
Rocket Red (Denisovich)

Rocket Red (Denisovich)

Josef Denisovich was a Russian military man and the first member of the Rocket Red Brigade.

Rocket Red (Denisovich)
Real name:
Josef Danoff
  • Josef Denisovich
  • Rocket Red #1
Birth date:

Note: Originally Josef Denisovich name was Josef Danoff, it was changed between issue 208 and 209 of Green Lantern Corps.

A good friend of the Green Lantern Kilowog, who designed the Rocked Red suits for the Soviet Union. Josef was ultimately corrupted by the Soviet government, and was engaged in a battle with volunteer, a battle that resulted in Josef’s death.

Major Story Arcs

Beware Their Power

For more information see; The Green Lantern Corps: Beware Their Power

When Kilowog goes to Russia he meets Mikhail Gorbachev who then introduces him to Josef and the pair hit it off. Josef explains he is not the first person to volunteer for the Rocket Red Project, but he has faith in motherland that he loves. Josef's commitment is what brings Kilowog on board with the Russia superhero project and makes it successful.

After the project's success, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Katma Tui, Ch'p and Salaak fly into Russia air space believing Kilowog in trouble. Josef, now Rocket Red intercepts them and orders them to turn around, an order they do not obey, and he is forced to fight the Green Lantern team. He knows he can't beat them, but he feels he must protect his country from these invaders. The fight is ended when Kilowog steps in and explains he is in Russia on his own cognition.

Rocket Red flies back to Moscow with Kilowog and Stewart and Katma Tui who agree to come back and see how Russia is not the monster America has made it out to be. There Rocket Red and the small trio of Green Lanterns meet with Gorbachev and Stewart has a discussion about how Russia and America have both committed crimes, but both have also done good. He tries to help convince Stewart of the goods of communism but is unsuccessful. He is not in the room when Gorbachev secret orders the assignation of Stewart and Katma Tui.

Later when Kilowog and Stewart get in a fight over their ideals, it is Rocket Red who suggests Kilowog talk to his friends and make amends. Rocket Red then goes with Kilowog to find the other two Lanterns, but they keep hitting dead ends. Then when Kilowog goes to the Russian Police it is Rocket Red who realizes his friend is putting himself in danger with the Russia government. He tries to warn his friend, but Kilowog doesn't understand and keeps pushing the issue. The investigation is cut short when it reported that Guy Gardner is attacking Russia.

Rocket Red goes to speak to Gorbachev about the missing Green Lanterns but is interrupted by an enraged Kilowog, who learned that the Rocket Red Brigade has captured the other Lanterns. Gorbachev orders Josef to kill Kilowog which the Russian is forced to attempt to do. Kilowog and Rocket Red fight, and Josef admits he was not part of the team that captured the Lanterns, but if the government ordered the capture and murder, it must be best for Russia. He keeps trying to kill his former friend, and when Kilowog realizes there is no other option for his brainwashed friend, he is forced to kill him.

Action Comics-Hell is Where the Heart is

For more information see: Millennium

Rocket Red is seen when Spectre thinks of all of Earth Heros.

Secret Origins

In this issue of Secret Origins Josef origin is told from the prepective of the Russian goverment and it's current Rocket Red. In their eyes Josef was a hero and patiroit who held the ideals of Russia over anything else. In their opinion he died a hero.


January 1987

February 1987

March 1987

January 1988

February 1988

December 1988





Died in issues

