


Former high ranked general in New Genesis who was born in Apokolips but rescued along with the Wheel by Highfather, lover of Dia. Betrayed Highfather in favor of the Lanterns when he began to brainwash Lanterns and conscript them unwillingly into his private army with the Life Equation.

Real name:
Birth date:
  • Blast Power
  • Energy Based Constructs
  • Invulnerability
  • Leadership
  • Super Strength
  • Teleport
  • Weapon Master
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Mission from High-Father:

Originally a warrior from Apokolips, Malhedron and the Wheel left the armies of Darkseid due to the latter's ruthless tyranny and sought instead to serve under the more benevolent New-Genesis. This choice worked out well for Malhedron, his battle prowess and skill earning him the title of General in High-Father's army.

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As beings who have studied the unbreachable source wall for countless millennium, it shook New Genesis to its foundation to learn that the source wall had been bypassed and was now leaking energy into the current universe. High-Father himself went to go investigate this new phenomenon with Metron where they learned that the light of the 7 lanterns United broke through the source. Immediately, Malhedron and the 7 other councilmen were summoned by High-Father to head the war on the Lantern Corps of all spectrums. The prize? The Life-equation phenomena caused by their united rings, able to make Gods of men and tip the scales in the eternal war against Darkseid.

Each of the council members had been tasked with getting a different spectrum and Malhedron was assigned to securing a Red Lantern ring. Upon finding the Red Lantern Mal gave them a choice to fight or give up the ring, the Red lantern choosing to willingly give it up but in exchange doing a few last good deeds with their Superpowers, a choice Malhedron kindly allowed. After the Red lantern murdered human traffickers & freed the people that were held hostage, she gave the ring to Malhedron but due to the Red ring taking the place of a user's heart she died in his arms, with Malhedron proclaiming "Thank you for this. You deserved better".

High-Father, Lord of the Rings
High-Father, Lord of the Rings

Upon completing his task, Malhedron returned to New Genesis where each of the War council delivered their assigned ring to High-father. He completed his Scepter specifically designed to harness all of the lanterns energy as one, and invited his council to view a showing of it's power... on a Sentinent nation. Viewing their world as primitive and pitiful, High-Father fired what he thought was the Life-equation at the population to make them as lesser Gods (enhanced Strength/Speed/Durability/Longevity/etc.) and while the combined light indeed enhanced their stats to frightening levels, it turned the entire world (even plants) into mindless beasts capable of harming lanterns. After Metron speculated the reason it failed was due to lack of a White ring (as opposed to just the White light), High-Father used this as an example of just how dangerous this power is in the wrong hands... and tasked his war council to kill all mortal lanterns so they wouldn't abuse that enormous power.

Malhedron takes on Guy Gardner
Malhedron takes on Guy Gardner

High-Father = Darkseid?

After leaving High Father's presence, Malhedron gathered his New God team and chose to target another Red Lantern. Except he lucked up this time and found their leader, Guy Gardner. Malhedron single-handedly went to confront Guy but was challenged by a newly Super-powered warlord, who Malhedron effortlessly dealt with. Turning his back attention to Guy (and having his team watch the fallen opponent) Malhedron overpowered Guy just as effortlessly (Guy was putting alot into his attacks, going from 72% charge to 45% in 2 panels) and was about to kill him until Guy's old Green Lantern buddy Simon Baz scooped him up and saved him. Informing Guy that these New Gods were wrecking whole squadrons and that they couldn't win this fight, Simon was prepared to leave when Guy insisted they may not win but it'll give other less work if the take at least one down (much to Simon's dismay). Seeing his opponents teaming up, Malhedron united with the Wheel together one-shot them with a blast but were called away before they could finish the two.

High-father's new power
High-father's new power

Coming immediately from battle, Malhedron is shown why High-Father is so eager to see him.. the Life Equation is now in hand. Displaying its power before Malhedron, High-Father gets exactly the answer he's looking for... it's more powerful than anything Malhedron has seen over on Apokolip's battlefield. Confirming this, Malhedron inquires if he has any concerns about so much of an advantage to which High-Father quickly ends the discussion not wishing to think about anything but winning, a foreshadowing sentiment that Malhedron knows well.

After leaving High-Father's presence, Malhedron and Dia (his Apokolips partner and member of the Wheel) discuss the similarities between Darkseid and High-father when power is involved. Malhedron reflects on when he left Apokolips due questions not being allowed to be asked and thinking he had finally found a "good" leader, while Dia believes there are no good leaders. Malhedron says good or not, they will fight as they always have and before they can bathe in their new reality Guy and Simon Boomtube into their room, a mistake they regret nearly instantly. The lanterns are effortlessly one-shotted, but before being killed High-Father pulls another miracle and saves them, much to the frustration of Mal. High-Father says it's wise to see how they invaded New Genesis as opposed to killing the outright so Malhedron abides and continues with the night with Dia.

Malhedron prepares to save the heroes
Malhedron prepares to save the heroes

Standing against High-Father

With new reservations about his unquestionable leader, Malhedron was summoned to witness the forceful transformation of Lanterns into New Gods via the Life-equation. Watching the first batch transformed up close, Malhedron was still on the fence about this plan when he heard something that tipped the scales towards rebellion... the Heroes of Earth would all be rewritten against their will to destroy Darskeid. Having heard this power driven "By any means" mindset from Darkseid himself, Malhedron jumped in the way of the blast intended for the lanterns and took the full force of the attack. High-Father was of course baffled that the young man he took in from Apokolips would turn on him, with Malhedron replying "I did not escape one Tyrant only to serve another" before Boomtubing the lanterns away.

Boomtubes the Lanterns away & helps them plan
Boomtubes the Lanterns away & helps them plan

After helping the heroes escape (in the process making himself an enemy of his home), when they ask why & he explains his history with Darkseid and High-Father's recent similarities due attaining the Life Equation. After the group asks for further help to get to the source wall (strategic reasons), Malhedron explains it was painful enough to betray High-Father that one time and says the heroes could be dropped off in their universe but nothing more. John Stuart convinces him and he drops off the group wishing them much luck in stopping High- Father, while he himself did one more good deed.

Saves his former enemies, Guy & Simon
Saves his former enemies, Guy & Simon

After Guy (like a damn boss) overpowers a Miracle cell, him and Simon nearly die due to using all their energy in one burst but Malhedron comes and cuts off the plasma burst surrounding the cell so the lanterns survive, though initially they suspect their own luck. Before the pair rush off to save their friends, he explains to them his reason for the change of heart and as a way to atone for their previous encounters and offers to transfer them where they need to go one last time. After reaching their final destination, Simon asks for help from Malhedron which (given his outcast/wanted status) gets a strict no and he informs the duo that he will be going off the grid since he had fulfilled his goal.

2 Mighty swings counter over half of a Red Lantern's total energy
2 Mighty swings counter over half of a Red Lantern's total energy

Powers and Abilities:

Malhedron is a general in High-Father's army & one of the 8 council members in a group including Orion/Lightray/Bekka. As such he is one of the most powerful New Gods, with such feats including:

  • One-shotting a villian that Guy was about to take on
  • Energy blast is strong enough to One-shot Guy (it's implied Malhedron wasn't even trying)
  • One-shots Guy again
  • Still standing after a blast from High-father's powerful weapon.


December 2014

January 2015

February 2015







