


Killer, Torturer, Breaker of Wills, Best in the Business...

Real name:
Birth date:
  • Berserker Strength
  • Blast Power
  • Energy-Enhanced Strike
  • Feral
  • Flame Breath
  • Flight
  • Force Field
  • Power Item
  • Stamina
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Tracking
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Weapon Master


Pre-Red Lantern
Pre-Red Lantern

Skallox is shown being interoggated by his employer, Lancer over the location of some Cyber Eggs. When he does not give up their location he is cast into an oven and burned alive. As Skallox burns, he is overcome with anger to the point where he does not feel pain. The fact that he has been betrayed by his employer and that his own cunning did not forsee it causes his rage to burn like a fire. A Red Ring smashes through the oven before him.


Skallox was created by Geoff Johns and artist Shane Davis.

Character Evolution

Little has been revealed about Skallox, however it has been shown that he possibly betrayed a previous employer which led to his scarring. He is one of the Red Lanterns chosen by Atrocitus to regain his sentience.

Major Story Arcs

Skallox is a member of the Red Lantern Corps and part of the pack that attacked the Green Lantern Corps and Sinestro Corps and abducted Sinestro. He is a Red Lantern from the Planet Ysmault that first appeared in Final Crisis.

Final Crisis

Final Crisis takes place after Crisis On Infinite Earths and Infinite Crisis, the DC Universe characters have an all-out battle.

Rage of the Red Lanterns

Seeking vengeance against the Guardians for the Massacre of Space Sector 666, and revenge against Sinestro for imprisoning him on Ysmault, Atrocitus harnesses the power of anger to create the Red Lantern Corps. Now the leader of a pack of bloodthirsty savages, Atrocitus will kill anyone or anything that stands in the path of his rage.

Blackest Night

Sinestro Corps War and the fallout of the War of Light.

Red Lanterns:

He later appears as one of Atrocitus' savage Red Lanterns whose mind is overcome with rage. Atrocitus tries to ask him a question and Skallox flies off. Atrocitus catches him and bites into his neck which allows him to see through Skallox's memories. Atrocitues witnesses Bleez gathering with Ratchet and Zilius Zox, while still savage, possibly plotting to kill Atrocitus. Skallox is then tossed into the Blood Ocean by Atrocitus so that he may relive his pain and gain his sentience. His past disappoints Ratchet who was hoping their mission of vengeance was for the innocent not the wicked.

While Atrocitus beats Bleez for her disobedience , Skallox stands to her defense and demands he stop. He joins Bleez as she leads her own group of Red Lanterns to Sector 666, to bring vengeance to former members of the Sinestro Corp. Skallox aids Bleez in the torturing of their victims. One of his spies informs Skallox that their is a new, human, Red Lantern on Ysmault and tells Bleez of this. She sends Skallox to Earth to find out more about Rankorr's origin. When Skallox arrives he is met by Apollo and Stormwatch in Devon, UK. After blinding Apollo, Skallox has his arm hacked off by Midnighter. Skallox goes into a coma and is taken into custody. Stormwatch removes his ring and keeps it separate. When Atrocitus comes across their ship in a rage it awakens Skallox and his ring as they are reunited. Engineer provides Skallox and Atrocitus with a portal to send them on their way as they do not wish to further the conflict.

Powers and Abilities

During the attack on the Green Lantern and Sinestro Corps, Skallox displays the same powers used by his fellow Red Lanterns to lead a brutal attack in space. The extent of his powers have remain to be seen.

Skallox is a bearer of the Red Lantern Ring and has all the powers that come with it. The abilities the ring grants him are:

  • Animating: A Red Lantern can will things to move how he wants.
  • Caustic Effect: Red Lantern power can damage and drain away the power of other lanterns almost like a poison. For example green lanterns who survive a Red Lantern attack will begin to lose power from the almost napalm like attacks of Red Lanterns.
  • Communicator: The ring can act as a personal communicator between Lanterns.
  • Costumes: The wearer of the ring may create any costume they choose, based on their personal preferences, whenever they choose. The ring projects the costume over any clothes already worn at the time. While Red Lanterns have no costume code they all are red and black with the Red Lantern symbol displayed.
  • Energy Projection: The rings can also project beams, form protective bubbles and force fields, and fire destructive blasts. The attacks often come from the mouth from a Red Lantern.
  • Energy Constructs: The rings can construct anything the wearer can imagine from hard-light energy, as long as they are willing to make it. The more determined the wearer is, the more complex and intricate these things can be. The constructs can even be so complex as to form working machines, computers, and even people. Red Lanterns have difficulty creating constructs due to their anger.Skallox has yet to display constructs.
  • Flight: The ring allows the wearer to fly in atmosphere or in space, and can achieve incredible speeds, moving from planet to planet in a matter of hours.
  • Heart Replacement: Red Lantern Rings replace the heart of the lantern who wields them so removing a Red Lantern ring is often fatal without medical attention or the presence of a Blue Lantern. Atrocitus had his heart ripped from his body and was able to return to the fight within seconds since his ring serves as his heart.
  • Mirages: The Ring can create mirages/illusions.
  • Recharging: The rings need to be recharged by means of a Power Battery. Other large sources of power may be used to recharge a power ring, however effectiveness may vary. The internal power source of a Manhunter Android is, in effect, the same as a power battery, and can be used to recharge a power ring. During the JLA / Avengers crossover, a Cosmic Cube was used to recharge a depleted ring, although this is not an ideal solution and is available if there are no other options.
  • Ring Duplication: Each ring can duplicate itself, creating a second ring which may be given to another as a backup, for protection, or to help the lantern in times of great need. This duplicate ring is exactly like a normal ring.
  • Temperature Control: The Ring can increase or decrease the temperature of anything, even something as large as stars, or even create bubbles of intense heat or cold, even down to Absolute Zero.
  • Electro-magnetic scanning: The ring can allow(through the use of x rays) the user to see through walls, without the people on the other side knowing. it can also scan along the Electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Wormhole/Warps: The ring can open wormholes to cut down on distance.

Lantern Status

Red Lantern

  • Status: Active
  • Space Sector: Unknown
  • Sector Partner: ?
  • Homeworld: Unknown
  • Predecessor: Inapplicable
  • Successor: Inapplicable

In Other Media

Skallox appears in the Green Lantern: The Animated Series episode "Reckoning." He briefly battles Kilowog when the hero tries to escape from the Red Lantern home base.


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