
Agent Norris

Agent Norris

Agent Norris is a vampire in the 30 Days of Night series who does scouting and information retrieval by posing as an FBI agent.

Agent Norris
Real name:
Jacob Paul Norris
  • Jacob Paul Norris
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Super Smell
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Vampirism
First issue:

Dark Days

Before becoming a Vampire Agent Norris was a member of the FBI. At some point he was turned by Lilith and became one of her followers. Norris began to stalk Stella Olemaun during her book tour. Stella had sent shock-waves through the vampire community by releasing a book on the already embarrassing incident in Barrow, Alaska. Using his FBI training, he continued to surveil Stella, and later also Judith Ali who had come forward to Stella with proof of vampire existence.

One evening when Judith was alone in her room, Norris showed up asking questions about the vampires. Judith realized that Norris was himself a vampire, but it was too late. Norris' superhuman speed allowed him to put a bullet through her head at point-blank range before she was able to fire a shot.

Norris fled the scene with Judith's evidence to bring back to Lilith. He was quickly chased by Stella and her bodyguards. They took a jump in their SUV and landed on Norris' car. Pinned between the two vehicles, Judith shot Norris through the head.

Return to Barrow

Norris would survived the incident and eventually heal. Lilith was killed by Stella soon after Norris was shot, leaving a void in his existence. Not understanding exactly what his purpose was without his mistress, Norris sought out Judith's informant George in Louisiana hoping for information that could help him understand himself. Despite his connection to Lilith Norris was a low-level lackey and did not fully understand vampire society or being a vampire. At some points he may have even eaten bugs for sustenance.

Breaking through George's front door, Norris tied up George and tried to extract information from him. Norris physically abused George and hoped that lack of drugs would force him to talk. George simply kept begging for a hit. Fear coupled with intense withdraw made George useless to Norris. Finally tired of waiting Norris grabbed George and big his neck. George quickly turned and told Norris everything he needed to know. George explained that vampires formed a wide network with safe-houses everywhere. He also told Norris that what he had been feeling was the thoughts of the other vampires pulling him back to Barrow for something big. George and Norris traveled to Barrow together.

Arriving in Alaska Norris and George met up with the leader of the next big attack on Barrow, Werner. With the vampire elders dead there was a lack of leadership among vampires, and Werner was interested in stepping up to the responsibility. With Norris' information and training, Werner gladly accepted them into his ranks.

Shortly after arriving they found Dane regaining consciousness against a tree. Dane had traveled to Barrow with two other vampires who were ripped apart by something that moved so fast that Dane couldn't track it. Norris didn't believe Dane, and could smell Stella's scent on him. Without further proof, Dane was left for the first assault on Barrow. When the wave ended and the vampires retreated to the woods to regroup George mentioned the rumors that Stella Olemaun not only may have had a vampire accomplice in the killing of Lilith, but that they were also lovers. Knowing this Norris called out Dane in front of Werner and put a bullet through his head.

During the next assault on the town Norris would provide Werner with tactical advice, and the group would ambush one of the guard towers. Norris led a small group of vampires to Stella Olemaun's old house to where the young Marcus Kitka had hidden. Norris entered the house and was able to locate Marcus hiding in a closet. Norris smiled as he opened the door to the quivering child, but his smile quickly left when he heard a familiar voice over his shoulder greeting him. The now-vampire Stella Olemaun who had been slowly picking off vampires with her husband Eben Olemaun attacked Norris and through him out the front window. Meanwhile Marcus' father Brian Kitka was standing outside surrounded by vampires when Agent Norris landed in front of him. Kitka removed the pin from a grenade and threw it on Norris, killing him.


September 2003

October 2003

January 2004

April 2004

June 2004

July 2004

August 2004







Enemy teams