


Rankorr is the second Earthling officially inducted into the Red Lantern Corps.

Real name:
John Moore
  • John Moore
  • Red Lantern
  • Jack Moore
  • Rancorr
Birth date:
  • Chameleon
  • Energy Based Constructs
  • Energy Shield
  • Flight
  • Power Item
  • Shape Shifter


John Moore
John Moore

John Moore has always held in his rage even though it has been festering inside his entire life. After his grandfather died, his brother wanted to seek revenge because he felt police hadn't done anything to catch the killer. John cautioned him against taking such action, but his advice was ignored. John called the police telling himself it was the right thing to do and hoping that it would help his sibling out. When the police arrested his brother, he was beaten to death for resisting. After watching it happen and doing nothing to help, John's rage finally exploded and the Red Lantern Ring found him.


John Moore was created by writer Peter Milligan and artist Ed Benes.

Character Evolution


John Moore battled against a latent rage for years following the death of his grandfather. Unlike his brother, he kept his rage in check, while his brother continually started fights or other forms of trouble. Once when watching his brother be taken away again by the police, and being brutalized by them, his rage finally overcame him and a Red Lantern Corps ring sought him out.

Major Story Arcs

Red Lanterns

Rankorr vs. Guy Gardner
Rankorr vs. Guy Gardner

After witnessing his brothers death at hands of police brutality, John Moore's rage exploded out of him and the red ring sought him out. After the transformation he went to his grandfather's grave, there he realized it was his grandfather's killer, Baxter, that was the cause of him losing his brother. He then flew off with the tombstone of his grandfather to find and bring justice to the killer. He finds Baxter, being protected by the police, he then breaks open the police cruiser and takes him. He pleas for John to show mercy, but John ignores his cries and slams Baxter with the tombstone. Before he can make a fatal strike, he is stopped by Guy Gardner who tries to talk John through the rage and calm him. But John is taken away by the ring to planet Ysmault, the Red Lantern home-world before Guy is finished with him.

Getting to Ysmault, he is dropped directly in the middle of Atrocitus' encounter with Abysmus. Speaking for the first time, he helps Atrocitus up, but when the Power Battery is corrupted, he is blamed by several of the other Red Lanterns. Atrocitus denies that, and Rankorr leaves with a squad of Red Lanterns to attack the Violet Lanterns of love, who they believe to be the cause of the Central Power Battery's corruption. On their way, he was targeted by his own fellow Corps members however, as they thought of him as the weakest member for being the newest. They are proven wrong though, when Rankorr proceeds to create a construct and Obliterates two of his three attackers. At point blank range, he vomits napalm in the last one's face. Showcasing his skill and strength, he becomes now a respected member of the Corps. The Red Lanterns proceed with their plans, but are ambushed by Violets led by Fatality. Amid the chaos of a brief and violent battle, Rankorr is knocked unconcious and left to float in space. Regaining consciousness, he flies through space in search of his fellow Corps members, who were taken captive to the planet of love. Spotting a distress flare from a wounded Atrocitus fighting Abyssmus, he makes his way as fast as he can to his leader. Upon arrival, he creates yet another construct, constructs of the dead Corps members who have died by the poisoning of the Rings. This fills Abyssmus with guilt, and hands Atrocitus an opening with which he uses to slay his failed experiment.

Later, he is one of Atrocitus' most trusted Red Lanterns, going so far as to join Bleez and he when they answer a call for rage on the barbaric war torn planet of Arhtky, in Sector 2967. He finds the weakness of certain invincible creatures who ambush them, proving his cunning that goes with his strength.

Powers & Abilities


The Red Power Ring

John wields the power ring of the Red Lantern Corps. The ring provides a wide range of abilities including flight, creation of hard light constructs and survival in outer space. It also is a weakness in that the ring replaces the heart of the bearer, meaning that he would die if he were to remove it. It also consumes his mind with rage. However, unlike other Red Lanterns, he can think, speak, and react as a normal human being. Thusly, the ability to make constructs.

Powers and Abilities

Rankorr is a bearer of the Red Lantern Ring and has all the powers that come with it. The abilities the ring grants him are:

  • Animating: A Red Lantern can will things to move how he wants.
  • Caustic Effect: Red Lantern power can damage and drain away the power of other lanterns almost like a poison. For example Green Lanterns who survive a Red Lantern attack will begin to lose power from the almost napalm like attacks of Red Lanterns.
  • Communicator: The ring can act as a personal communicator between Lanterns.
  • Costumes: The wearer of the ring may create any costume they choose, based on their personal preferences, whenever they choose. The ring projects the costume over any clothes already worn at the time. While Red Lanterns have no costume code they all are red and black with the Red Lantern symbol displayed.
  • Energy Projection: The rings can also project beams, form protective bubbles and force fields, and fire destructive blasts. The attacks often come from the mouth from a Red Lantern.
  • Energy Constructs: The rings can construct anything the wearer can imagine from hard-light energy, as long as they are willing to make it. The more determined the wearer is, the more complex and intricate these things can be. The constructs can even be so complex as to form working machines, computers, and even people. Red Lanterns have difficulty creating constructs due to their anger. Rankorr is one of the few Red Lanterns seen to make constructs.
  • Shapeshifting: Using his energy construct ability, Rankorr is also able to modify his appearance.
  • Flight: The ring allows the wearer to fly in atmosphere or in space, and can achieve incredible speeds, moving from planet to planet in a matter of hours.
  • Heart Replacement: Red Lantern Rings replace the heart of the lantern who wields them so removing a Red Lantern ring is often fatal without medical attention or the presence of a Blue Lantern. Atrocitus had his heart ripped from his body and was able to return to the fight within seconds since his ring serves as his heart.
  • Mirages: The Ring can create mirages/illusions.
  • Recharging: The rings need to be recharged by means of a Power Battery. Other large sources of power may be used to recharge a power ring, however effectiveness may vary. The internal power source of a Manhunter Android is, in effect, the same as a power battery, and can be used to recharge a power ring. During the JLA / Avengers crossover, a Cosmic Cube was used to recharge a depleted ring, although this is not an ideal solution and is available if there are no other options.
  • Ring Duplication: Each ring can duplicate itself, creating a second ring which may be given to another as a backup, for protection, or to help the lantern in times of great need. This duplicate ring is exactly like a normal ring.
  • Temperature Control: The Ring can increase or decrease the temperature of anything, even something as large as stars, or even create bubbles of intense heat or cold, even down to Absolute Zero.
  • Electro-magnetic scanning: The ring can allow(through the use of x rays) the user to see through walls, without the people on the other side knowing. it can also scan along the Electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Wormhole/Warps: The ring can open wormholes to cut down on distance.

Lantern Status

Red Lantern Rankorr
Red Lantern Rankorr

Red Lantern Status: Active

Space Sector: 2814

Sector Partner: Dex-Starr

Homeworld: Earth

Predecessor: None

Successor: Inapplicable


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