


US Ranger and one of the original members of the Joe team. Stalker is often the GI Joe Field Leader.

Real name:
Lonzo R. Wilkinson
  • Lonzo R. Wilkinson
Birth date:
  • Adaptive
  • Agility
  • Leadership
  • Marksmanship
  • Stealth
  • Tracking
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Weapon Master
First issue:
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (1982) #1 Operation: Lady Doomsday; ...Hot Potato!


He grew up in one of the meanest sections of Detroit. He became a leader of a large street gang, where he first learned to fight. Stalker thought there wasn't much else for him in the world. His attitude began to change after the streets had killed his two older brothers. He saw how it tore his mother apart to lose her sons, and realized that he had to get out any way he could, and thought the army was his best chance.

After enlisting, Stalker graduated top-of-class in Basic Combat Training and Advanced Infantry Training. After that he enrolled in various training schools: Ranger School at Fort Benning, Intelligence School at Fort Holabird and the U.S. Army Languages School in Monterey. He is fluent in Spanish, French, Arabic and Swahili. Stalker is also proficient with just about every military firearm there is. Stalker will tell you he loves to fly, and is a helicopter pilot, a qualified jump instructor, and a JUMP jetpack operator.

After all his training, Stalker was eventually deployed to Southeast Asia. During his time there, Stalker convinced his mother that he was actually stationed in Germany, where he had a cousin who would reroute his mail from Germany to Vietnam. He did this so his mother would think he was safe. He and his comrades would make up stories about his traveling around Germany on leave, sampling the local beers. He didn't understand how some guys could tell their parents what it was like in the war. Stalker could not understand how some soldiers looked at going to Vietnam as a great adventure. This realistic attitude would make Stalker a great mission commander. In reality, Stalker was serving on Long Range Recon Patrol (LRRP) with Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow in the jungles of Vietnam. They were accompanied by three other soldiers: Wade Collins, Ramon Escobedo and Dick Saperstein. The group stumbled upon an encampment of North Vietnamese soldiers and a firefight ensued. Collins, Saperstein and Escobedo were all believed killed in the attack. Snake-Eyes, Stalker and Storm Shadow all retreated to a landing zone for rescue. As the three soldiers ran across a field toward the extraction chopper, they were fired upon. Snake-Eyes was hit badly and Stalker ordered Storm Shadow to leave him. Storm Shadow refused, running back to save his friend and to Stalker's amazement, he evaded all enemy fire and retrieved Snake-Eyes. Stalker never let himself forget how he left Snake-Eyes, and figured he owed him.

Prior to the creation of G.I.Joe, Stalker was a sergeant commanding security forces during a peacekeeping mission in Borovia. His men uncovered explosives that had been set in a refugee camp and would have killed a number of children if they had gone off. Stalker knew the explosives had to be found quickly, and had to do whatever he could to get the information to find them. After threatening the terrorist with a knife, Stalker beat the man up until he revealed the location of the explosions. Stalker's commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Clayton "Hawk" Abernathy, arrived on the scene, angry over what had been done to the prisoner. But when the major general who Hawk reported to showed up, livid over what had happened, he became even more upset when Hawk refused to give up Stalker and took responsibility for what had occurred. He admitted that it had been wrong, but he would have done the same thing in Stalker's place. Hawk believed that the blame for such a necessary evil should be placed at the top of the chain of command, and wanted to see who was willing to accept it. Hawk was court-martialed for the incident, but his principle stand impressed General Flagg. Flagg eventually managed to get the charges dropped. Shortly after, Stalker was the first person chosen for the G.I. Joe team by Hawk.

As the list of candidates for the Joe team was being assembled, Stalker assisted Hawk in recruiting some members. Though he hadn't seen Snake-Eyes in over six years, Stalker knew he was the best no matter how long he had been out of uniform. He and Hawk personally tracked Snake-Eyes to his private retreat in the High Sierra mountains. There, convinced Snake-Eyes to return to duty. Subsequently, Hawk and Stalker put the rest of the original Joe team together. During his time on the G.I. Joe team, Stalker has been strike team leader on more missions than anyone else. Not only is Stalker an excellent soldier, but also a skilled tactician and a very practical leader. He is also extremely loyal to his teammates. Outside of the team, Stalker is an outdoorsman, and nature photography is one of his hobbies. Stalker believes in his job as a soldier, but recognizes its limits.

Stalker led many of the Joes' earliest missions, including the Joes' first meeting with the Soviets' October Guard. On that mission, Stalker made a truce with Colonel Brekhov, both knowing that they had a better chance of completing their mission against Cobra. Eventually, the Guard turned on Stalker's team, but the Joes prevailed. Stalker also commanded the team's first undercover mission into Sierra Gordo. The mission was essentially a failure. Stalker barely survived an alligator attack in one of the small country's rivers. He returned to duty after his injuries healed and participated in many more missions against Cobra all over the world.Stalker later returned to Sierra Gordo with a small force of Joes, sent in to rescue Dr. Adele Burkhart, who had been rescued by the Joes team a few years earlier. He later was a part of the battle to push Cobra off of the newly-created island that would become Cobra Island.

Soon afterward, the Cobra Crimson Guardsman known as Fred II tracked down Snake-Eyes and Stalker at the Vietnam memorial. There, Fred II confronted them. He revealed that he was actually Wade Collins. Collins hadn't died years ago in Vietnam, but he survived as a P.O.W. He returned to the United States and his life fell apart he eventually found Cobra and joined the Crimson Guard where he had plastic surgery to have the same face as all the other identical Guardsmen in the "Fred series." Stalker convinced Collins that Cobra had used him, and that he still had a family that Cobra had "assigned him to." Stalker and Snake-Eyes allowed Collins to escape and start a new life, never telling anyone what had happened. Some time later, Stalker's small team of Joes participating in the Battle of Springfield were among the first soldiers to face the newly-created Serpentor in battle.

Stalker was once again sent back to Sierra Gordo on a rescue mission to save Snake-Eyes from Cobra. Stalker was severely injured by a machine gun fired by Crimson Guard commander, Xamot. Snake-Eyes, just freed earlier decided to stay behind and allow the others Joes to get their injured team leader to safety. Stalker tried to stay in command, not wanting to leave Snake-Eyes behind as he almost did on Vietnam. Snake-Eyes was captured again, but freed shortly thereafter.

A disastrous mission into Eastern Europe led to the toughest five months of Stalker's life. Along with Snow Job, Quick Kick, and Outback, Stalker traveled to the Soviet bloc country of Borovia. The mission was top secret and they were told that the state department would disavow all knowledge of their mission if they were captured. A series of events led the Joes to be captured, with only Outback escaping into the sewers of Borovia. He had been ordered to get out of the country and ask for help. Stalker stayed behind since Snow Job and Quick Kick were injured, and they were his responsibility. The government did in fact disavow all knowledge and the three Joes were thrown into a Borovian gulag for five months. They were treated harshly and Stalker could do nothing but watch his men suffer. At one point, he kept order among the prisoners, telling them to refuse to allow the gulag to break their spirit. Stalker may have died in that prison if not for an illegal rescue mission led by Snake-Eyes, Scarlett and Storm Shadow. When the Joes returned home, Outback felt guilty for leaving the others in Borovia. Stalker, Quick Kick and Snow Job told Outback his job was to get out and tell everyone back home what had happened and they never thought badly of him.

Stalker continued to go on many more Joe operations, including the Cobra Island civil war, which the Joes entered on the side of Serpentor. Stalker led the demolitions team that destroyed Cobra's anti-aircraft emplacements, allowing the rest of the Joes to land at the island's airfield. Later, Stalker took part in a mission on which he met the original G.I.Joe, Joe Colton. Months later, when Snake-Eyes was captured by the Baroness, Stalker and Storm Shadow rescued their friend from the Cobra Consulate building in New York City, leading to a battle that all but destroyed the skyscraper. When Scarlett was thought to be dying from a bullet wound, Storm Shadow and Stalker sent Snake-Eyes on a mission to Borovia to rescue an intelligence agent. It turned out that the mission was intended to fail, and the cabal of generals known as The Jugglers planned to frame Storm Shadow and Stalker. They escaped arrest into the streets of New York where they were hunted by Cobra ninjas known as the Night Creepers. They managed to survive and eventually reunited Snake-Eyes and Scarlett, who was very much alive. For the next few years Stalker battled Cobra around the world in Benzheen, Trans-Carpathia and Wolkekukuckland, where the Joes tried to stop Cobra from taking over some of the smallest nations of eastern Europe. The Joes managed to retrieve Snake-Eyes after an assault on Cobra's Silent Castle, but they were forced to leave the country. Stalker helped "retire the colors" at the ceremony that closed down the Pit and the team in 1994.

After G.I. Joe was shut down, Stalker stayed in the military, at one point working as an Army recruiter in his home town of Detroit. He married Lydia, a woman he met years earlier on vacation in Mexico. He became stepfather to Lydia's son, Alvin and became a father to his own boy, Jamal. Stalker enjoyed his life in Detroit, but eventually, duty called again. In 2001, the G.I. Joe team was reinstated by the government in response to Cobra's return to the United States. Duke brought many of the older Joes to help train and lead a batch of new recruits, and Stalker was one of the first. He moved his family into a home in Fairborn, Ohio, near Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, home to the Joe team for a time. Stalker joined in many missions for the team, including fighting Cobra's invasion of Washington, DC, attacking Cobra agents on a freighter at sea, protecting Hawk from Storm Shadow's assassination attempt and fighting Night Creepers in London. He also found himself fighting a street gang to save his son, Alvin, from ending up like so many friends he lost when he was a teenager. Stalker later took part in the Joes' assault on Cobra Island to fight the forces of a revived Serpentor.

Some time later, Stalker was part of a team fighting Cobra forces that were drawn into an attack on a train guarded by the Joes, believing that Destro was being held prisoner onboard. At the battle's end, Hawk was shot in the back by Cobra Commander and paralyzed. In Hawk's absence, the Jugglers began to take control of the team to reign in it, if not disband it altogether. Eventually, the team's roster was cut down to only a dozen Joes including Stalker. That small team defended the new Pit against Cobra's attack, but Stalker and most of the team members were quickly reassigned to other units. After the remaining Joes stopped a plot by Cobra to unleash the weapon known as the Tempest, they faced a new threat, the organization called the Red Shadows. The battle with the new organization became shockingly personal when while attempting to save her husband Flint from a Red Shadows agent, Lady Jaye was killed. The group's schemes were eventually stopped by what was left of the Joe team. Shortly after, the G.I. Joe team was again disbanded by the military.

One year later, the Joe team was reformed with a smaller roster of active members, including Stalker, under the command of Joe Colton. Stalker and his family moved into a house in Wyoming, nearby the team's new headquarters, The Rock. When General Colton expressed his doubts to Stalker about an increasingly bitter and angry Flint being a part of the Joe team, Stalker convinced the General to keep his old teammate on duty. Stalker soon joined the team's effort to stop terrorist Vance Wingfield's plot to cause the crash of many orbiting satellites into populated areas. As Wingfield's threat ended, Snake-Eyes was apparently killed in action, but Stalker was given little time to grieve his friend. After it was discovered Snake-Eyes' body was missing, Stalker and the Joes went on a mission to track down the body and learned that the Red Ninjas and their leader Sei Tin had stolen it and somehow revived Snake-Eyes and brainwashed him to turn against his teammates. Eventually, Storm Shadow fought Snake-Eyes, and was being beaten until he threatened Scarlett's life, hoping to bring his friend's mind back to the surface. He eventually succeeded, and the Joes freed the Red Ninjas from their new leader's influence.

When Snake-Eyes returned to the team, he revealed to Scarlett and Stalker that the Baroness was being held prisoner at The Rock, and while Colton knew she was there, he kept it from the rest of the team. The three Joes confronted Colton, very wary of all the past betrayals from high-ranking officers. Colton told them he had his orders to keep the incarceration quiet, and they had no right to know. They were interrupted by a sudden power outage. A military commando team named the Phoenix Guard lead by General Rey had arrived with orders to take control of The Rock. A battle followed and Stalker was injured in the fighting. Rey was under orders from the president's chief of staff, Garret Freedlowe, but it soon became evident to Rey, his team was made up of disguised Cobra agents. When General Colton managed to contact the president, he learned that Freedlowe had been replaced some time ago by Cobra Commander. The Joes defeated the infiltrators, but not before they had killed many members of the base's support staff and the Baroness escaped. Just after that incident, a small team of Joes including Stalker was rushed to shut down Cobra's illegal oil-drilling operation in the arctic. After that mission, the Joe team took some time off to regroup and recover from the assault on The Rock. Stalker spent the time at home with his family, where he continued to be amazed at how much of his boys' growing up he missed while working with the Joes. Lydia understood how he felt, but reminded him that they both believed his work was helping to protect not only the country, but their children.

Other Versions

Danger Girl/G.I. Joe

After the acquisition of the Danger Girl characters by IDW it was decided to first launch the characters under the IDW banner with a crossover with one of the major properties at IDW, G.I. Joe (as they are owned by the same company it seems possible that these characters exist in the same continuity, though this is never confirmed.) The series starts off with a dog chase involving Scarlett and Flint and they are soon shot down. It is revealed that they were providing escort for a shipment of rediscovered missiles with great destructive power. They are soon shot down though and the missiles are taken by Cobra , who also take the two prisoners. Once in Cobra custody they come across Abbey Chase who is acting undercover, though the two members of G.I. Joe do not know this. Elsewhere the American president arrives to the USS Flagg and informs the Joe team to stand down and to not seek to free their teammates. General Flag orders them to stand down. The remaining female members (Cover Girl , Lady Jaye and Jinx ) come up with a plan where they will contact the Danger Girl team (Cover Girl had previously met Johnny Barracuda .) The team shows up and exposes the U.S. president as Zarana in disguise. Soon enough it is revealed that the Danger Girl team already has an operative in place and she informs them of the plan. Firefly is to head to Moscow and detonate one of the missiles while Major Bludd is to go to Beijing to detonate another. Three teams head out, one to each of the two cities and the third to the Cobra base. By now Abbey is under suspicion of Baroness , Destro and Cobra Commander and is captured by Zartan when she attempts to free Scarlett and Flint. While they are trying to escape a team of Low Light , Snake Eyes and Stalker arrive to free them. Meanwhile in Beijing a team of Jinx, Johnny Barracuda and Sonya Savage stop Major Bludd while a team of Sydney Savage , Cover Girl and Roadblock stop Firefly. It is soon revealed that there is another missile which is headed for the homing beacon which Zarana has placed on the USS Flagg. Silicon Valerie , Duke and Lady Jaye quickly deal with it. Meanwhile at the Cobra base Storm Shadow has arrived to stop the Joes and he engages Snake-Eyes in combat. Eventually this group is also able to escape, while blowing up the base and they are all reunited on the USS Flagg.


September 2001

October 2001

January 2002

March 2002

May 2002

June 2002

July 2002

August 2002

September 2002

October 2002

December 2002

June 2003

August 2003

September 2003

October 2003

November 2003

December 2003

January 2004

March 2004

April 2004

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August 2004






















