


Sem-Re is a survivor of Krypton's destruction and a member of the Military Guild. He serves in Red Shard under Superman's command.

Real name:
  • Aspirant Re
Birth date:
  • Flight
  • Healing
  • Heat Vision
  • Invulnerability
  • Super Hearing
  • Super Smell
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Weapon Master


Aspirant Re
Aspirant Re

Originally, Sem-Re was a member of the Labor Guild on Krypton and living in the city of Kandor, but his status quo in life changed when Brainiac came. He was among the survivors of the attack, only to end up as one of the many Kryptonians to be abducted and kept in captivity by Brainiac. Commander Gor, the de facto leader of the Kryptonian military in Kandor, put out a call for new recruits and Sem-Re was one of those who answered.

He became an aspirant assigned to the Red Shard combat unit, a unit charged with civic defense. Twice he tested for officer training, and twice was he rejected for it.

After Kandor was liberated from Brainiac and relocated to a new planet, Sem-Re was placed under a new commander, Superman. He immediately got off on the wrong foot with Commander El, getting caught having orchestrated a fight between Non and a wild beast as part of Non's initiation into Red Shard.

Sem-Re's worst fear was revealed on a mission to reign in some stampeding Thought-Beasts. In his hallucination, he saw himself being sentenced to the Phantom Zone for a crime he did not commit. Whether this was something from his past or just a fear was not revealed. Commander El helped pull him out of his hallucination and get him back on mission.

Powers & Abilities

Military Training

As a member of the Kryptonian Military Guild, he received extensive training in the use of weapons, applicable technology, hand to hand combat, strategy, and survival techniques.

Kryptonian Physiology

As a Kryptonian, he has several amazing powers when in a solar system with a yellow sun:

  • Flight: Can defy gravity and fly under his own power, even through outer space.
  • Super Strength: Has great strength. Can lift more than 1,000,000 tons.
  • Super Speed: Can travel great distances in an instant. Able to move nearly as fast as The Flash.
  • Super Hearing: Can hear any sound at any volume or pitch and filer out and focus in on specific voices even in a crowded city.
  • Endurance: Doesn't need to sleep, eat, or drink, can survive in outer space, and can maintain psychical exertion for very long periods of time without tiring.
  • Heat Vision: Can fire rays of extreme heat and power from his eyes.
  • X-Ray Vision: Can see through anything except lead.
  • Telescopic Vision: Can focus his vision down to the microscopic level, or extend it out and focus it on objects far, far away.
  • Super Breath: Can create whirlwinds by forcefully exhaling, or freeze objects or opponents by blowing freezing cold air at them (a.k.a. ice breath).
  • Durability: Nearly impervious to any harm. Though can be hurt by beings with equal or greater power than his own, by magic, or by Kryptonite.
  • Longevity: Ages much slower, though is not truly immortal.
  • Healing: Can heal rapidly from injury.
  • Photographic Memory: Can read at high speeds and remember every detail, as well as remember anything he's experienced with perfect clarity.


June 2009

July 2009

August 2009

October 2009





