


As a member of Young Justice, Secret was a ghost-like heroine until she was restored to her human form by Darkseid before the team disbanded.

Real name:
Greta Hayes
  • Greta Hayes
  • Mist Girl
  • Bottle Girl
  • Suzie
Birth date:
  • Adaptive
  • Agility
  • Astral Projection
  • Blast Power
  • Dimensional Manipulation
  • Duplication
  • Flight
  • Healing
  • Holographic Projection
  • Hypnosis
  • Illusion Casting
  • Invisibility
  • Mesmerize
  • Phasing / Ghost
  • Precognition
  • Psionic
  • Psychic
  • Sense Death
  • Shape Shifter
  • Siphon Lifeforce
  • Sonic Scream
  • Soul Absorption
  • Stealth
  • Super Strength
  • Teleport
  • Unarmed Combat


Secret Power
Secret Power

Secret was born Greta Hayes. As a young girl she lived in fear of her older adopted brother Billy. As she became a teenager she became more frightened of him. One day her fears were realized as she was murdered by Billy.

This set Greta and Billy on opposite paths somehow Greta was transformed into a ghost-like creature soon to be known as Secret and her Brother would strive to be the greatest villain of all times and he would take the name Harm.

Greta literally became a lost soul. She couldn't remember her past life, and became imprisoned a secret government organization Department of Extranormal Operation (D.E.O.). The D.E.O. imprisoned her along with other children who had extra-ordinary powers. She became known as the Bottle Girl. and she and the other super-powered children were subjected to experiments to learn more about their powers and perhaps duplicate them. Greta, now calling herself Secret, desperately wants to escape and finally does but the D.E.O. wouldn't stop chasing her.

First Appearance
First Appearance

Eventually, Robin, Impulse and Superboy are asked to help the D.E.O. find Secret. They were asked to help because the D.E.O. feared they wouldn't be able to stop the creature by themselves. They are also told that the creature is a dangerous monster and could kill anyone it came into contact with. The three heroes wanting to do good capture Secret with a faulty canister but when they do they find out that it was not really a monster but a girl at about their age. Secret told them her story and asked if they could help her. At this she comes out of the canister. When asked why she didn't just leave the canister before she told them that she wanted them to believe her first. They agreed to help her and gave the D.E.O. a fake canister that was suppose to have the creature in it but it was just some smoke. This caused an investigation by the older members of the Justice League who were the "guardians of the younger heroes. All three of them lied to protect Secret and they made sure their stories were corroborated by each other.


Spectre and Secret
Spectre and Secret

Secret joins Young Justice with Wonder Girl and Arrowette as the first three female members of the group. She was often referred to as Suzie due to the fact that her real name was unknown. Secret became good friends with the two girls and she developed a crush on Tim Drake/Robin, and often defends his actions and his leadership without doubts and was jealous of Spoiler, Robin's girlfriend.

During the "Sins of Youth" arc, where the teen heroes became adults and vice versa, Secret was in protest of being changed back into a kid, preferring to remain an adult, so she can be respected. But she is over ruled and returns to her teenage state.

After many adventures Darkseid strips her of her powers turning her back into an ordinary, living girl. Ironically this is just as she always wanted to be. She now attends the Elias School for Girls, along with Cassie Sandsmark a.k.a. Wonder Girl and Cissie King-Jones a.k.a. Arrowette. She is a void to the afterlife and her brother is Harm.

Powers and Abilities

Fighting Despero
Fighting Despero

Secret no longer has powers but when she did they were the following.

  1. She is a gateway between the living and the dead.
  2. She is able to take on a variety of appearances and shape appearing as even smoke.
  3. She is intangible.
  4. She was also known to teleport short distances.

Other Media

Secret in Young Justice
Secret in Young Justice

Secret appears in the Young Justice episode "Secrets," which was written by Peter David (the writer behind the original Young Justice comic book). Greta appears throughout the episode as a guide of sorts, helping Zatanna and Artemis flee from her brother Harm. After the two young heroines are captured, Greta rescues them and aids them in their final battale against Harm. After the two girls learn that Secret is the ghost of Harm's murdered sister, Greta vanishes, presumably into the afterlife.

Secret sports a greatly altered backstory for the show, with her origin being changed so that she was now stabbed to death by her brother, rather than being electrocuted while taking a bath. Her powers are also altered, with her smoke-like appearance and abilities being dropped in favor of simple teleportation and intangibility. She is also unable to speak beyond repeating the word "Secret" over and over again. In the final moments of the episode, this is revealed to be the result of having seen the neon sign for the House of Secrets, a local magic shop, seconds before she was stabbed to death in her backyard.


June 1998

December 1998

January 1999

February 1999

March 1999

April 1999

May 1999

June 1999

July 1999

August 1999

September 1999

November 1999

December 1999

January 2000

February 2000

March 2000

April 2000





















Enemy teams