Unnamed.

Real name:
Tariq Geiger
  • Joe Glow
  • The Glowing Man
  • The Man of Mass Destruction
  • The One Who Walks Outside Without A Suit
  • The Walking Bomb
  • The Meltdown Man
  • Tariq Geiger
Birth date:
  • Energy-Enhanced Strike
  • Heat Generation
  • Light Projection
  • Radiation
  • Super Strength
  • Unarmed Combat


Geiger witnesses the bomb
Geiger witnesses the bomb

Tariq Geiger lived in Boulder City, Nevada with his wife and children. He was diagnosed with cancer, which had metastasized in his lungs, liver, and kidneys. To the doctor’s surprise, Tariq’s organs were not shutting down but changing, while he remained lucid with a 120 degree fever. It made him an ideal test subject for experimental radiation therapy.

On July 13, 2030, The Unknown War begins when a nuclear strike was successful on US soil. Tariq, who would do anything for his family, had already prepared a personal bomb shelter. As it happened, Geiger hurried his family inside. Unfortunately, Tariq was attacked, shot in the leg by his racist neighbors. They intended to strong arm Tariq into giving them access to the bomb shelter, however, Tariq demanded his family shut and lock the door without him. Thus, he was left exposed to the explosion, which seemed to enhance what the cancer and radiation was already doing to him.


Geiger debuted in Geiger (2021) #1 by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank.

He is one of The Unnamed, a group of unrelated strange heroes of American history. An advertisement for this new project included a timeline. On the timeline was: 2050 - Geiger walks across America.

Major Story Arcs

Ground Zero

Six months after the bomb dropped, Geiger was barely holding himself together. He would cross paths with a makeshift militia working with a Russian scientist named Dr. Molotov. Molotov felt responsible for the weapon that was used and was using the militia to find his wife. Instead, he found Geiger and took a keen interest in him.

He noticed Geiger was able to absorb and release the radiation, but it was chaotic. He fashioned a vest and used boron sticks to stabilize Geiger's abilities. Geiger was able to think more clearly, and Molotov decided to ally with him instead of the militia. In exchange for the vest, Geiger agreed to help him find his wife. Unfortunately, they tracked her to a camp site in Nevada that was already raided.

For months, Molotov bunked with Geiger. Anytime Geiger had a flare up, Molotov would help him deal with it, including creating a cloak made from a lead apron to go with his vest and boron sticks. This went south when Geiger caught a scavenger trying to get into his family's bomb shelter. Geiger killed the raider, and Molotov worried Geiger would be just like the man who killed his wife. These feelings eventually led to Molotov leaving Geiger.

The Glowing Man

Burning the king
Burning the king

For twenty years after the bomb dropped, Geiger stood guard outside his family’s shelter until it was safe for them to leave. He had managed to convince survivors to stay out of Boulder City all together thanks to the tall-tales and urban legends of the “The Glowing Man” (and the many other nicknames Geiger went by). He is also joined by a two-headed irradiated wolf named Barney.

When a few brave scavengers wander across Geiger and are beaten up for trying to steal from him, they return with The King, the child monarch of Las Vegas, and his knights. The combined might of the knights was able to subdue Geiger and give the king the chance to blow open his family’s shelter to scavenge for more resources. Unfortunately, Geiger’s family was revealed to be dead, likely since the bomb was first dropped. This anger caused Geiger to lash out, burning a handprint on the king’s face and making a villain for life.

The Nuclear Football

The kids dampen Geiger's power
The kids dampen Geiger's power

One day, Geiger comes across two kids (Hailee and Henry) from Las Vegas, who barely escaped the city with their lives. Their mother was killed after she stole a U.S. nuclear football (a “relic from before the Unknown War”) that The King’s knights happened to recover. Their mother had hoped to trade it for entry into NORAD in Denver, the only place where the US government was supposedly still active. The kids still had it, and Geiger reluctantly agreed to escort them to their destination, as The King commanded his men to continue hunting them down so he could have control over the rest of the US nuclear artillery.

On their way, Geiger and Barney were forced to fight off The Organ People, survivors that refused to wear hazmat suits. Their bodies were riddled with tumors and searched for organ donors. Anything their surgeons didn’t stitch into them, they ate. He instructed the kids to keep driving while he fought off the cannibals. He nearly passed out from destroying a car, and in his weakened state, he was taken prisoner by NORAD soldiers. They left him in the care of medical professionals, who were stunned by his condition. He eventually came to and decided to sneak out now that the kids had been successfully delivered.

On his way out, he found Hailee being restrained by guards. She was panicking because she was just informed that her brother, Henry, had leukemia and couldn’t stay at NORAD. Geiger and Barney defended her and promised to keep Henry safe. NORAD had a zero tolerance policy for violence and let loose a secret weapon: the robotic soldier, Junkyard Joe. In the fight with Joe, Geiger ended up breaking both of his rods, one while giving Joe a fatal blow. His powers start to rage uncontrollably, but Hailee seemed to be able to dampen his powers naturally.

With clear roads to Geiger’s destination, he handed the kids over to the scientists who originally helped Geiger before exiling him. Geiger returned to his home to wait for the king and his reinforcements. With nothing left to live for, Geiger released all the energy he had, killing the king and his men and reducing Boulder City to a crater.

Search for a Cure

Having survived the encounter in Boulder City, Geiger and Barney continued to travel the wasteland, trying to keep a low profile. They are followed by one of the King of Las Vegas' knights, named Nate, who was so moved by Geiger's heroic sacrifice for the kids, that he wanted to change his ways. He wanted to become a traveling companion of Geiger and offered rumors of a similar glowing man who had been cured. Geiger reluctantly agreed to let Nate help him find this cure.

Their first stop was Silverton, Colorado, where Nate had heard the cured man lived. Unfortunately, he had moved on. After Geiger and Nate helped the town deal with a thief, the sheriff shared with him the name and destination of the cured man: "Ash Arden, Lewiston Montana."

Character Profile

  • Height: 6'2"
  • Weight: 245 lbs
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Bald (formerly Brown)
  • Marital Status: Widower
  • Known Relatives: Tracy (wife, deceased), Marcus (son, deceased), Violet (daughter, deceased), Molly (pet, deceased), Barney (pet)
  • Distinguishing Features: Without his boron rods, Geiger glowed neon green and his skeleton became visible through his skin.

Powers & Abilities

Walking Bomb: Geiger is a walking, talking source of radiation that would glow green, displaying his skeleton. He is able to generate heat; one knife attack even melted before it could stab him. He was also capable of exploding with energy.

  • Superhuman: The radiation also enhanced his strength and durability.
  • Immunity: Geiger is capable of surviving in the irradiated landscape without a hazmat suit.
  • Dampening Vest: A scientists created a vest to stabilize his powers with two boron rods in it. These rods could be pulled out and used as offensive weapons, however, it reduces the effectiveness of the vest and causes him to glow green.


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