Real name:
Birth date:
  • Invulnerability
  • Stamina
  • Super Strength
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Weapon Master
First issue:
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents (1965) #4

In the post crisis universe, Sparta was one of twelve so called Titan Seeds. Taken from their homeworlds by the Titan of Myth Rhea and brought up by the Titans of Myth on New Cronus. Sparta was from the planet directly below New Cronus, Synriannaq. They were raised by the Titans to carry on their godly legacy. At the age of thirteen the Seeds would return to their own worlds and grow to adulthood with implanted false memories to help them accustomise themselves to their own way of life. To one day be called back to new Cronus to help the elder gods.

Green skinned Sparta didnt forget her time on New Cronus and the memories drove her mad. She used her god given powers to appoint herself Queen of her people. Thirsty for more power, Sparta decided to find the other seeds and take their power into herself. Each time her assassins killed a fellow seed she grew in power and madness, while the Titans of Myth rapidly aged and became powerless. The titaness Phoebe managed to alert a fellow seed, the mortal called Donna Troy, Wonder Girl. Donna travelled back to New Cronus in a bid to help the dying Titans. Along with the only other surviving seed, Athyns, Donna manipulated Sparta into unwittingly helping form a trinity of Seed power, that channelled into the elder gods restored their you and vitality. Her mind all but destroyed, Sparta was taken by the Titans on their travels of the universe, after the little remaining power in her was used to restore her planet.

In time her sanity was restored and she served as military leader on the Titans behalf until she was killed in battle, a pawn to the Titans yet again.


December 1988

January 1989

February 1989

March 1989

June 1989

August 2005




