
Mark Moonrider

Mark Moonrider

A New God and the leader of the Forever People.

Mark Moonrider
Real name:
Mark Moonrider
Birth date:
  • Blast Power
  • Leadership
  • Unarmed Combat


Mark Moonrider was raised on New Genesis alongside his close friend Dreamer. He attended the Academy of Higher Conscience, though he chafed at the strict rules and regulations of New Genesis. Following his graduation he jumped at the chance to leave the planet and travel to Earth, where he would lead the ongoing mission to support Earth's evolutionary process with his fellow graduates, the Forever People.


Mark Moonrider was created by Jack Kirby. He was rebooted by Dan DiDio and Keith Giffen.

Character Evolution

Bronze Age

When he was introduced in the Bronze Age, Mark was a member of the New Gods who was raised on New Genesis alongside his close friends, with whom he would later form the Forever People. When one of the Forever People, Beautiful Dreamer, was kidnapped by Darkseid as part of the war on the New Gods, Mark and the rest of the Forever People went to Earth to rescue her. There, they received aid from Superman, and also from a cosmic being they summoned with their Mother Box, called Infinity Man. After rescuing Beautiful Dreamer, Mark and the rest of the Forever People decided to remain on Earth in order to explore the planet and their own pasts. This version of the character was a powerful and self-assured leader and expert strategist.

Modern Age

in the early Modern Age he and the other Forever People were retconned to Earth-born humans, who would have died as infants if not for the intervention of the New Gods, who took the children to New Genesis and raised them there. His human roots were later retconned, and he was re-established as a member of the New Gods. After this retcon, he was also implied to be an example of the next evolutionary step for New Gods.

New 52

The New 52 introduced the character's current origin and powers. It also introduced his rebelliousness and self-doubt.

Major Story Arcs

The Forever People

In their self-titled series, Mark adventured with the Forever People, often fighting Darkseid, who was determined to eliminate the group. During an encounter with Devilance the Pursuer, Mark teleports to the distant planet of Adon along with his friends, in place of Infinity Man. He is trapped on Adon when Infinity Man is apparently destroyed in the battle with Devilance, who is similarly destroyed. On Adon, he helps to found the city of Forevertown, and soon becomes it's first mayor. He also marries a local, Mina, and together they have three children, named Wendy, Merry and Starlight. After a battle with the Dark, his wife and children and all that had happened on Adon are wiped out of existence.

Death of the New Gods

During the Death of the New Gods, Mark is killed by Infinity Man, as are the other members of the Forever People. He is revealed to have been dead for some time prior to the discovery of his body, as were the rest of his teammates.

Infinity Man and the Forever People

Working with the Forever People on Earth, Mark becomes increasingly uncertain of his role in the universe. He repeatedly clashes with Vykin, who is much more dedicated to the strict ways of New Genesis. He nonetheless intervenes in a fight between Vykin and the Red Lantern Guy Gardner, preventing further damage to either party. He is later attacked by the Femmes Fatales, who seek to kidnap Dreamer. He refuses to help them, and is killed by Enchanthrax. He is apparently resurrected by Dreamer, who whispers the Anti-Life Equation to him.

Alternate Versions

Amalgam Universe

A version of Mark Moonrider appears in the Amalgam Universe, as a member of the Un-People, a team created by the amalgamation of the Forever People and the Inhumans. This version of the character was called Medusa Moonrider, and she was an amalgamation of Mark and Medusa.

Gods and Monsters

A character physically resembling Mark appears among a number of other so-called "Forever People," the result of genetic manipulations to make old and decrepit humans young and superhumanly powerful.

Powers and Abilities

As a New God, he has all the powers and abilities inherent to his race, including the ability to sense fluctuation in the Source. As well, he possesses a "Megaton Touch," which allows him to project bolts of energy from his hands. He can vary the intensity of these bolts for a variety of effects, from tremendous explosions to gentle shocks.

Weapons and Equipment

He also has access to a Mother Box and a Super-Cycle, both of which he shares with the other Forever People.

Other Media


Justice League

Mark Moonrider made a cameo appearance at the end of the Justice League episode "Twilight Part 2"

Young Justice

Young Justice
Young Justice

Mark Moonrider appears alongside the other Forever People in the Young Justice episode "Disordered". His costume, like those of his companions, was significantly altered from the original appearance. He goes by the simplified name of "Moonrider". He does not speak during the episode, and appears to have relinquished, lost or never held the leadership role on the team. This role is instead apparently held by Vykin.


March 1971

May 1971

July 1971

September 1971

November 1971

January 1972

March 1972

May 1972

July 1972

September 1972

November 1972

August 1978

April 1986

March 1987

February 1988

March 1988

April 1988

May 1988

June 1988

July 1988

August 1988

March 1989

May 1989

June 1989

January 1990

March 1991

April 1991

February 1992

March 1992



























Enemy teams