
Mad Madam Mim

Mad Madam Mim

A powerful but eccentric sorceress. Introduced in "Sword in the Stone" as an opponent to Merlin. Has since been featured as friend or foe, often both, of almost all Disney characters and Magica DeSpell's housemate.

Mad Madam Mim
Real name:
Birth date:
  • Blast Power
  • Invisibility
  • Longevity
  • Magic
  • Shape Shifter
First issue:
Picsou Magazine (1972) #17 Oncle Picsou et l'averse d'or

Character Evolution


Mim's Dress
Mim's Dress

Mad Madam Mim is not a very attractive woman, at least in her original form. In her real form, Mim appears as an elderly woman, with lavender hair and an old dress and depending on the version, is different colors. The color of the dress usually revolves around strong pinks, and deep blue's or purple's. She can however, change her form. These forms vary between a cat, a dragon, a pretty young woman, and more. While she may change her physical state into another being, her color scheme stay's the same, very similar to Merlin. Her color stays a true hot pink with purple attributes.


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Mim's personality is just as offensive as her appearance. While she may appear friendly and sweet to the untrained eye, she is really very mischievous and evil. She loves causing trouble, and especially enjoys scaring other creatures. She loves to kill things as well, like she was attempting to kill Merlin, or the flower she wilted with ease. Mim also appears to be quite vain, often stating she was the most powerful wizard. She likes to cheat as well, as seen in her Wizard duel with Merlin.

Powers & Abilities

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Glamours: Mad Madam Mim has the ability to change her appearance. In the movie, she makes herself look very ugly, then very beautiful. This power, like her others, works in a considerable amount of time.

Shape-Shifting Into A Cat
Shape-Shifting Into A Cat

Shape-Shifting: This is the most prominent magical ability shown by Mad Madam Mim. She changes into different creatures such as a hen, dragon, and hawk. She has mastered this element of magic well, as she fluidly changes states.

Other: She doesn't show many other abilities, but the main other abilities is to wilt flowers.


March 1964

April 1964

May 1964

June 1964

July 1964

August 1964

September 1964

October 1964

November 1964

December 1964

May 1965

June 1965

August 1965

September 1965

October 1965

November 1965

December 1965

January 1966

February 1966

March 1966

May 1966

June 1966

July 1966

August 1966

October 1966

December 1966









Friendly teams