
King Trench

King Trench

King of the Trench, a canibalistic underwater race that might be one of the seven lost kingdoms of Atlantis.

King Trench
Real name:
Birth date:
  • Adaptive
  • Agility
  • Chemical Secretion
  • Claws
  • Feral
  • Invulnerability
  • Leadership
  • Longevity
  • Poisonous
  • Stamina
  • Sub-Mariner
  • Super Eating
  • Super Hearing
  • Super Sight
  • Super Strength
  • Telepathy
  • Unarmed Combat


King of the Trench, an underwater race that was once part of the Atlantean continent, before being destroyed by Atlan. At that point the Trench were normal Atlanteans, but after the sinking they evolved to a canibalistic underwater race, trapped for many years below the bottom of the ocean.


King Trench was created by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis. His first appearance was in Aquaman #1.

Major Story Arcs

The Trench

After the Trench break free from their centures old entrapment below the bottom of the ocean they seek food and attacka coast city near Aquaman's lighthouse. Aquaman and Mera fight them and then track them and the king of Atlantis defeats them when he seals them again below the bottom of the ocean, by collapsing an entire underwater mountainside on top of them. During their fights King Trench manages to fight off and injure Aquaman in one occasion.

The Others

A statue of the Trench is discovered by Black Manta in a hidden Atlantean temple and King Trench is depicted, implying he is possibly hundreds of years old.

Throne of Atlantis

The Trench are freed again by Vulko with the help of an extremely powerful Atlantean artifact and used to attack both the Justice League and the Atlantean armies who have been tricked into a conflict.

They are again led by King Trench, but he seems to be killed when Ocean Master impales him with his magical trident.

After that Aquaman, now in possesion of the artifact, forces them to retreat back into the ocean.

Death of a King

The Trench appear again when Aquaman calls them to help him defeat the thousand years old Dead King who had sunk Atlantis, centuries ago. The King of the Trench can be seen on the cover of Aquaman #25.

Powers and Abilities

King Trench posseses all the abilities common to his race, but on a much greater degree in adition to being physically bigger and more powerful. He also possesses characteristic scars on his body and tentacle like extensions on his face that are unique to him among the Trench (possibly showcasing his status as the king).

Superhuman Strength

King Trench posseses a great degree of superhuman strength, allowing him to go toe to toe with Aquaman both on land and underwater.

Superhuman Durability

He posseses a great degree of superhuman durability, being able to take a lot of punishment by Aquaman.

Underwater Adaptation

He can function normally underwater and is able to withstand the high pressures and extreme temperatures of the deep. He can also function normally on land.

Enhanced Speed / Agility / Jump

King Trench has shown the ability to move much faster than humans on land and is extremely agile being able to counter some of Aquaman's hits and even stop his Trident mid swing on one occasion. He can also leap very high shooting out of water, like all the members of the Trench.

Enhanced Senses

He can see and hear normally underwater, even at the bottom of the ocean in complete darkness.

Claws / Teeth

He has razor sharp claws that can tear up humans and scratch Aquaman's skin. His teeth are strong enough to bite through Aquaman's scale armor and pierce his skin drawing blood.

Poison Secretion

He can spew poison from his mouth that can paralyze humans, although Aquaman was unafacted by it. The Trench poison is strong enough to keep Superman and Wonder Woman sedated.

Cocoon Creation

He can create a cocoon to carry his food alive underwater.


King Trench is very long lived, possibly hundreds of years old.


He is the leader of the Trench and they follow his every command.

Unarmed Combat

He was shown as a very fierce and capable fighter with a lot of experience (as signified by his many old battle scars). He was able to hold his own against Aquaman for quite some time.


Being a member of the Trench he has to consume his own weight multiple times over, although he does not seem to share their weakness to heat on the degree the rest of the Trench do

Enhanced Consumption

A normal Trench must consume the equivalent of 20-30 times it's own weight to survive, although that remains to be see in the case of King Trench.


November 2011

December 2011

January 2012

February 2012

February 2013

March 2013

April 2013

January 2014

September 2022

December 2022

January 2023








Enemy teams