
Shilandra Thane

Shilandra Thane

The Green Lantern of Space Sector 3399, Shilandra Thane is the sole survivor of a planet that was decimated by a nuclear war. She is always on patrol in her sector and when she runs across warring parties she acts as a mediator. She is not in favor of the change in the Guardians' laws that now allow lethal force. She has attempted to initiate a movement against those new laws but she has been unsuccessful in making any change.

Shilandra Thane
Real name:
Shilandra Thane
Birth date:
  • Blast Power
  • Flight
  • Force Field
  • Light Projection
  • Omni-lingual
  • Phasing / Ghost
  • Power Item
  • Telepathy
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Willpower-Based Constructs


the loan survivor of her world's destruction, Shilandra is called as a Green Lantern
the loan survivor of her world's destruction, Shilandra is called as a Green Lantern

(in Green Lantern Corps Quarterly #1, June 1992)

The lone survivor of a planet ravaged by nuclear war, Shilandra Thane patrols her sector relentlessly, mediating any disputes that might arise and spreading a benevolent message of peace and understanding.

Shilandra Thane was from a planet torn by centuries of war. An emerald visitor came through space to this world and was immediately shot down. No one would go to aid this visitor. Only Shilandra Thane was brave enough to cross through the death zone to where it crashed. Shilandra learned the fallen visitor was a Green Lantern, an emissary of the Guardians of the Universe, sent long ago to extend their reach beyond a vast void, never before crossed, to the worlds on the other side.

an enduring voice for peace
an enduring voice for peace

The Green Lantern had completed the journey just within the millennial span of its life. Its mission was to locate an individual worthy to serve as a protector of the "new" sector of space. Shilandra Thane had been chosen. Dying of inevitable age, the Green Lantern had much to teach her in a short time. Soon. across the battlefield rose a new emerald light. Shilandra Thane separated the opposing sides, with the message of life. The newest Green Lantern asked the warriors to claim a new destiny, a life among the stars.

Sadly, it was too late for her world. Perhaps she was regarded as an invader from another world, or as a shift in the balance of power from one side to another. Missiles had been launched, destroying the entire world. The lone survivor was Shilandra Thane. Still, she had come to see her responsibility as a Green Lantern to be her destiny. She would reach other worlds in time to teach them what she had learned.


Falling Down

freed from slavery
freed from slavery

(in Guy Gardner: Warrior #35, Oct 1995)

In the aftermath of Hal Jordan's possession by Parallax and the subsequent destruction of the Green Lantern Corps, without their power rings, several former Green Lanterns were captured and being sold into slavery at an open market on a far off world. Shilandra Thane was among them, though she and the others were thankfully saved by Guy Gardner who'd obtained a different kind of power after losing his own yellow power ring.


Shilandra fights the good fight, even without her ring
Shilandra fights the good fight, even without her ring

(in Green Lantern #165 & 169-175, Dec 2003-May 2004)

After Kyle Rayner restarted the Green Lantern Power Battery and brought back the Guardians he sent a message out to all former Corps members Shilandra was one of the only four to show up on Oa. Reemuz, Voz, and Bynari were the other three. Kyle tried to prove the universe needed a Corps but the former members left before he could prove himself.

It isn't until Raker Qarrigat approaches the group and guilts them into helping that they return to Oa. The group then helps Kyle take down the Black Circle and Amon Sur. Along the way Bynari turns on the group and tries to kill Shilandra but she is able to get the upper hand. She snaps Bynari's neck and pushes her out an airlock.

With the new laws of Oa now implemented, Shilandra has attempted to start a movement within the Green Lantern Corps against lethal force, but has thus far failed. Shilandra has yet to share her thoughts on a life she herself took - that of former Green Lantern Bynari.

Infinite Crisis

No Caption Provided

(in Infinite Crisis #7, Jan 2007)

Shilandra Thane was one of the Green Lanterns who battled Superboy Prime during Infinite Crisis.

Sinestro Corps Aftermath

No Caption Provided

(in Green Lantern #27, Mar 2008)

Opposing the Guardians' policy of lethal force against members of the Sinestro Corps, Shilandra accuses her fellow Lantern Laira of using the decree to murder Sinestro Corps member Amon Sur in cold blood.

War of the Green Lanterns

(in Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #8, May 2011)

Shilandra is shown as one of the Green Lanterns who is being mind controlled by Krona, the rogue Guardian.

Green Lantern Statistics

  • Status: Active
  • Space Sector: 3399
  • Sector Partner: Unknown
  • Home-World: Unknown
  • Predecessor: Green Lantern of Sector 3399
  • Successor: Inapplicable

Powers and Abilities

  • Peace Ambassador: As the sole survivor of her world, Shilandra Thane has worked for long years to improve her ability as an advocate for peace.
  • Guerrilla Fighter: After losing her ring in the wake of Parallax's attack on Oa, Shilandra was forced to use her wits and resolve to survive and help those she could. She had to learn to fight and to use guerrilla tactics when needed to defeat or evade her enemies.

Shilandra Thane wields a Green Lantern Power ring, which gives her several very formidable abilities and tactical resources:

  • Emotional Spectrum Green Will Energy Conduit: The rings use pure energy supplied by a Power Battery, which in most cases takes the form of bright green light. This energy is the green light of willpower of the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum. A Green Lantern's ring, considered by some to be one of the most powerful weapons in the known universe, has the ability to affect and use fundamental forces of the known universe, including electromagnetic energies such as gravity, radiation, heat, light, and powerful blasts of concussive force. It is also theorized that the ring also has a basis in other dimensional energies commonly called magic by users of such energies. The ring can also create fields of force formed from an unknown energy that is bound by the users' will. The limitations of such use are the skill, knowledge and imagination of the user.
  • Energy Projection: The ring can be used to fire blasts of energy or create weapons such as projectiles of them. The ring can project beams of force powered by the will of the user. Their appearance does not indicate the power of the weapon. The weapon's power is more an indication of the will of the user.
  • Force Field: The ring can create various force fields of various sizes and shapes to protect the wearer and others in the vicinity. With the cosmic scope of a Green Lantern's duties, it is only natural that the power ring is designed for operation in space. The ring creates a force field around the wearer, protecting them from the hazards of the void including filtration of stellar radiation and microscopic particulate matter which would ordinarily be fatal should the space debris strike the ring wielder at high speeds. An atmosphere appropriate to the ring wielder's biology is created inside the force-field while body temperature is maintained and waste products are removed. Gravitational stresses which could cause injury are stabilized for the ring wielder. Theoretically, a ring wielder could use the ring as their sole source of life support. The force field is created instantaneously whenever needed as part of the ring's automatic defensive system.
  • Energy Constructs: The primary function of the power ring is to provide a weapon capable of transforming the wearer's thoughts into physical constructs through the wearer's strength of willpower. A Green Lantern can create any particular items or construct that they can imagine as long as they have the willpower necessary to will it into existence. The constructs exist only as long as a Green Lantern is fueling them with their willpower. Items created by the rings are not indestructible and are only as powerful as the willpower of the Green Lantern creating them. The types of constructs usually reflects the ring wearer's personality.
  • Phasing: The power ring allows the wearer to pass through solid objects such as walls, though this is also a function of the ring-bearer's will and not an automatic ability of the ring itself.
  • Environmental Playback: Upon request, the power ring can recreate a holographic environment based on data in its memory banks. The ring-bearer can observe events in a ghostlike state, but the cannot alter the outcome of the playback. All objects in the playback will appear in the full spectrum of colors, regardless of the wielder's level of expertise creating simulacra. The power ring will automatically end the playback if outside interference warrants the ring-bearer's undivided attention.
  • Invisibility and Light Refraction: A ring-bearer can render themselves invisible by willing the ring to bend light waves around their body. A similar action allows an experienced ring-bearer to create objects of colors other than green, even simulacrums of living people.
  • Energy Absorption: The ring can absorb and store other energies. Doing so does not replenish the normal store of energy the ring has. For example: a ring that needs recharging but contained a store of electricity could only discharge that electricity.
  • Superhuman Strength: While not super strength of the conventional sense, a Lantern, while using constructs created by the ring, becomes capable of lifting/moving tremendous weights far heavier than they would normally be able to with comparatively little effort.
  • Flight: By the manipulation of anti-gravitons and directed molecular movement, the ring allows the user to fly at incredible speeds. In atmosphere, a Green Lantern has been known to fly as fast as Mach 10 in atmosphere by creating an aerodynamic envelope around their body. In space, a Green Lantern's flying ability has been shown to reach velocities far exceeding light speed. In atmospheres, air friction is not a hindrance since heat is either absorbed or reflected by the ring's field.
  • Wormholes and Spacial Warps: The power ring grants its bearer access to wormholes in space, enabling a Green Lantern to rapidly cut the time and distance needed to respond to an emergency. Black holes can also be navigated by experienced ring wielders. A Green Lantern can travel through a black hole to be deposited outside a white hole in a far off sector of space.
  • Time Travel: Time travel is possible with the power ring, though the further forward in time a ring-bearer travels, the more willpower it takes.
  • Limited Cellular Regeneration: A Green Lantern can use their ring to heal physical injuries in their self or others.
  • Electromagnetic Scanning: The ring has a wide range of detection abilities based on the imagination of the user. If the ring-bearer can conceive of it, they can probably detect it. Most normal electromagnetic phenomena are within the range of the ring, including radio, radar, television, infrared, ultraviolet, microwave, and high frequency band communications.
  • Thought Relay: Otherwise known as a telepathic link, which can be used to coordinate tactics with other Green Lanterns or report of the status of an active mission to a sector partner or other Lantern. The links can also be established with non-Green Lanterns, though it requires more willpower.
  • Galactic Encyclopedia: The earlier rings worn by the Corps functioned as references for their bearers. Having the vast knowledge of the Book of Oa to draw upon, each ring functions as a ready reference on most peoples, stellar events and conditions that may have been seen by other rings or other Green Lanterns.
  • Universal Translator: The power ring can translate virtually any language in the universe, facilitating diplomatic encounters rather than violent confrontations. Complications arise when a frame of reference for translation is not available, as evidenced during Katma Tui's induction of Rot Lop Fan into the Green Lantern Corps. Katma Tui had the difficult assignment of explaining the concepts of "light" and "color" to the sightless Rot Lop Fan. She overcame this barrier by using sound rather than light as the basis of the ring's power. Some Green Lanterns, such as the planet form known as Mogo, have used the ring to create an intermediary "being" to expedite communication.
  • Material Alteration: The Green Lantern's uniform is not made out of fabric. It is created by the power ring whenever the ring-bearer wills to wear it. Most Green Lanterns wear similar uniforms that are programmed into the ring by default. However, each Green Lantern is able to adjust their uniform to fit their own needs, personalities, or whims. The green parts of the wearer's uniform are usually very warm or hot to those who touch it, while the black parts are very cold. The uniform also produces a "siren" taking on the form of the Green Lantern Corps' symbol, circling the Green Lantern when active. The symbol, or badge, will not appear on the uniform until after a newly inducted Lantern has completed training on Oa, leading to the term "White-Circle" to describe a rookie Lantern.
  • Ring Duplication: A power ring is capable of duplicating themselves. Each duplicate shares the qualities and capabilities of the original ring. The duplicate rings are subject to over-ride control by the original ring-bearer, and take a significant expenditure of energy to create.
  • Emergency Beacon: A Green Lantern in distress can use their power ring as an emergency beacon. The alert can be directed to a Green Lantern's neighboring sector, or it can be a Corps-wide alert.
  • Homing Beacon: A homing beacon in the power ring can lead one Green Lantern to another. Though a power ring can be ordered to disguise itself to elude power ring wielding trackers.
  • Mind Alteration: Though the ethics of mind tampering may be debatable, sometimes it is deemed necessary. As the power ring relies on thought and will to operate, mind tampering is not impossible. The real difficulty lies in properly applying the power. There lies a risk of severe damage to the mind where alterations are being attempted should mistakes be made. A ring-bearer can use the power ring to erase portions of an individual's memories. Green Lanterns have used mind techniques as part of training. New recruits may be subjected to mind scans by other Green Lanterns or the Guardians of the Universe. They are taught to build mental defenses to protect themselves from mental attack. The power ring can also be used to beam information from the ring wielder to another being. Green Lanterns have used this technique to share information regarding their enemies during combat situations.
  • Pocket Dimension: A ring-bearer can use their ring to create a small extra-dimensional holding space in which they can store their power battery for ease of retrieval. These pocket dimensions can be accessed from any location.
  • Security Protocol: The rings can be programmed. They are coded to the wearer to make them unusable if stolen. The ring will refuse to take an action that would kill a being unless they are on Oa or have obtained permission. The Guardians recently removed the lethal force prohibition, first to allow lethal force against members of the Sinestro Corps, then against all enemies of the Green Lantern Corps.
  • Preset Conditions: Commands can be stored in the ring to be executed at a later date even if the bearer is not wearing the ring.


June 1992

October 1995

July 2003

November 2003

December 2003

January 2004

February 2004

March 2004

April 2004

May 2004

June 2006

February 2008

March 2008

May 2011










