
Susie Tompkins

Susie Tompkins

Golden Age Lois Lane’s problem niece.

Susie Tompkins
Real name:
  • Lois Lane’s problem niece
Birth date:
  • Emotion Control
  • Psionic
  • Telekinesis
  • Telepathy


Susie Tompkins was freckle-faced red/brown haired pony tailed 8 year old girl who was the niece of Lois Lane. She tended to hold an an overactive imagination where she often exaggerated tall tales and telling lies to adults with Susie often making mischief by making stories up. She was allied in her mischief with Mr. Mxyzptlk.


The character largely featured in Golden Age of Comics as the daughter of Lucille Tompkins with her last appearance being in 1955. During the Silver Age of Comics, the only sibling given to Lois Lane was Lucy Lane who tended to be single and childless. Susie was reintroduced during the Bronze Age of Comics when Superman and Lois Lane of Earth-2 were married. She made several appearances during the late 1970s and early 1980s.

Action Comics writer Grant Morrison reintroduced the character within The New 52 where she retained her origin of being Lois's niece with an overactive imagination.

Current Events (The New 52)

After the Flashpoint, a rebooted universe had Susie Tompkins being the niece of Lois Lane. She stayed with her aunt where Susie looked after some hamsters rescued by Superman from a killer that Lois had brought her. During her time there, a number of peculiar events began to be shown such as perfect geometric drawings made by Susie who claimed that the "spaceman" had taught her to draw them. Furthermore, she seemed to show some form of greater ability to understand the mental state of the hamsters in her care. Whilst taking Susie to see a movie, they met Adam Blake who informed them that Thompkins was actually a member of a race of post-humans known as Neo-Sapiens or Nutants. He claimed that he intended to take her from humanity as they were destined to inherit the Earth in the future as they were born ahead of their time. This led to a fight with Superman who sought to stop Blake from his actions though Adam managed to repel the Man of Steel's attacks until Susie used a mental attack to stop Captain Comet thus defeating him. She was later recruited by the 5th Dimensional Imp known as Vyndktvx where she was made a member of the Anti-Superman Army.

During the final attack from the Anti-Superman Army, Susie was confronted by Lois Lane. There Susie admited than Vyndxtvk had threatened her parents if she didn't join his army. But after Lois convinced her, Susie rebelled against the control of the 5D imp. She was helped by the returning Captain Comet and his team, Together they helped Superman to defeat Vyndktvx by attacking the imp and by giving Superman the idea than defeated his enemy.

It is unclear what happened to SUsie powers after the battle ended.


April 1943

January 1944

May 1946

July 1946

July 1947

February 1955

June 1978

February 1980

November 1981

March 1982

September 2011

April 2012

September 2012

October 2012

December 2012

February 2013

March 2013

April 2013

May 2013









Friendly teams