
Kindred Marx

Kindred Marx

Founder and manager of the Even Horizon, a cosmically travelling rave.

Kindred Marx
Real name:
Kindred Marx
Birth date:
  • Intellect
  • Leadership
  • Power Item
  • Teleport

Kindred Marx came from a world where everybody have a twin brother. He and his brother Kindred Grim found their soulmates in the sisters Kindred Sol and Kindred Blue. However before the wedding the brides were attacked and Kindred Blue was killed. Traumatized, Kindred Sol run away. Grim blamed Marx for the death of Blu and became enemy of his brother.

As Sol had the same teleportation powers as Grim and Marx, Kindred Marx created the Event Horoznt rave with the hope of attract the attention of Sol in the vast universe. He chosed super-powered teens to whom he bestowed a hand stamp to invite them to the rave and gave them understanding of the different alien languages they talked. However Kindred Grim under the guise of Jack Nebula accossed Marx and his rave untiringly. It don't help the illegal activities of Marx, than put the police forces InterCEPT and the Darkstars after his trail, until being caught and put in prision. Marx then disbanded the rave, but used the Genesis crisis to escape with the help of Superboy and Aura. Then Marx reopened the rave.

The final confrontation against Grim would be when Marx discovered than Grim had captured Sol in the antimatter universe of Qward. Grim had allied himself with the Predator and wanted to absorb the power of Sol and Marx, in the same way he already have had done it with Kindred Blue. Grim wanted to merge the universe of matter and the antimatter universe of Qward in one dimension. This alerted the forces of InterCEPT and the Ravers who were recruited by Marx to save her. However Grim had absorbed to much of the energy of Sol until almost killed her. Marx, in an act of compassion, unusual for him, gave Sol his own energy and powers to save his life. With renovated vigor, Sol and Rex, the Wonder dog, distracted Grim for a moment but enough to make his plans fail.

Now reunited with Sol and lacking the power to keep the rave on, Marx decided to retire, asking the ravers to lie to the forces of InterCEPT, by telling them than he and Sol had died in the fight.


September 1996

October 1996

November 1996

January 1997

February 1997

March 1997

April 1997

July 1997

August 1997

September 1997

October 1997

November 1997

December 1997

January 1998

February 1998

March 1998

May 1998








Friendly teams

Enemy teams