
King Lodrom

King Lodrom

King of Turtlantis

King Lodrom
Real name:
Birth date:


King Lodrom and his Queen Kallista rule the underwater city of Turtlantis.


King Lodrom was created by Erik Burnham and Dan Schoening for the series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Saturday Morning Adventures.

Major Story Arcs

Voyage to Turtlantis

For more information see: Voyage to... Turtlantis

At some point before the event of Voyage to Turtlantis, Slash came to Turtlantis and was given the option to compete in the Areana, and he became the Champion. This was a problem for King Lodrom, because the Champion has more power in Turtlantis then the King or Queen.

Sometime later, the mechanical squid from a weird probe and brought it to Turtlantis. King Lodrom decided to hold it for safe keeping and sent the mechanical squid out to wait for the owns to coming looking for it.

The owners of the probe, Professor McGuffin send the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in his sub to retrieve the probe and the squid brough them to Turtlantis where King Lodrom and Queen Kallista greeted them. The King then asked them to fight the champion and gets his power back, which the turtles agreed to.

During the combat, Donatello approaches the King with a weird question, can his people breath under water, and the King response is, "of course, we just prefer dry socks." Donatello then suggest the King flood the city for a few weeks and his problem with Slash the Champion will go away.

This is the last King Lodrom is seen, but it later revealed that Slash is back on the surface, so it seems like the plan worked and King Lodrom is back in power.


July 2023
