
Sun Boy

Sun Boy

A member of the Legion of Super-Heroes, who taps into solar energy to produce whatever degree of flame or luminance he wishes.

Sun Boy
Real name:
Dirk Morgna
  • Dirk Morgna
  • Sun Man
  • Inferno
  • Ph'yr
Birth date:
  • Fire Control
  • Flight
  • Heat Generation
  • Light Projection
  • Radiation


Original Star Boy
Original Star Boy

Dirk Morgna's mother died during child birth and Dirk was raised by his distant, business-minded father Derek Morgna. Dirk's father owned a nuclear power plant and Dirk worked as an assistant there as an adolescent. One of the scientists, Dr. Zaxton Regulus, was working on a machine when there was an accident, which resulted in the death of worker Zarl Hedricks. Dr. Zaxton was blamed for the accident and was dismissed. Angered, Dr, Zaxton blamed Dirk for the accident as he was the one who was sent to deliver supplies to him. In a rage, the doctor threw Dirk into an atomic reactor and left him to die. Dirk instead gained special powers due to his unique genetics and used them to help escape. For the adulation, Dirk took on the name Sun Boy and applied for the Legion, but was rejected in favor of Brainiac 5 and Supergirl for that year's membership slots. He was accepted the next year when he developed his powers of heat generation.


Sun Boy was created by by Jerry Siegel and Jim Mooney.

Character Evolution

Original Continuity: New Earth

Sun Boy (New Earth)
Sun Boy (New Earth)

As Sun Boy, Dirk had a dramatic Legion career. Early on he lost his powers and was sidelined, but they recovered. He became space happy on an extended mission in space where he was leader and locked up his teammates, who eventually saved him. Dirk was hit in the head during a press event and suffered amnesia just as Dr. Regulus returned to seek revenge. Dirk regained his memories in time to defeat his rival, doing so again years later when he returned after Dirk's 11 solar year (17-18 years) birthday party. His powers were instrumental in weakening the Servants of Darkness in the Great Darkness Saga but Darkseid continuously knocked him out. During an encounter with the Emerald Empress, she broke Dirk's jaw for his back-talking. He recovered shortly thereafter. Dirk, notorious for quick relationships, had a steady one for a period of time then with Gigi Cusimano, an old friend of Dirk's buddy Colossal Boy. However Dirk ended that relationship as well.

Five Years Later: Glorithverse

Dirk Morgna, sell-out.
Dirk Morgna, sell-out.

During the off-panel period of time known as the Five Year Later, Dirk became the leader of Legion and after a series of defections, he left the group. He was then hired by Earthgov as a public relations liaison and used his popularity to get the public's opinion, putting him in at odds with his previous teammates. His work at keeping the image of a Dominator controled EarthGov, justifying events as the arrest of teammate Brekk Bannin, the incident with the assassin Roxxas, the death of Blok, the cleaning of image of Dominion agents, the killing of the Tornado Twins put a heavy strain on his will.

Reboot: Earth-247

Dirk Morgna (Earth-247)
Dirk Morgna (Earth-247)

On Earth-247, Dirk Morgna once again was blamed for Dr. Regulus' firing and was left in an atomic reactor to die which gave him super-powers. However this Dirk's luminance could not be controlled, which caused him to go under scientific quarantine to protect others. Dirk became frustrated by his months in isolation and escaped to find his father, who had let him be admitted to such a place. During the confrontation with his father, the Legion arrived with a tromium-lined transuit. The suit muted Dirk's brightness and permitted him to interact with others again.

Dirk assisted the Legion on an assignment when Dr. Regulus took over one of Leland McCauley's factories. The battle exposed Dirk to more radiation, which cured him of his powers. Dirk then became the owner of the Magnoball team the Lodestones. He was shortly thereafter possessed by a fire elemental, turning Dirk into a fiery monster named Ph'yr of the Elements of Disaster. Dirk was one of the hosts to usurp control and survive, though this left Dirk with infrared vision. This led Dirk to be the first to spot the anti-energy cloud that went on to become Wildfire. Dirk, as well as the rest of Earth-247, was destroyed during Infinite Crisis. But as the timeline was later restore, it is probable that this version also has survived.

Threeboot: Earth-Prime

Sun Boy (Earth-Prime)
Sun Boy (Earth-Prime)

On Earth-Prime, Dirk Morgna was once again a member of the Legion, now a youth rights movement. Dirk's parents were some of the few adults who supported the Legion enthusiastically, much to Dirk's embarrassment. Dirk was often a field leader among the Legion and had an over-confident, assertive personality that butted heads with Cosmic Boy's leadership constantly. He previously had a relationship with Light Lass, which was short lived. Feeling stifled by his parents and never getting the opportunity in the Legion to properly come to his own as a leader, Sun Boy resigned from the team to lead a group of meta=humans called Terra Firma, who had been manipulated by the villainous Lemnos.

Retroboot: New Earth

Sun Boy (New Earth)
Sun Boy (New Earth)

Infinite Crisis restored the original Legion to continuity before the Five Year Later, leaving Dirk once more alive and an active member of the Legion. He was kidnapped while Earth-Man's Justice League took over Earth and was hooked to a machine that drew his power so that the yellow sun of Earth could be turned red. He was eventually freed, but the experience left him drained physically and emotionally. Dirk sequestered himself from his teammates and initially refused to assist them when Superboy-Prime and the Legion of Super-Villains went on a rampage. Two other Legions were recruited to assist and Earth Prime's Sun Boy was killed, which this Dirk felt. His counterpart's death pained him and reignited Dirk's fighting spirit. He aided the Legion in the villains' defeat and rejoined them properly.

After recover his temple, Dirk joined Polar Boy in his homep planet to deal with the Polar King, where they discovered than the legion of Super-villians could have their own Spy Squad.

The Legion later was forced into fighting a Daxamite and a group of Controllers on the planet of Panoptes and they were eventually successful after the intervention of Element Lad.

Major Story Arcs

The many deaths of Sun Boy

The Death of Glorithverse Sun Boy

Death and undeath
Death and undeath

When Earthgov is exposed to be under the control of Dominators, Dirk is branded a traitor to Earth and his teammates. Finally, with a broken spirit, Dirk tries to recover his heroic spirit, but then gets exposed to a fatal does of radiation when a power-sphere explodes during the destruction of the Moon. Scarred by the radiation he was put on one of the several subterranean chambers where the Batch SW6 was found, but his pain, phisycal and emotional, persisted. Finally he gets mercy killed by his lover, Circe.

However, this was not his final appearance. When a wave of undead soldiers from Mordru attacked the United Planets, the body of Dirk, along with the several teammates was revived. After the defeat of Mordru and the return to death, his body was possessed by his also revived former teammate, Wildfire, who used his body to help him sustain his energy form. Thsi secret would be revealed only when the reality collapsed during the event Zero Hour.

The Death of Earth-Prime Sun Boy

Superboy-Prime kills Dirk
Superboy-Prime kills Dirk

His time with Terra Firma proved difficult as its members refused to fully reform from their criminal ways. Ultimately, Dirk's conscience got the best of him and he personally saw to it that all his teammates were jailed. Defeated but still willing to fight the good fight, Dirk returned to the Legion and insisted they even put it to a vote to see if they wanted him back. The team voted Sun Boy back in just in time for Dirk and his Legion to team with two others to save the Legion of New Earth. During this battle, Superboy-Prime froze Sun Boy with his freezing breath and then shattered him, killing him. He was later resurrected as a member of the Black Lantern Corps but died again.

The Death of Original/Retroboot Sun Boy

Debris kills Sun Boy.
Debris kills Sun Boy.

Sun Boy was one of the earliest victim of the last attack of the Fatal Five against the Legion. When The Fatal Five cut the quantum relay than helped spaceships to travel, the Phantom Girl's team crashes on a non-Interlac speaking alien world. Sun Boy guidied their ship to a safe landing, but it crashed and the debris killed Dirk, by smashing his head. To add insult to injury, the inhabitants of that world, later discovered to be a Promethian Giant, eated Dirk's body, leaving nothing to bury on Shangalla, where he was later memorialized.

Powers and Abilities

Overloads star level tolerance
Overloads star level tolerance

Fire Control

Dirk Morgna has the ability to tap into internalized solar power, allowing him to project luminance and heat to whatever degree he desires. He is able to project light bright enough to lead to permanent blindness and that could be seen from miles away in space. He can concoct heat within seconds that can melt through steel or be tossed as fireballs, as well as absorb energy to grant him Super strength & durability. In the postboot reality, Dirk also had infrared vision and could detect heat patterns. Some of his feats include:

  • Dissipating intense thunderstorms with his heat
  • Melting ice mountains just by flying over them
  • Has enough heat to melt all the ice in Antarctica
  • Easily evaporates 10 tons of steel
  • Blocks solar flare from evaporating his friends
  • Matches Sun Emperor & Dr. Regulus (defeats) in battle
  • Is confirmed to have the heat of a Sun
  • Able to keep a full sized Star from going supernova
  • Has solar flare level blasts, & when pushed around by Time-Trapper amps the power to nova level blasts.
  • Projects the heat of a Supernova
  • Able to absorb the solar energy from bronze age Superboy, empowering him enough to wrestle evenly.
  • Post crisis Superman describes Sun-boy's weaker blast as "flying TOO CLOSE to the Sun" and a later serious blast as "×1000 hotter than the first". It would burn right past his invulnerability.


As a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes, Sun Boy possesses a Legion Flight Ring. The ring gives its wearer the ability to fly, the speed and range of which is determined by the wearer's willpower. It also acts as a long-range communicator (enabling constant vocal contact with other Legionnaires, even across vast distances of space), a signal device, and a navigational compass, all powered by a micro-computer built inside the ring.

Other Versions

Five Years Later: Batch SW6

Inferno (Batch SW6)
Inferno (Batch SW6)

Before the death of Dirk, members of the Dominator's Batch SW6 escaped captivity. There were shown as being time-displaced Legionnaires from the team's fifth year with Dirk among their number. The Batch SW6 duplicates survived the destruction of Earth and became the Legionnaires of New Earth. This Dirk took the codename Inferno. He was best friends with Live Wire and had a habit of womanizing and belittling others. He was one of the Legionnaires who drove Cera Kesh to be the new Emerald Empress and he had a romance with a mermaid named Keiki. When all the other Legionnaires without adult counterparts began to vanish when the timeline was collapsing, Dirk questioned as to why he was immune with his counterpart deceased. Wildfire confronted him and revealed he had taken the elder Dirk's body. The pair then merged together with the other Legionnaires to reboot their collapsing timeline during Zero Hour.

Smallville: The comic series

An alternate version of Sun Boy also appeared as member of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the comic-only published series based on the tv series Smallville.

Elseworlds: Superboy's Legion

Sun Boy also appeared as one of the earlier several super-heroes who joined Kal Brande's Legion. He joined along with Colossal Boy and he showed to be more agressive than his main template.

Other Media


Superman & the Legion of Super-Heroes

Sun Boy (S&LSH)
Sun Boy (S&LSH)

Dirk appeared as Sun Boy, a member of the Legion yet again, in the Legion's two season cartoons. This version was depicted with long hair and inflamed eyes. He had no lines throughout the run of the show and was often depicted as a trusted assistant to Cosmic Boy, causing him to be absent like Cosmic Boy for much of the first season. He made his first appearance as a cameo on a vidscreen during "Timber Wolf" and aided the Legion in protecting Earth's atmosphere in "The Substitutes." He fought against the Sun Eater in the two part "Sundown." In the second season, Dirk was one of many Legionnaires captured on Takron-Galtos but later released in the second part of "Man from the Edge of Tomorrow." He sat as jury at Timber Wolf's trial and ultimately hunted him down in "Cry Wolf." He was depicted as one of the original Legionnaires in "In the Beginning" and fought against Brainiac in the two part "Dark Victory."


May 1961

November 1961

January 1962

April 1962

June 1962

September 1962

October 1962

November 1962

December 1962

January 1963

February 1963

March 1963

April 1963

May 1963

June 1963

July 1963

August 1963

September 1963

October 1963

November 1963

December 1963

January 1964

February 1964

March 1964























Died in issues





Friendly teams

Enemy teams