
Warmaker One

Warmaker One
Real name:
Scott Sawyer
  • Lt. Scott Sawyer
Birth date:
  • Blast Power
  • Energy Absorption
  • Energy Manipulation
  • Flight
  • Gadgets
  • Intellect
  • Invulnerability
  • Power Suit
  • Super Strength
  • Tracking
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Weapon Master


A member of the Marine Corps, Lieutenant Colonel Scott Sawyer was one of four soldiers who volunteered to take part in General Eiling's Ultramarine project. He was genetically engineered and implanted with an activated metagene which gave him his powers. Taking on the identity of Warmaker One, he became the leader of the UItramarine Corps.


Warmaker One was created by Grant Morrison and Howard Porter. He technically made his first appearance in DC One Million #2, but made his first full appearance in JLA #24.

Major Story Arcs

Executive Action

Warmaker One is sent by Eiling to recover the Shaggy Man's body from where it is entombed below the sea. He successfully carries out the mission despite the intervention of Aquaman and Green Lantern, and returns the Shaggy Man to Eiling. He and his team are ordered by Eiling to carry out an attack on the JLA, ostensibly on the orders of the president. He leads them in successfully incapacitating a number of heroes, and insists on continuing their mission despite 4-D's objections. He is halted when Superman reveals that Warmaker and his team are dying because of Eiling's genetic manipulations, and that Eiling has betrayed them. Warmaker leads his team against Eiling alongside the JLA, and following the general's defeat he restructures the team as a global peacekeeping force.


Warmaker One leads his team in attempting to defuse a terrorism incident created by Gorilla Grodd, which is actually a tactic by Grodd to seize control of their headquarters at Superbia. Warmaker is captured by Grodd and Neh-Buh-Loh, and his suit is destroyed, which the villains believe means he himself is defeated. Invisible, he sneaks in amongst the chaos and helps free Batman from Grodd. After the crisis is averted, he agrees to take his team into the infant universe Qwewq, where they can act as superheroes. His actions are unknown, but his team successfully implants a flaw in Qwewq.

Powers and Abilities

Warmaker One is a being composed of pure energy. In his natural form he is almost invisible and largely intangible, and is invulnerable. He is very intelligent and a skilled leader. As a soldier, he has received extensive training in armed and unarmed combat.

Weapons and Equipment

Warmaker wears a suit of armour which allows him a degree of corporeality. The armour is protective, and allows him to fly, as well as being equipped with a wide variety of weapons, particularly explosives and bullets.


November 1998

December 1998

January 1999

February 1999

January 2005

February 2005

March 2005

May 2006

November 2008










Enemy teams