
Tawny Young

Tawny Young

Reporter for KLAQ-TV news.

Tawny Young
Real name:
Tawny Young
Birth date:

Reporter for KLAQ-TV news.

Green Lantern Corps

Green Lantern- In Deep!

A punch from Kilowog
A punch from Kilowog

Tawny Young and her news crew pester John Stewart, and his band of Green Lanterns, including Kilowog, who gets offended by her trespassing in Green Lantern Citadel. The frustrated alien then punches Tawny, sending her sprawling. She threatens to sue, but Kilowog's punch left no marks, and the cameras weren't working at the time, so it appears Kilowog got away with the attack.

Green Lantern- Red Lantern

Tawny stands up to the Green Lanterns
Tawny stands up to the Green Lanterns

Tawny Young and her crew again pester the Green Lanterns outside the Green Lantern Citadel, but this time it is show them the new presidential degree by Ronald Reagan that states that superhumans in America are no longer allowed to use their powers. Tawny takes great delight in the fact that the Green Lantern are now grounded. She leaves them to decide whether to obey the new law or go to jail.

Green Lantern- Fun Couples

During John Stewart and Katma Tui's wedding, Tawny is seen in New York, angry that it could have been her to marry John and she is even madder that Dan stole her story.

Green Lantern: Reflections

For more information see: Reflections

Tawny is reporting for WGBS News on the bombing in Coast City. She is the report that plays the video Sonar made taking responsibility for the actions of his country.

Nubia: Queen of the Amazons

For more information see :Nubia: Queen of the Amazons

Tawny reports live from the Hall of Justice just after Queen Nubia has taken control of the Amazons as their new Queen.

Alternate Versions

Harley Quinn; The Animated Universe

In the TAS universe Tawny has blonde hair and reports on more fluff pieces then the normal hard hitting journalism that she was known for in the reg DC universe.

Journey to Love

Tawny Young, working as newscaster for Metro 7 covers Poison Ivy's failed wedding at the Old Gotham Corn Factory. She encourages viewers to "Subscribe to Tawny Alerts at 829-69". Then later, Tawny is on site when Commissioner Gordon gets out of the vines that Ivy had locked him in. He then gives the reporter the exclusive that he vows to get Harley Quinn, dead or alive.

Later, Tawny is seen reporting other events in the back of the Gotham Police Department special task force van.

Tawny Young in the Harley Quinn: TAS Universe
Tawny Young in the Harley Quinn: TAS Universe

Then in Detroit, Tawny is head anchor and reports on Mephitic attacking downtown Detroit. She then sends the broadcast over to Janice, who reports farther on the attack. After the report comes back to Tawny she does a fluff piece on kitties in the studio.

Days later when Gordon finally has Harley and Ivy cornered, Tawny shows up again and reveals not only does she have two kids they have been following Harley and Ivy in Detroit and Bludhaven. Harley and Ivy get away with the help of Livewire and Tawny turns her reporting to Gordon and his lastest failure.


May 1984

June 1984

November 1984

December 1984

February 1985

May 1985

July 1985

August 1985

September 1985

December 1985

March 1986

September 1986

October 1986

November 1986

January 1987

May 1987

January 1988

February 1988

July 2001

March 2003

December 2003

October 2011

March 2016

April 2016

May 2016

August 2022












