


An Amazon priestess who died during the the War of the Gods. She was involved with fellow Amazon Penelope. In the new 52 she was one of the two Amazons on the scene during Darkseid's daughter's birth. She was killed by another Amazonian called Myrina, but before that she foresaw the coming Darkseid war.

Real name:
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Cosmic Awareness
  • Empathy
  • Immortal
  • Invulnerability
  • Longevity
  • Penance Stare
  • Postcognition
  • Stamina
  • Super Hearing
  • Super Sight
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Telepathy
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Weapon Master


In the post-crisis universe, Menalippe was the third Amazon to be reborn from the Well of Souls by the goddesses of Olympus. She was particularly attuned with nature and became the Oracle of the Gods. She became through time the only Amazon to stay in communication with the Gods as they distanced themselves from humanity and she had great pride in that, and her unwavering faith in the Gods.

Menalippe followed Hippolyta to Themyscira, after being freed by Athena after their enslavement by Heracles.

As the oracle, it was Menalippe that helped Queen Hippolyta act on her desire to have a child, relating the instructions from the goddesses themselves. And from the clay of Paradise, Diana was molded and brought to life. Menalippe would years later steadfastly support the Princess in becoming Wonder Woman, relating to a horrified Queen that it was the gods will.

When Mount Olympus was defiled by Darkseid, Menalippe and her Queen and Princess were transported to the Mount to hear the decision taken by the Gods to leave this plane and regain their strength. This would mean that Menalippe connection with them would be broken.

Years later Menalippe was among the first of the Amazons to be corrupted by the Goddess of Discord, Eris. When the goddess attacked Themyscira while it hosted visitors from mans world, most prominently including Lois Lane. When Eris was defeated, Menalippe fell into a deep depression that she could have been swayed so easily by the Golden Apple of Discord. It was when the Amazons decided to visit the world of man, that Menalippe' spirits were lifted after an apology and gratitude from Hermes, the messenger god. Her spirit restored, she followed her Queen and sisters to the United States.

When the witch Circe unleashed her God War, Menalippe was wounded by Circe's allies, the Bana-Mighdall Amazons. Suffering a bullet wound, she was returned to Themyscira for treatment where she was shocked into awareness that the Gods had returned to this plane. And that there was an all out war between different pantheons, flamed by Circe. When Wonder Woman was killed by Circe, Menalippe instructed the Queen to reform her in the clay, just as she had years before, and she could live again. Circe was determined to stop her and fired a bolt of energy down to Themyscira to destroy the island. Superman deflected much of the bolts energy but it continued towards Themyscira and the Queen. Menalippe threw herself in the path of the bolt saving the Queen but at the cost of her own life.

She was given a warriors funeral by her sisters and her ashes were scattered around Themyscira's seas. She was succeeded as oracle by her beloved lover Penelope.

New 52

In the new 52 Menalippe is first seen in flashback in the beginning of Darkseid war. She's said to be Hippolyta's favorite oracle. She had foreseen all the births of the night when mysterious Darkseid's daughter was born, but nothing beyond that one. Because that she had demanded to be there when she had been born and was one of the two Amazons on the scene during Darkseid's daughter's birth. Right after she had been born Menalippe was able to see into future again. She saw the coming Darkseid war and one of the reasons for it: Grail, Darkseid's daughter. Because this she demanded the death of Grail, but before she or the other Amazon during the birth could do anything Grail's mother Myrina killed them both. She later took their bodies with her.

Wonder Woman (2017)

Menalippe will be portrayed by Lisa Loven Kongsli.

Powers and Abilities

As a Amazon Menalippe possess following abilities:

  • Superhuman Strength
  • Superhuman Durability
  • Superhuman Speed
  • Superhuman Stamina
  • Superhuman Agility/Reflexes
  • Healing Factor
  • Immortality
  • Extrasensory Perception: She also possess some extrasensory abilities like precognition and was said to be Hippolyta's favorite oracle.

Also all Amazons are highly trained and skilled in many different kinds of battle techniques.

Amazon Family

Queen Hippolyta, ruler of Themyscira.

Princess Diana , Wonder Woman

Phillipus, general and former co-ruler of Paradise Island.

Artemis, of Bana-Mighdall, Bana warrior, former co-ruler of Paradise Island and former Wonder Woman.

Donna Troy, the first Wonder Girl and member of the Titans of Myth, Queen Hippolyta's adopted daughter.

The Amazons, of Themyscira.


February 1987

March 1987

June 1987

August 1987

November 1987

December 1987

January 1988

March 1988

October 1988

November 1988

December 1988

July 1989

September 1989

October 1989

November 1989

December 1989

January 1990

February 1990

March 1990

April 1990

November 1990

January 1991

February 1991

March 1991

July 1991

August 1991

September 1991

December 1991










Died in issues



