
Sinestro Corps Soldier of Sector 465

Sinestro Corps Soldier of Sector 465

The sadistic Sinestro Corps Soldier of Sector 465 abducted the beautiful Bleez from her home world and subjected her to cruelty and torture in dungeons of Ranx the Sentient City. The Soldier was killed when the angelic maiden's heart was filled with rage at the loss of her wings.

Sinestro Corps Soldier of Sector 465
Real name:
Birth date:
  • Blast Power
  • Energy Based Constructs
  • Energy-Enhanced Strike
  • Energy Manipulation
  • Energy Shield
  • Flight
  • Force Field
  • Holographic Projection
  • Light Projection
  • Omni-lingual
  • Power Item
  • Stamina
  • Weapon Master

Sinestro Soldier

Status: Deceased

Space Sector: 465

Sector Partner: ?



Predecessor: Inapplicable

Successor: Unknown


During the height of the Sinestro Corps War, the sadistic followers of Sinestro spread fear throughout the universe by murder, torture, and depravity. Such ugliness was foreign to the magnificent world of Havania, which was renowned as one of the most beautiful planets in Sector 33, if not the universe. Havania was a paradise, yet the planet's beauty paled in comparison to that of it's most angelic resident,Bleez. Bleez' beauty was legendary and the promise of her hand in marriage drew many suitors to Havania. Although Bleez' mother would have her marry, the beautiful young woman was content to spend her days bathing in the waterfalls of Havania and soaring freely through the planet's skies.

During one such day, a courtesan from her family castle found Bleez relaxing among the waters. Another suitor had arrived on Havania seeking Bleez' hand, and both her mother and the courtesan were impressed by this man's power and bearing. Her mother was certain that the perfect match had finally arrived on Havania and sent her aides out to fetch her daughter. Reluctantly, Bleez returned to the castle to once again go through the motions of entertaining and dismissing another prospective husband .

Bleez arrived at the castle and quickly made her feelings known to her mother. However, before the older woman could fully argue on behalf of this newest caller, she was cut down by a mighty beam of yellow energy. Bleez turned from the horrible sight of her dying mother to find the Sinestro Corps Soldier of Sector 465 bowing to the terrified girl with a mocking smile.

Bleez endured two horrific days within the dungeons of Ranx the Sentient City, which had become a den of vice for Sinestro's depraved followers. There, these monsters indulged their sick desires by torturing and abusing their innocent prisoners for sport. The Soldier of Sector 465 paraded Bleez around in a binding construct, a yellow "rope" fastened about her angelic wings. 465 had obviously violated the girl and was now enjoying some time mocking her for her former royal bearing. 465 angrily insisted that, were they back on Havania, Bleez would have spit on him for being unable to soar the skies as she does so enjoy. Smugly, 465 laughed that Bleez would never fly again and violently reeled in the constructed noose around her wings, stripping them of bone and feather alike.

The Sinestros' torture was abruptly cut off as Ranx was rocked by multiple blasts of green energy. The

Green Lantern Corps had invaded the Sentient City and, with lethal force now enabled, were decimating the Sinestro scum that resided inside. As Ranx buckled under the Corps assault, Bleez saw an opportunity to end her pain. The disfigured beauty spotted a breach in Ranx' hull and leaped to her death into the void of space. In a twisted way, 465 loved Bleez, and the psychopath would not let her die so easily. 465 followed Bleez into space, where he witnessed the birth of the Red Lantern of Sector 33.

 Bleez kills Sinestro Corps Soldier of Sector 465
Bleez kills Sinestro Corps Soldier of Sector 465

Bleez' heart was filled with rage, she had been violated, her mother killed, and her beautiful wings destroyed. Her anger was felt by one of Atrocitus' red rings, which took Bleez and transformed her into a vengeful angel of death and rage. Now a Red Lantern, Bleez turned to the Sinestro Corps Soldier of Sector 465 and kissed him passionately. The Soldier buckled, as Bleez vomited the napalm-like rage fire into her tormentors mouth, broiling him from the inside. Bleez had her vengeance, but the red ring had doomed her to a lifetime of anger and rage. As Bleez headed off to join her new pack, the Sinestro Corps ring flew from it bearer's lifeless body in search of another demented soul from Space Sector 465.

Blood and Rage

Although 465 is dead, Bleez is forced to rewitness the acts he did to her that transformed her into the Red Lantern she is today. It is also revealed that 465 was sent to Havania by Count Liib and Baron Ghazz, because Bleez turned down their advancements.

Powers and Abilities

Qwardian (Yellow) Power Ring which give him the following abilities:

  • Animating: A Sinestro Lantern can will things to move how he wants. The object moved however is often covered in a yellow aura.
  • Artificial Intelligence : Every ring has a connection to the Main Battery on Qward, which taps into Parallax. It acts as an "on-board computer," telling the wearer what they need to know. It can either respond out loud, or silently directly to the wearer's mind. The AI contains a large database of information that may be crucial to a "Sinestro's" success. The ring also translates nearly every language to and from the wearer, which is why the Corps can communicate with each other. When the bearer of a Sinestro Corps ring dies, the ring will seek out a suitable replacement for their sector, someone capable of instilling great fear.
  • Communicator: The ring can act as a personal communicator between Sinestro Lanterns. They have also been seen connected to telephones. Weather
  • Costumes: The wearer of the ring may create any costume they choose, based on their personal preferences, whenever they choose. The ring projects the costume over any clothes already worn at the time.
  • Energy Projection: The rings can also project beams, form protective bubbles and force fields, and fire destructive blasts. Sometimes, depending on the wearer, the beams and blasts make sounds.
  • Energy Constructs: The rings can construct anything the wearer can imagine from hard-light energy, as long as they are willing to make it. The more determined the wearer is, the more complex and intricate these things can be. The constructs can even be so complex as to form working machines, computers, and even people.
  • Flight: The ring allows the wearer to fly in atmosphere or in space, and can achieve incredible speeds, moving from planet to planet in a matter of hours.
  • Invisibility: The Sinestro Corps ring has the ability to make
  • Mind Control: The wearer of the Ring can use it to plant post hypnotic commands or control a person.
  • Mirages: The Ring can create mirages/illusions.
  • Phasing: The ring allows the user to go through walls.
  • Power Absorbing: In the JLA's first fight with Amazo, it was GL who defeated him by drawing out all of Amazo's powers. In Green Lantern/Silver Surfer: Unholy Alliances, Kyle defeated Parallax with SS' power and Thanos with Oa's energy by drawing out all that extra energy from them which made them unconscious. However he couldn't hold all that power nor could his Ring like Hal did with Amazo's powers, so that move isn't often used with so much power.
  • Probing: The ring can probe the Lantern's or another person's mind, allowing him to uncover memories or the person's thoughts.
  • Radiation: Besides light based radiation used to create the energy constructs associated with a Sinestro Corps member or a Green Lantern, the ring can simulate various forms of radiation. One example of this is the ability to simulate the radiation of Red solar radiation, which stunts or removes the powers of Kryptonians and Daxamites.
  • Recharging: The rings need to be recharged by means of a Power Battery. Other large sources of power may be used to recharge a power ring, however effectiveness may vary. The internal power source of a Manhunter Android is, in effect, the same as a power battery, and can be used to recharge a power ring. During the JLA / Avengers crossover, a Cosmic Cube was used to recharge a depleted ring, although this is not an ideal solution and is available if there are no other options. Members of the Sinestro Corps they generally quote the Sinestro Corps oath while recharging their rings: "In blackest day, in brightest night, Beware your fears made into light! Let those who try to stop what's right, Burn like his power... Sinestro's might!” Unlike the Green Lantern Corps however each Sinestro Corps member seems to use a standard unaltered oath.
  • Temperature Control: The Ring can increase or decrease the temperature of anything, even something as large as stars, or even create bubbles of intense heat or cold, even down to Absolute Zero..
  • X-Ray: The Sinestro power ring has the ability to see through all objects without others around him/her being aware that the object has been made transparent. Not all material can be penetrated though.


September 2009

January 2012




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