
Luca Del Portenza

Luca Del Portenza

The son of Erica Alexandra Del Portenza. He inherited his mother's immortality, but, in his case, it only brought him tragedy.

Luca Del Portenza
Real name:
Luca Del Portenza
Birth date:
  • Immortal

Born in 1812 Spain to Massimo and Erica del Portenza, the gentle and innocent Luca inherited his mother's immortality.

In 1818, Massimo willingly offered up the 6-year old Luca for sacrifice to the Carbonari, a Spanish cult he was a member of. The cult's leader, Paolo Priora, knew of Luca's immortality, and Luca's sacrifice would grant Paolo youth and immortality. The ritual went wrong, however. Paolo instead died, and Luca's once-gentle soul was corrupted by Paolo's evil.

In 1829, upon Luca's 17th birthday, Massimo recruited Luca into the Carbonari at the behest of Paolo's son and heir, Stefano Priora. Upon initiation into the cult, Luca slaughtered Massimo and the entire cult, save Stefano.

After this incident, Luca traveled the world with his mother, whom continuously tried to temper Luca's savagery. Instead, Luca continued killing anyone he chose to. He saw humanity as inferiors that needed "saving" from life.

In 1851, Luca discovered guns and war. At this time, he decided to leave his mother and fight in as many wars as he could to kill as many as he could.

In 1899, the still-living Stefano recruited Luca's immortal mother in an effort to end the death that Luca had been unleashing upon the world over the previous 70 years. Stefano and Erica managed to encase Luca in a block of ice on the secluded island of St. Agethe.

Little did Erica know, Stefano kept the frozen Luca alive instead of killing him. By sacrificing people to Luca, Stefano was able to leach the imprisoned immortal's lifespan, keeping Stefano alive for the next century.

a possessed Luca fights Superman
a possessed Luca fights Superman

In 1999, Lex Luthor had arrived on St. Agethe with his infant daughter, Lena. Stefano sensed that Lena, who's mother was Erica del Portenza, was also an immortal. Stefano manipulated Luthor into recovering the frozen body of Luca and relocate him to Metropolis. Once there, Erica learned of Luca's fate and attempted to kill him once and for all, but instead inadvertently set him free. Superman was on the scene, and Luca immediately engaged him in battle through the streets of Metropolis.

During the chaos, Stefano convinced Erica that Lena Luthor needed to be sacrificed in order to stop Luca's rampage. Erica, however, deduced Stefano's true intentions - to replace Luca with Lena as Stefano's source of immortality. Erica then forced Stefano into the sacrificial circle instead, killing Stefano and turning Luca to dust.


May 1999

February 2000




Died in issues


