
Jubal Pomp

Jubal Pomp

Rival of Scrooge

Jubal Pomp
Real name:
  • Filo Sganga
Birth date:
  • Intellect
First issue:
Topolino (1949) #272 Zio Paperone e il ratto di Brigitta

Jubal Pomp is a minor rival of Scrooge McDuck, created by Romano Scarpa. He first appeared in "Zio Paperone e il ratto di Brigitta" ("Brigitta Kidnapped"), Topolino #272 (February. 12, 1961). He appears as an upstart businessman who happens to overhear Scrooge mentioning hisĀ  "Secret of Prosperity". Convinced that the contents of the Secret would open his path to true wealth, he sought to blackmail Scrooge. He abducted Brigitta McBridge, Scrooge's stalker/love interest and asked the contents of the Secret as ransom. Scrooge was at first reluctant if he should rescue her or take the opportunity to be free of her obsessive pursuit. However he finally decided on retrieving his lady and managed to locate Jubal's hiding place and launch a succesful rescue operation. He also took the opportunity to explain that his "Secret of Prosperity" were the virtues which led him to wealth, not someĀ  kind of shortcut.

Jubal is bright and creative but his money making schemes are at times both clumsy and impractical. On his own Jubal is more of a nuisance than an actual threat. However Brigitta has decided that one way to impress Scrooge is prove her own worth as a businesswoman. Pulling her resources with Jubal, the duo have been able to launch a number of locally succesful business operations in Duckburg. Providing true competition to Scrooge and often breaking his hold on a certain market. It helps that Brigitta appears to be equally resourceful to Scrooge in launching out new operations and surpaces him in the marketing and advertisement process. With her as a partner, Jubal enjoys much more success. There are a few stories that hint to him seeing Brigitta as more than a business partner and friend but they are not really romantically involved.


February 2005

April 2015

June 2015

March 2016

April 2016

May 2016

June 2016

July 2016

September 2016

January 2017

April 2017

August 2017




