


Otaki is a telepath in the Legion Academy.

Real name:
Bina Nawoti
  • Bina Nawoti
Birth date:
  • Flight
  • Telepathy


Otaki was created by Frances Portela and Paul Levitz. Her first appearance was in the DC Comics series the Legion of Super-Heroes #9 - Capture.


Bina Nawoti is a mutant, born on Earth as a telepath. Her parents were both an Earthling and a Titanian. She attains the Legion Academy on Earth in the 31st Century.


Major Story Arcs

Retroboot: New Earth

When Bina's telepathic abilities emerged, she traveled to Titan to study under Doctor Aven, who had trained the Legionnaire Saturn Girl. While there, Bina learned that she is not as powerful as most Titanians, but she has far superior range.

Ohhh...Head Rush!
Ohhh...Head Rush!

After her studies were complete, Bina enrolled at the Legion Academy and adopted the code name Otaki. There, she studied in how to use her powers in a team environment, hoping to one day graduate to the Legion of Super-Heroes.

While Otaki was still a student, she and fellow student Mwindaji were secretly recruited onto a rescue team organized by her teachers Bouncing Boy and Duplicate Damsel along with the Legionnaire Star Boy. Their mission was to rescue the Legionnaires Brainiac 5 and Dream Girl from the Dominators On the mission, Otaki used her powers to boost Star Boy's confidence, ultimately boosting his powers and saving their lives until Mon-El and Ultra Boy arrived as reinforcements.

After the mission, Duplicate Damsel complimented both Otaki and Mwindaji on surviving the mission before they returned to the Legion Academy.

Powers and Abilities

Wait! I'm sensing something...
Wait! I'm sensing something...

Otaki is a telepath and has the ability to communicate with others using only the power of her mind. She can manipulate the minds of her target. Otaki can mostly suggest rather than take total command of them. She has been severely hurt by a mental backlash as she attempted to control the mind of a higher level alien Dominator.


As a cadet at the Legion Academy Otaki was allowed access on training missions to possess a Legion Flight Ring. The ring gives its wearer the ability to fly, the speed and range of which is determined by the wearer's willpower. It also acts as a long-range communicator, The ring enables constant vocal contact with other wearers of a flight ring even across vast distances of space, It also is a signal device, and a navigational compass, all powered by a micro-computer built inside the ring.


July 2012

August 2012

September 2012

October 2012




