
Doctor K

Doctor K

A therapist and very empathic man, used to enjoy the company of other persons.

Doctor K
Real name:
Birth date:
  • Intellect

The man known as Doctor K was one of the regulars at the Clock, a very nice pub and bar . He worked as therapist and had hear a lot of strange tales. Maybe the stranger thing than he hear was when he met once a man who was identical to his friend Pete Cannon, who also called himself Peter Cannon aka Thunderbolt, and who affirmed came form another universe where another version of Cannon was going to destroy the world where he was, by sending ships pretending to be an alien armada. To help this Peter Cannon to calm himself, Doctor K and Pete Cannon where to the Clock,to have some drinks. In that place Doctor K helped the foreing Cannon to think about the reasons of his analog and the nature of the universes themselves. Surprisely, at difference of his friend and th e absurd logic of the story, Doctor K indeed believed every word the improbable dressed hero had told them.

Once on the Clock and when the events told by the new Cannon were probed real, Doctor K witnessed how Cannon leave the reality and later the alien armada dissapeared. After that he returned to his regular life.

In the Watch story, Doctor K is not only a representation of the civil identity of the character of Rorschach, (as the K being a reference to the name Walter Kovacks), but also it was a direct reference to the creator of the Watchmen Comic, Alan Moore, who Doctor K resembles visually. In both cases, instead being an irrascible person, Doctor K is an afable man willing to hear other people problems and to see the best curiously depiste agreeing with several of the points of view of Rorschach himself.


April 2019




