


The brawny, arrogant antagonist to Belle and then later Belle's love interest Beast. He is the town's main man and figure head, going as far as to lead somewhat of a mob of vengeful villagers to "Kill the Beast".

Real name:
Birth date:
  • Marksmanship
  • Swordsmanship
  • Weapon Master
First issue:
Disney's Beauty and The Beast (1991) #1

Gaston is the resident "hunk" in Belle's hometown. When he first appeared, it's evident that Gaston lives to make an impression no matter where he sets his heroic feet upon. Although there are three hopeful, young blond maidens in town who swoon almost instinctively whenever they see him, Gaston has his lusting eyes set on the beautiful and marvelously-intelligent Belle, the daughter of the town's inventor Maurice.


Gaston is unquestionably handsome by most human standards, but his attitude makes him little more than a sexist, arrogant creep. He is obviously self-absorbed and only has a physical interest in women, rather than respecting their thoughts and opinions. But as fate would have it, Gaston has made his desire to have Belle as his wife, his personal quest in life. His dream wife is one who obediently caters to his every need and will eventually provide him with fine sons equal to his caliber.

Physical Appearance

Gaston is incredibly strong and masculine. He seemingly possesses the physical traits of any super-man or story hero. His vanity shows that he is not shy of bodybuilding as he has the look of one who spends great amounts of time in the gym. He also looks like a pumped-up animated version of actor Henry Fonda, although it is unlikely he was inspired by the great actor.


Despite his vanity and conceited attitude, Gaston is quite handy at many things. He is an expert hunter and marksman. He also demonstrates great feats of strength, including bench-pressing three young ladies ON a bench, with one arm! Gaston also showed further strength, ripping part of a gargoyle structure off to wield as war club against a wounded Beast during their climatic fight together.

Romance With Bele/Animosity With The Beast

Gaston likely engaged in a few depthless flings with the local town girls before he laid his greedy eyes on Belle. Perhaps he was drawn to her due being a total opposite from her. Perhaps he was drawn to the idea that Belle was "a new girl" and free for him to make a move towards. In any case, Belle became the object of many unsuccessful advances by Gaston. His obsession with Belle included bribing her to agree to marry him and he would free her father Maurice who was imprisoned in the town asylum for his rants of a beast in a castle.

After being rejected one too many times including being called a "monster" by Belle, Gaston turned against her and led the villagers to assault the Beast's castle. Singling out the Beast to destroy, Gaston declared his claim on Belle who in his mind deserved someone like him instead of some hideous beast. The fighters, both in love with Belle ended their encounter with Gaston hurled off the tower of the castle after fatally wounding Beast.


July 1993

March 2016

August 2016

November 2016

September 2019





