
Maurice Puanteur

Maurice Puanteur
Real name:
Maurice Puanteur
Birth date:

Maurice Puanteur was the CEO of a pharmaceutical french company. When his researchers found a chemical than could cause a revolution in the parfum industry, Puanteur forced his main researcher, Andre Monteau, to keep the investigation going on and make the trials in humans depiste the warnings of the scientist, who warned him of the dangers in human health.

Because of this experiments, Chantal D'Aramis, one investigator died of a cancer caused by the chemicals, not before she gave birth to the twin sisters Vivien and Constance. Andre thentake care of the twins as her daughters and when thetwins were older he revealed the circunstances of their mother's death.

In a justified rage, the twins and Andre went on a campaign to destroy Puanteur company, successfully. But when Andre confronted Puanteur, the failed CEO shot the scientist and dissapeared from the public view, now becoming a wanted criminal.

Depiste his fall from grace, insome way , Puanteur became the leader of a cult in London, who werecapable to control a race of giant worms. As a way to reach revenge against Vivian D'Aramis, Puanteur manipulated their followers and set Vivian as a potential sacrifice t the worms. However he didn't count with the fact than the other sister wasn't dead, as he believed and in the end, Puanteur himself fell victim of the worms.

That was not his end. Puanteur survived the attack of the worms by transforming himself in a mutated hybrid human and worm by exposing himself to unknown chemicals. His opportunity for revenge came when Vivian fake her death to join her criminal paramour, Le Fantome. Puanteur kidnapped Vivian and awaited until Metamorpho, Le Fantome and Constance D'Aramis went to rescue her. Unfortunatelly for Vivian, Puanteur achieve his revenge, killing her and her husband. His desire for more payback was incomplete, because the local police arrived in time to kill him under a hail of bullets.


February 1991

March 1991

April 1991

September 1995

October 1995



Died in issues



Enemy teams