


Kordax is an ancestor of Aquaman, who was imprisoned for the crimes he had committed. He is the reason his people have a superstitious fear of those born with yellow hair. Kordax was eventually freed by Koryak, the illegitimate son of Aquaman. Kordax was later killed by Aquaman.

Real name:
  • Kordax the destroyer
Birth date:
  • Adaptive
  • Agility
  • Animal Control
  • Healing
  • Implants
  • Invulnerability
  • Leadership
  • Longevity
  • Stamina
  • Sub-Mariner
  • Super Hearing
  • Super Sight
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Swordsmanship
  • Telepathy


Kordax is still spoken of in hushed tones by the citizens of Atlantis. Born to Queen Cora of Poseidonis but abandoned at birth due to his grotesque green scaled body, Kordax survived in the ocean thanks to his mental control over sea creatures. As an adult he returned to Atlantis leading and army of sharks in a failed bid for the throne. His punishment included the loss of his left hand (replaced with a sword) and banishment. Kordax's legend survived an Atlantean superstition regarding blonde hair, referred to as the "curse of Kordax." Many ages later, Kordax returned when Poseidonian refugees disturbed his exile in the tunnels beneath the city of Tritonis. Defeated by Aquaman, Kordax fell on his own sword rather than live with the shame.

Major Story Arcs

Deep Dives

After Flashpoint and the events derived from it such as the New 52 and Rebirth, this character has reappeared within the pages of Aquaman - Deep Dives.

Aquaman, Mera, and the Sea Devils respond to an SOS warning coming from an Atlantean city run by Noble. When they arrive there they realize that the city is attacked by The Trench without provocation. After solving the situation and saving Noble, Arthur finds a single clue: Scorpio's name. Later, Aquaman and the Sea Devils find a Scorpio bared submarine. Upon investigation, they accidentally activate a robot that is about to attack another nearby Atlantean city. After a combined attack between Arthur, the Devils and the citizens of Atlantis, the robot is defeated, in addition to discovering where Scorpio's base is located. After this, the leader of Scorpio, Number One, decides that it is time to show up. Vulko warns Aquaman that various riots are taking place throughout the Kingdom. So this is aimed at stopping such disputes. The Sea Devils head to Scorpio's base and there they meet Tula. As they prepare to attack, Number One enters the scene, which is none other than Kordax. Tula dives headfirst into him along with the Devils, but is easily defeated. After this, Aquaman throws himself against his ancestor, and after an important physical and psychic battle, Arthur defeats Kordax and ending his attacks against Atlantis.

Powers and Abilities

Kordax is more powerful than normal Atlanteans, due to his heritage.


Kordax possesses telepathy powerful enough to match Aquaman. When the two fought they released a psychic wave so powerful that it caused pain to every living aquatic creature on Earth. He was even able to mind-control the entire population of the city of Poseidonis, including taking control of Aquaman's son Koryak.

Atlantean Physiology (Evolved)

Kordax has greater superhuman powers than most Atlanteans, due to his royal bloodline and the fact that he was more evolved than any other Atlantean.

He has the ability to breathe underwater, possesses superhuman durability, and is strong enough to be invulnerable to gun fire. He also possesses superhuman strength. He is Hydrodynamic and able to swim and navigate to the waters at high speeds with ease. He can also sea and hear without trouble at the bottom of the ocean.

Long Lifespan

Kordax has a lifespan that extends to thousands of years.

Sword Hand

As punishment for his crimes against Atlantis, Kordax had his left hand removed by his mother, the queen. He replaced it with a sword of Atlantean origin. The Sword-Hand is durable enough to deflect Atlantean weaponry and pierce Atlantean armor. Kordax is very skilled with it, to the point he can take on and defeat multiple Atlantean soldiers at the same time, being born and partially raised in the warrior oriented Atlantean society.


Kordax also possesses amazing and unnatural reflexes. He was able to deflect projectiles with his sword hand and even cause bullets to ricochet back at their shooter.


Kordax has natural leadership skills. Twice he has managed to rally large forces against the Atlantean establishment, and proved to be a capable leader. He is also quite cunning having used the knowledge of his surroundings to his advantage and set traps to defeat his opponents.


June 1990

July 1990

September 1990

December 1993

December 1995

January 1996

March 1996

May 1996

June 1996

July 1996

August 1996

September 1996

October 1996

June 1997

May 2006

May 2020

June 2020







Died in issues





Enemy teams